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Omicron Supply Industries Armament Services (iRP) - Printable Version

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Omicron Supply Industries Armament Services (iRP) - vitorss - 01-20-2011

May I have 6 ZT-9 gunboat Turrets? Thank you.

Omicron Supply Industries Armament Services (iRP) - Daedric - 01-20-2011

[Image: crosstrans.png]
To: Syrus Daljesk

We've got the turrets in stock. Contact me via private comms to arrange an exchange.

Pick up at Freeport 14 will be: 4,380,000sc
Delivery to Freeport 2 or Freeport 1: 6,000,000sc

Purchase of the turrets includes the required license.
[Image: transmissionbottomf.png]

Omicron Supply Industries Armament Services (iRP) - Daedric - 01-20-2011

[Image: crosstrans.png]
To: David Cogworks

Exactly how many turrets will you be needing? I will be frank with you, if you use them to attack any of the house militarys or police agencies I'll revoke the license.
[Image: transmissionbottomf.png]

Omicron Supply Industries Armament Services (iRP) - Daedric - 01-20-2011

[Image: crosstrans.png]
To: Kaufmann

Contact me via private comms to arrange an exchange, the cost for either pick up or delivery is listed below. Purchase price includes the required license.

Pick up at Freeport 14 will be: 4,380,000sc
Delivery to Freeport 2 or Freeport 1: 6,000,000sc
[Image: transmissionbottomf.png]

Omicron Supply Industries Armament Services (iRP) - Toan Varcona - 01-24-2011

' Wrote:
[Image: lrglogo1.png]

Omicron Supply Industries is proud to announce the opening of our Armament Service. This service is open to any and all that have the required credits. Currently we only offer a selection of Zoner equipment and open market equipment. We plan on expanding our service to include prototype codename weaponry. Any orders can be picked up from our headquarters on Freeport 14 in Yukon, and for a modest fee we can deliver them to most stations in Sirius.

Current weapon inventory includes:
  • ZT-5 Cruiser Turret - 750,000 sc

  • ZT-9 Gunboat Turret - 730,000 sc

  • ZT-1 Battleship Turret - 2,100,000 sc

  • ZT-2 Battleship Secondary Turret - 2,100,000 sc

  • ZT43-4 Fury 4 Photon Blaster - 150,000 sc

  • ZT43-5 Fury 5 Photon Blaster - 180,000 sc

  • Mini Razor Tachyon-Antimatter Cannon - 5,000,000 sc

  • AN-3 Supernova Antimatter Cannon - 8,000,000 sc

  • ANC-2 Nova Antimatter Torpedo Launcher - 2,600,000 sc
Current equipment inventory includes:
  • C10-B Battleship Shield Generators - 15,000,000 sc

  • C10-C Cruiser Shield Generators - 4,000,000 sc

  • C8-G Gunboat Shield Generators - 3,000,000 sc

  • C10-HF Heavy Fighter Shield Generators - 650,000 sc

  • C9-HF Heavy Fighter Shield Generators - 300,000 sc

  • C7-T Transport Shield Generators - 2,000,00 sc
Current fighter and bomber inventory includes:

Please contact us via private comms for fighter/bomber pricing.
  • CTE-6000 Eagle Open Market Very Heavy Fighter
  • SV-17 Virage Open Market Very Heavy Fighter
  • CTE-HF Kingfisher Open Market Heavy Fighter
  • BYC Marauder Open Market Heavy Fighter
  • CTE-1500 Hawk Open Market Light Fighter
  • CTE-19000 Roc Open Market Bomber
  • Series Z Sabre Border Worlds Very Heavy Fighter
  • Series QX Switchblade Border Worlds Heavy Fighter
  • Series CX Scimitar Border Worlds Light Fighter
  • Series ZX Falcata Border Worlds Bomber
We also offer package deals combining any of our fine products. Contact us via private comms for details.

All transmissions are encrypted to insure maximum security and anonymity. All products are produced by OSI and come with a limited warranty. Prices are subject to change. OSI retains the right to refuse service to anyone.

Greetings this is freelancer Ayumi Speaking
i would like to request permission to use 5 of your finely crafted zoner gunboat turrets for defence purposes only (myself and those who i am escorting)
thse basic turrets i am using at the moment are not enough to protect the innocent in such a hostile place
i fully understand the terms of use and i am in complete agreement with these terms
look forward to your reply
many thanks Ayumi

Omicron Supply Industries Armament Services (iRP) - Daedric - 01-26-2011

[Image: crosstrans.png]
To: Ayumi

Contact me via private comms to arrange an exchange, the cost for either pick up or delivery is listed below. Purchase price includes the required license.

Pick up at Freeport 14 will be: 3,650,000sc
Delivery to Freeport 2 or Freeport 1: 5,000,000sc
[Image: transmissionbottomf.png]

Omicron Supply Industries Armament Services (iRP) - Uzed - 01-31-2011

SOURCE: ORI-|RA"-[asc]
SUBJECT: Zoner Weaponery

Dear Sir,
due to current circumstances i am in need of Zoner Battleship Weapons.
I would like to order

13 Zoner Battleship Primary Turrets

best delivered to FP 9

And i wonder if you also sell Zoner Missile Turrets (2) and a Mortar (1)


von Uz


Omicron Supply Industries Armament Services (iRP) - Daedric - 01-31-2011

[Image: crosstrans.png]
To: Captain von Uz

Hola captain, I've recently received reports from a subsidiary of ours. The report indicates that ORI-|RA"-[asc] is a Jinkusu, which of course is of Zoner origin. If you are able to have a Jinkusu then you no doubt have access to the designs of Zoner weaponry. It would be cheaper for you to acquire them from the arms dealer on Lividia rather than from OSI. We'd have to transport them halfway across the sector. Due to the risk that presents our prices would be steep.
[Image: transmissionbottomf.png]

Omicron Supply Industries Armament Services (iRP) - Uzed - 01-31-2011

' Wrote:
[Image: crosstrans.png]
To: Captain von Uz

Hola captain, I've recently received reports from a subsidiary of ours. The report indicates that ORI-|RA"-[asc] is a Jinkusu, which of course is of Zoner origin. If you are able to have a Jinkusu then you no doubt have access to the designs of Zoner weaponry. It would be cheaper for you to acquire them from the arms dealer on Lividia rather than from OSI. We'd have to transport them halfway across the sector. Due to the risk that presents our prices would be steep.
[Image: transmissionbottomf.png]

Further information sent on PRIVATE COM


Omicron Supply Industries Armament Services (iRP) - Daedric - 02-01-2011

[Image: crosstrans.png]
To: Captain von Uz

You'll have to get your weapons elsewhere. Your attacks on the Liberty Navy threatens the fragile relationship we have with the Republic. While I won't pretend I can tell you and your ilk what to do, you're creating a mess for yourselves and for other Zoners. There is no need to protect Bethlehem station from the Liberty Navy or Liberty Police. What exactly makes you think they are going to attack it? The station is already scheduled to be handed over to Synth Foods Inc in the near future. What purpose would it serve?

Perhaps you all should let Doc Holiday have a look at you; maybe you've contracted some new virus or developed some issue from being in the Omicrons for so long.
[Image: transmissionbottomf.png]