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The Libertonian Resistance - Printable Version

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The Libertonian Resistance - Moriarty - 01-17-2008

Moriarty's countenance slowly approached a shadow of a smile as he listened to the offers of cooperation coming from the Outcast leaders

"For years we who have tasted the enlightenment of Cardamine have skulked in the shadows, content to allow the silly Junkers to conduct the rigorous task of slipping past the Liberty security forces to bring Cardamine to the citizens of Manhattan and the other Liberty Planets. While this has given us a foothold among the people of Liberty, the time has come for bolder initiatives."

"Due to the high cost of Cardamine, few of the common people of Liberty can afford to avail themselves of what we take for granted. We shall change that."

that our combined forces bring a flotilla of transports to the New York system, laden with Cardamine. What the starving and oppressed masses of the Liberty population cannot afford, we shall freely give! We shall provide Cardamine to all those who genuinely seek the enlightenment that we enjoy, and in doing so we shall expose the hypocritical oppression of the Liberty government. Once the people have experienced such an awakening en masse, they will gladly join us in throwing off the cruel yolk of oppression imposed upon them by the LSF and SA!"

//Event info.

The Libertonian Resistance - Denelo - 01-17-2008

Commander Mori shook his head. This would not do.

"No. No, and I say no again. I cannot, and shall not, take part in this distribution of a... substance... I myself avoid. No offense meant, but I see no reason to begin a habit that will result in a constant outflow of resources. Besides, I know not how it would affect me, being... altered. On top of all that, I am still not sure it is completely safe even for your average human. So, apologies, but the Legion will not be assisting in this."

The Libertonian Resistance - Lohingren - 01-17-2008


To:Libertonian Resistance

now now Mori my friend you cannot say such things you yourself know i myself do not touch this substance, but all in all the legion has its main connections with the hackers it is a duty for us men to spread these good's and bring more into our cause. i shall not say nothing of the matter the option is your's to be taken.

i shall assist in anyway possible my friend, my men tend to be out on routine patrol at this point though so finding men may be difficult.

Lohingren Out


The Libertonian Resistance - Niezck - 01-17-2008

"While i may not have used Cardamine myself and do not plan on doing i believe some of my men have and still do actively use the stuff. Therefore i pledge the full support of the Liberty Rogues. As with the Reapers, many are on patrol and on prison-break duty so it may be hard to find men but i shall do what i can."''