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What's wrong with the Mollys? - Printable Version

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What's wrong with the Mollys? - dodike - 12-29-2010

' Wrote:you think I like the no shoot baf?

it is something forced upon us by 'future' disco lore.
(those of the past not counted)
Who shot Mollys in the foot then? I've always believed it was themselves.

What's wrong with the Mollys? - Diabolicus - 12-29-2010

Basically, the Mollies barely have any reason to exist anymore, since they are now lapdogs of the Bretonian kingdom.

I don't see how that is cannon.

' Wrote:Who shot Mollys in the foot then? I've always believed it was themselves.


What's wrong with the Mollys? - AJBeast - 12-29-2010

The Mollys are at heart an independence movement. People who want to dive in and just pirate them rich gold miners to their heart's content are going about the faction the wrong way. Mollys have a more political mindset than the Rogues or Hessians or whatever.

PS: To those dissing the Council: The UoG crashed and died, the MR same thing. This isn't a Council issue, it's something that's been dragging on for years. If the Molly RP evolved into something that isn't to your liking then find a faction that suits you and stop whining.

What's wrong with the Mollys? - Diabolicus - 12-29-2010

' Wrote:The Mollys are at heart an independence movement. People who want to dive in and just pirate them rich gold miners to their heart's content are going about the faction the wrong way. Mollys have a more political mindset than the Rogues or Hessians or whatever.

PS: To those dissing the Council: The UoG crashed and died, the MR same thing. This isn't a Council issue, it's something that's been dragging on for years. If the Molly RP evolved into something that isn't to your liking then find a faction that suits you and stop whining.
And this is why I'm an independent.

What's wrong with the Mollys? - Agmen of Eladesor - 12-29-2010

' Wrote:I don't see how that is cannon.

That's because it's not cannon.

This is Cannon...

Now, if you're referring to canon - which means fits in with the original story line - it may not. However (speculation on my part, but sounds right), it does fit in with with the dev team have come up with due to the invasion of Bretonia by first the Kusari and then the Gallians. (:P) By working WITH the Bretonian government, they are allowing the Brets to free up equipment that would normally be used in Dublin to be used on the front lines. Better the enemy that you know (the Brets) than the enemy that sounds like they want to kick everyone in the ass (the Frogs).

What's wrong with the Mollys? - Captain - 12-29-2010

' Wrote:And this is why I'm an independent.

and this is why I am in the official one, for the last 2,5 almost 3 years.

if you have something against the current system, contact me on skype,
there I may give you a better explenation of how 'we' work around here,
and just as AJ said, if you don't like it, then don't be a molly.

What's wrong with the Mollys? - Hone - 12-29-2010

Its time to wade in for the mollys;

Having a truce with the BAF is not necessarily a bad thing, the bad things are that:

1:The truce was so bad for the mollys:
The terms are basically that mollys help the BAF against KNF and cant pirate, so complete BAF win really,

2: The truce is not being upheld:
Both indie mollys and the MC tax miners, which the Brets say is illegal, this has led to BAF especially indies resuming the old "shoot the molly" policy

This renders the ceasefire basically just an annoyance, and a simple post saying it is off, (even if the MC is too lazy/uncaring/busy with other things/not playing anymore to renegotiate a better one) would be nice for all molly players

3: The official faction has deserted us, seeing as mike is apparently in the merchant navy, linkus seems to have left us in favour of the CR, and Ive seen neither hide nor hair of the feegles.

Basically we need a new official faction with an active leader and lieutenants.

What's wrong with the Mollys? - Captain - 12-29-2010

' Wrote:Its time to wade in for the mollys;

Having a truce with the BAF is not necessarily a bad thing, the bad things are that:

1:The truce was so bad for the mollys:
The terms are basically that mollys help the BAF against KNF and cant pirate, so complete BAF win really,

this one is rejected a long time ago,

2: The truce is not being upheld:
Both indie mollys and the MC tax miners, which the Brets say is illegal, this has led to BAF especially indies resuming the old "shoot the molly" policy

so then shoot back?

This renders the ceasefire basically just an annoyance, and a simple post saying it is off, (even if the MC is too lazy/uncaring/busy with other things/not playing anymore to renegotiate a better one) would be nice for all molly players
when the UoG died, and evolved into the MR all treaty's and stuuf like that was considerd void and nill
the MR died, the ceasefire was Nill and void,

now it comes to the Molly council with that the clan system of wich you hone never heard of I think.

3: The official faction has deserted us, seeing as mike is apparently in the merchant navy, linkus seems to have left us in favour of the CR, and Ive seen neither hide nor hair of the feegles.
Basically we need a new official faction with an active leader and lieutenants.

basicly what you need to do is contact me on skype.

for the rest of you readers, just because I'm in the merchant navy does it not mean I'm not leading.
if you think I'm not dealing with background stuff then you're wrong and should be ashamed,
the only thing I can't do atm, is going ingame, but I have the rest of my group for that.

What's wrong with the Mollys? - Linkus - 12-30-2010

The idea of the Council is simple, each part of the Mollys are seperated up to allow them to be more independent yet work together when they need to.
The Council is not really an overarching command but instead more of a council of allies.
La Tene unfortunately is something I've not had time to properly inject some activity into.

You'll find that all the factions of mollys represent all the aspects of the Mollys.

If you want piracy like a "2 mill or dai", please don't use a Molly ID, you give everyone else a bad name.
If you want piracy like a "Yadda yadda, pay 2 million tax pl0x", that's exactly what the MS do, partially.

So really, what the hell are people complaining about?
The Bretonian cease fire is not an end solution, nor will it ever be.
Unfortunately, it was not our decision to make.
4.86 lore requires a road to be paved to it.
We did not decide that part of the lore either.

What's wrong with the Mollys? - Diabolicus - 12-30-2010

Quote:If you want piracy like a "2 mill or dai", please don't use a Molly ID, you give everyone else a bad name.
Herp a derp, if you ask me.