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Are Rep adjustments for Gallia possible? - Printable Version

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Are Rep adjustments for Gallia possible? - William Frederick Cody - 01-24-2011

I think, that the IC ID is rephacked related to gallia.

Perhaps there is a way to become neutral with the gallic locals in an Independent Tager ID. Kill alot of outcasts.

Are Rep adjustments for Gallia possible? - Dab - 01-24-2011

IC ID is currently rephacked hostile to the Gallic factions. You will have to wait until this is updated to neutral before you're able to trade there.

Are Rep adjustments for Gallia possible? - oZoneRanger - 01-24-2011

' Wrote:IC ID is currently rephacked hostile to the Gallic factions. You will have to wait until this is updated to neutral before you're able to trade there.

Gallic Mining Service is full green as an IC. Never had to touch bribe for it.

Don't know if I'm willing to wait for the update. One month? Two? Way to long to wait at this point. This should have been stated somewhere in the "An Open Gallia" thread. That no matter what RP you play out in getting into Gallia there is no way to make yourself legal even with the proper RP in place.

Maybe it was and I didn't see it. End result..60mill in credits lost trying to fix my rep through bribes/ mission drops...A ship with a CAU V armor I can't get out of Gallia because of the overpowered NPC. Hours of forum RP trying to do things in as proper an RP way as I am capable of, only to be denied by a Rephack.

Solution...Transfer Credits, sell the ship sell the armor.. Transfer credits again..Delete Character.. and never go back to Gallia again.

Cheers and thanks for the help everyone.

Are Rep adjustments for Gallia possible? - Dab - 01-24-2011

' Wrote:Gallic Mining Service is full green as an IC. Never had to touch bribe for it.

Don't know if I'm willing to wait for the update. One month? Two? Way to long to wait at this point. This should have been stated somewhere in the "An Open Gallia" thread. That no matter what RP you play out in getting into Gallia there is no way to make yourself legal even with the proper RP in place.

Maybe it was and I didn't see it. End result..60mill in credits lost trying to fix my rep through bribes/ mission drops...A ship with a CAU V armor I can't get out of Gallia because of the overpowered NPC. Hours of forum RP trying to do things in as proper an RP way as I am capable of, only to be denied by a Rephack.

Solution...Transfer Credits, sell the ship sell the armor.. Transfer credits again..Delete Character.. and never go back to Gallia again.

Cheers and thanks for the help everyone.
Why didn't you just tell Exile or one of us in the HC about the rephack, so we could ask Cannon to have it reverted? We can't fix a problem we don't know exists.

Are Rep adjustments for Gallia possible? - ryoken - 01-24-2011

It was mentioned in the "Gallia open thread" It said Gallia is open,but that did not mean friendly,and NPC's can,and will still shoot you. Also GRN/GRP,and anyone else there that wants to. Also there are many that can go to Gallia,and get repped friendly,you just picked wrong one. My junker,and independent trader has no problems there at all.

Are Rep adjustments for Gallia possible? - Dab - 01-24-2011

' Wrote:It was mentioned in the "Gallia open thread" It said Gallia is open,but that did not mean friendly,and NPC's can,and will still shoot you. Also GRN/GRP,and anyone else there that wants to. Also there are many that can go to Gallia,and get repped friendly,you just picked wrong one. My junker,and independent trader has no problems there at all.
No, it certainly doesn't say that the GRN/GRP/NPCs will still shoot you if approved. If that was the intention, the thread never would have been made in the first place. Please get your facts straight before spreading them around the forums. Those we approve are meant to be able to enter Gallia and trade there. That is the point of the entire excersize. We can't, however, do anything about the NPCs if those who are encountering rephack problems don't notify us of them. We can't keep track of all the IDs who are rephacked hostile to us.

Are Rep adjustments for Gallia possible? - oZoneRanger - 01-24-2011

' Wrote:Why didn't you just tell Exile or one of us in the HC about the rephack, so we could ask Cannon to have it reverted? We can't fix a problem we don't know exists.

Well, I quess I just did Dab. I was not aware it was a problem. That was the point of the thread. And you told me I'd have to "wait till the next update" as the solution. I'm cool with that no problem.

I'm just not going to try for the 20th time to get my stork (well now its Titanic, bought as a last resort cause i thought it might be the ship that was pissing the NPCs off, and was just going to included the having to trade ships into the story line) out of NPC hell.:)

I ain't mad, just tired...Ill get some sleep and then see how my character get themselves out of this fine predicament they are in. (ie destroyed ship makes the Boss character goes nuts..becomes an extremist anti Gallic floating around all of Sirius talking of the end of the known universe as we know it...soapbox madman on 5th and Main type... maybe maybe not.)

Cheers Bro, sorry if it came off as a rant. Wasn't my intention.

Are Rep adjustments for Gallia possible? - Daedric - 01-24-2011

They can request the rephack be removed or something. That would be Dab/Exile's thing.

Then you can have a friend run GRN/GRP missions for you to raise your rep with those factions.

Rather easy if the rep hack isn't there.

Are Rep adjustments for Gallia possible? - Zelot - 01-24-2011

We had the same problem at IND. Be patient, it took us a week to get it fixed. Go easy, and just let it be till you know the hack is gone. No need to throw away the rp.

Are Rep adjustments for Gallia possible? - oZoneRanger - 01-25-2011

' Wrote:We had the same problem at IND. Be patient, it took us a week to get it fixed. Go easy, and just let it be till you know the hack is gone. No need to throw away the rp.

Jeje..not throwing away anything...gonna use it...Just the thing Phillip DeLaFontain Needs. :lol::lol: