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Black Prophecy NDA - oZoneRanger - 12-25-2010

played some today...The Hud and the Ship controls, map system and flying are very similar to Allegiance.
Made my pc crash twice...still dont know why.. but hey..Ill give it an hour a day..and see how it shapes far C+ product.

If they keep that first Turret mission that way they are going to loose a bunch of people...that part sucked.


Black Prophecy NDA - [Cerberus] Illusive Man - 12-25-2010

' Wrote:I played it few hours. I wouldn't call it beta yet. At the moment it doesn't worth playing.

Agreed, I only played the thing for like 15 minutes, made some missions, upgraded my ship and I went out from the game, too much bugs.

Black Prophecy NDA - Dantrithor - 12-25-2010

It's a beta. It -will- have bugs, and it's your duty as a beta tester to analyze and report them.

Black Prophecy NDA - kingvaillant - 12-25-2010

Graphics are good.
Interface/dealers/items/etc are good, plenty of stuff.
Voice narration is starting to appear but seems...lifeless. Sadly
Ships maneuvering (ship goes back to 0 speed unless you keep your finger on "w" which is an annoyance to me) and NPC behavior (They simply always end up circling around you and you can't hit them unless you loose speed) are weird.

Storyline lacks appeal and dept.

In short, it has quite a fair bit of content, but IMO it severely lacks the spirit. Bugs are problematic, but this is just a<strike>n alpha</strike> beta.

Black Prophecy NDA - Cond0r - 12-25-2010

' Wrote:Ships maneuvering (ship goes back to 0 speed unless you keep your finger on "w" which is an annoyance to me)....
You can set the speed of the ship just like on FL. You can increase it or decrease it so that it moves at that exact speed without you having to hold w. The default buttons are "9" and some else I believe, though Im not sure, I just set my "Increase and decrease" throttle to the mouse wheel.

Black Prophecy NDA - Xenosaga - 12-25-2010

I played the Beta for a short time. Of course, it is extremely bugged, but it is a Beta afterall.
However, the steering was pain in the bum, the mouse steering is absolutely horrible and unprecise. HUD is too small imo. The whole GUI is not lucid. Targeting something is a pain.
I do not know wether I just got used too much to FL, but this game is just painful to play. The steering, the GUI, everything.

Black Prophecy NDA - oZoneRanger - 12-26-2010

Yea... I get that when you agree to beta test agree to note down all Bugs you find and report them....
If in the 1st hour of playing I found 30 bugs....How much of my time do I donate? It should have been much cleaner than it is. I would suspect that apart from the Beta testing they are also seeing how much interest it generates and what kinda feedback it gets.

Yea the whole system to system Navigation thing needs a spruce (everything else is so pretty but the animated transition to another systems leaves you with a "That is it?" ) and it takes to long to engage...leaves you there in space thinking..."Is this another bug? do I press I not? we go...but?...why did we go? did I press something this time i didn't last time?

Black Prophecy NDA - oZoneRanger - 12-28-2010

Ok...the bugs are working them selves out...and...once you get the Steering thing down..your cool....Im enjoying the SP missions...but when I get into sector with a heavy player load...I lag....badly...

Some Tips:

Reset your flight controls.
I put the speed up down on my mouse wheel ( was 6 and 7)
I took the Mouse mode out of space bar put it on my mouse 4 button......( to much hitting it while in a fire fight..sucked)

Kansa Mission...anyone passed that yet? Please explain how... I get the large Transport down..but then the 6 fighters hammer me to death....

Dont like having to get a GAmigo account just to post on their fourms.

I did read a bunch of nice comments about Disco Freelancer mod from players posting there...and read how some where going to reinstall and check out the mod.

Cheers and REspects

Black Prophecy NDA - SeaFalcon - 12-28-2010

I played it for 2hours.

While undergoing my 7th game crash in 2 hours I was done.

It's just way to buggy to even be able to 'test' it as a 'beta tester'.

The overal laggy controls also made me very annoyed.

It needs a lot of work and fine tuning before it would be able to be handed out to the world.

Black Prophecy NDA - ivr56 - 02-28-2011

The Clsoed Beta went open :yahoo:

Only European servers at the moment. Downloading once i get home.