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Fighter Torpedoes - Cond0r - 01-07-2011

' Wrote:So easily killed by fighters? Mjolnir? whatever you have been smoking, i want some.
Errr, if you can't kill a bomber easily in a fighter, then you are doing something wrong.

On topic: There aren't really that many problems with current torpedos. The Starkiller is quite effective, even with its low damage output on hit, but there is one problem. It is effective when there is no lag. Torps, as they are now (just like missile), are so lag dependent that there is no point in even packing them if there are 140+ players on the server.

A ship with a Starkiller can fight a ship with a Razor quite easy, without many disadvantages, but only if you know what you're doing and if the server is lag free. Maybe the Starkiller could use a slight damage increase, I wouldn't really know about that. But the biggest problem with torpedos as I see it, is lag and the tracking system. Because lets face it, the tracking system just gets bugged too often because of lag.

So basically to answer the question... All fighter torps lagged away.

Fighter Torpedoes - Govedo13 - 01-07-2011

Ok as far as I know this damage was removed in 4.85. And that is what matters here.
I had the idea that we are commenting the currnet fighter torpedoes not the 4.84 ones so I still don't get how one of the currnet ones can instant-kill armoured fighter. My experience with the fighter torpedoes in 4.85 is that they are useless according to the conta-parts- Razor and CD. Adding Smokey feedback,what I saw from the last event server without lag and instant kills out of cruise with full missile load-out and the usual lag in the RP server I think that the fighter torpedoes desperate need buff,not a huge one but at least make them worth to use.

Fighter Torpedoes - Backo - 01-07-2011

I'd really like to see torpedoes more useful in 4.86, whenever it gets done.(SoonTM)

Right now I only use them to lulz around, but whenever I really want to kill something and be serious, I got nothing but the razor.

Another question... Why can nukes have great damage (17K) and torpedoes need to stay low? I mean with the lag theory... you can also hit a fighter with your CD on low lag and blow the nuke in his face. So for me lag is a rather bad argument to keep torpedoes underpowered.

Fighter Torpedoes - AeternusDoleo - 01-07-2011

' Wrote:That was because of 2 things

1. 1 shot instakills on all vanilla fighters (sabre, titan, eagle, guardian, wrath, templar, chimaera, nepthys+)
2. 2-3 hits would blow guns from all fighters/bombers
a) can't up Sunslayer damage much more else it will instakill all HFs and even some VHFs, now it instakills only LFs
Not with armor anymore they don't. As was stated by the opening post: The minirazor does more damage. The instakill reason is thus invalidated.

Quote:b) if Sunslayer has same tracking and same engine as Starkiller while it does more damage, why would you use Starkiller?
=> looking for opinions here, how to make Sunslayer alternative while not better in everything?

Idea now was that Sunslayer should be anti-bomber while Starkiller is anti-fighter, but bombers are now so easily killed by fighters anyway, so there isn't much need for those.
Starkiller: Up damage potential (add energy damage if you want to prevent instakills - same idea as the gunboat missiles, half energy, half hull damage. Wastes shields in a single shot, eats a good bit of hull but doesn't kill the fighter outright). Keep a good blast area active to prevent abuse from launching a torp on colliding with an enemy fighter.
Sunslayer: Up the damage potential. It becomes an anti-gunboat weapon rather then an anti-bomber one. Maybe slightly reduce the motor delay to allow for a engine kill/turn launch on a pursuing gunboat. Up the projectile speed significantly (250m/s would be my suggestion), but don't touch the turn rate.

Fighter Torpedoes - Jayce - 01-07-2011

' Wrote:I'm allergic to limited ammo.


Fighter Torpedoes - Rapur - 01-07-2011

Starkiller - Buff its damage up to ~14000

Sunslayer - Buff its damage up to 19400 and remove the launch delay (Sunslayer has a bad tracking already, so giving it a launch delay is unneeded. People on HHC use starkillers because they say the sunslayer turns too slow.
Or maybe Sunslayer should be an anti-capital weapon. Increase the launch delay up to 1.00 sec or so, but give it 30.000-40.000 damage.

And the server is laggy most of the time, so dodging torpedoes is really easy. And if it isn't laggy then blow the torps up in your opponent's face with a cd.

Fighter Torpedoes - Backo - 01-07-2011

' Wrote:Starkiller - Buff its damage up to ~14000

Sunslayer - Buff its damage up to 19400 and remove the launch delay (Sunslayer has a bad tracking already, so giving it a launch delay is unneeded. People on HHC use starkillers because they say the sunslayer turns too slow.
Or maybe Sunslayer should be an anti-capital weapon. Increase the launch delay up to 1.00 sec or so, but give it 30.000-40.000 damage.
And the server is laggy most of the time, so dodging torpedoes is really easy. And if it isn't laggy then blow the torps up in your opponent's face with a cd.


I also tried Nova torps vs fighters. So if 30K-40K damage on sunslayer is too much - lower turning to 0.2 rad (nova is 0.16) and delay to 1.5 sec (nova is 3). That way if someone gets instant'd by a sunslayer he needs to blame only himself. Also with GBs going at max of 150m/s and fighters having a 200m/s speed the torp will be gaining on running GBs with the speed of 100m/s (because torp has ~ 57m/s motor speed) Which is rather reasonable.

Fighter Torpedoes - Enojado - 01-07-2011

' Wrote:Not with armor anymore they don't. As was stated by the opening post: The minirazor does more damage. The instakill reason is thus invalidated.

Actually the reason was not that no weapon must be allowed to instakill but that the sunslayer must not be allowed to instakill... So it's still very much valid.

Why does a totally different weapon need to do equal damage?

I'd say get rid of the motor delay should make it properly usable again as it was in previous versions. From what I understand vanilla weakness was totally eliminated?

Fighter Torpedoes - Backo - 01-07-2011

Yeah, vanilla weakness is removed. So you get 11K damage max. (Sunkiller)

Fighter Torpedoes - Coin - 01-07-2011

' Wrote:You can hit a running target with razor, but your chance to torpedo the running target is a lot lower, if not impossible.

not so. i remember about 3 months back, i was grinding missions in a titan with a corsair bomber who had twin torps fitted. works really well against npcs - the splash damage means that you can wipe out an entire spawn of npcs if you do it right.

anyway, a lone bunter came into the system and started making trouble. we chased him down and he decided discretion was the better part of valour, and he was e-killing his way to the 41 hole, with us in tow, running low on cd's and barely able to scratch his hull.

over my left shoulder come these sodding enormous torpedoes (when they get close to you, they are massive) that took him out in one hit, cos his shield was down. he was like 'wtf?' and we were like 'olololololol'.

against npcs, torps are good. when im on my sair char, we see a LOT of players from pvp servers, who come to gamma and lolwut with torps, engaging without notice, etc. i love fighting against someone with a torp, cos i know i can dodge it easily, and that they can't cd me, so i can lay down some nuc mines in their face.

tl;dr lag, limited ammo, too slow, thats what killed the torpedo star. but when it works, its better than sex