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illuminati symbol? - Printable Version

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illuminati symbol? - FGDireito - 02-04-2011

' Wrote:So basically, the Illuminati's main agenda is to put certain numbers and symbols in movies?
Seriously, it just stupid.

ZOMG NOOOOOOOEEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeeeessssssssssssssssss!!!!!! :(

illuminati symbol? - TheJarl - 02-04-2011


srzly, guys it's not a conspiracy, just bi[A]s:P

illuminati symbol? - Not Espi - 02-04-2011

okay guys. this is not flood. although i believe it should be.

illuminati symbol? - Avalanche - 02-04-2011

' Wrote:okay guys. this is not flood. although i believe it should be.

Not really, its General discussion, all because you think its silly and simply paranoia, doesn't mean its not interesting. It can lead to a good talk and sharing ideas.

illuminati symbol? - FGDireito - 02-04-2011

well i have to admit that this things make cool storys for movies and books... cof* Dan Brown cof* :laugh:

illuminati symbol? - Decerebrated.Individual - 02-05-2011

Ok on a serious note,

The Illuminati are a sorry rip-off of my own conspiracy.

My consipracy is involved in everything that has a circle and a 10 in it.

you can see the circle everywhere.

Car tires, people's retinas, if you look at bottles from the top, your on/off buttons on your computers, etc ,etc ,etc.

The number 10 is even mroe sinister.

You have 10 fingers.

Yes, god is also in my consipary, he gave you 10 fingers.

And when you take any number and devide it by ten, and then multiply it again by 10, you get the same number.

The year 2010 was a very special year for my consipracy.

Look. There is a 10 in it, and when you subtract 10, and then devide it by 10 and 10 and then divide it by the number of hands you havem you get a 10 again.




illuminati symbol? - Not Espi - 02-05-2011

' Wrote:Not really, its General discussion, all because you think its silly and simply paranoia, doesn't mean its not interesting. It can lead to a good talk and sharing ideas.

i was referring to the +1's

like this one :cool:

illuminati symbol? - FGDireito - 02-05-2011

illuminati were all killed by the church, most of those symbols are from free-masonry
the real people that control the world are the owners of oil companys :mellow: the real truth its always the simplest one

illuminati symbol? - Rommie - 02-05-2011

I don't see any reason why a society founded in 1776 should be alive today.

Want to change the course of the world?
Hire a professional sniper team, and shoot whichever country leader that bothers you.

And shadow, the people who control the world have their names starting with [Admin]:)

illuminati symbol? - FGDireito - 02-05-2011

' Wrote:And shadow, the people who control the world have their names starting with [Admin]:)

good point :P