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Opinions? - Cond0r - 02-16-2011

First of all, firing a CD (disruptor) is not an act of aggression.

Secondly, he thought you were smuggling, you tried to explain that you werent, he wasnt convinced. He continued his RP, you continued yours. It doesnt matter who was right and who wasnt, it was a RP situation. What I wouldnt do in your case is fire at him. This I presume made him believe even more that you were smuggling.

Either way, you cant make him believe that you arent smuggling. You cant affect the way he thinks, or control how he reacts. He isnt playing a role by your rules, hes playing a role by his own rules.

Opinions? - Lythor - 02-16-2011

' Wrote:But what if he had purpose to provoke the attack? More then good RP I would say.

He had no purpose, he was trying to provoke me and impede my progress, that much is evident. He was making no demands or any other RP dialogue, just ranting about how screwed I was and how scared I should be. It didnt really come across as In Character to me though I'm sure he would claim it was. Its not really an issue

Opinions? - SnakThree - 02-16-2011

... Well. If you only consider your view being right it's hard to continue discussion.

He was RPing. You were too.
He provoked your attack and maybe got evidence on it. You would be screwed if he did.
ROLE PLAY situation. You now rant on this subforum for RP you had.

Opinions? - Lythor - 02-16-2011

' Wrote:First of all, firing a CD (disruptor) is not an act of aggression.

Secondly, he thought you were smuggling, you tried to explain that you werent, he wasnt convinced. He continued his RP, you continued yours. It doesnt matter who was right and who wasnt, it was a RP situation. What I wouldnt do in your case is fire at him. This I presume made him believe even more that you were smuggling.

Either way, you cant make him believe that you arent smuggling. You cant affect the way he thinks, or control how he reacts. He isnt playing a role by your rules, hes playing a role by his own rules.

I disagree, a cruise disrupter is an act of aggression, its meant to impede your progress and interferes with your 'right' to travel unmolested.
And you hit the nail on the head with your last paragrph, rules go out the window with RP. I tried to open a dialogue with the guy in private, explaining the reasoning behind my RP and what my character was doing, with the view to finding a common ground whilst maintaining the RP in system chat. His response was 'HAHA YOUR SO SCREWED'! Really shows the character of the person i was dealing with i think.

Opinions? - Lythor - 02-16-2011

' Wrote:... Well. If you only consider your view being right it's hard to continue discussion.

He was RPing. You were too.
He provoked your attack and maybe got evidence on it. You would be screwed if he did.
ROLE PLAY situation. You now rant on this subforum for RP you had.

I'm not ranting, I'll take affront at that and ignore any further 'input' from you.

As to the rest. I would still like an opinion on if I can arguably of claimed in RP to have a right to carry the software under the circustances. Thats really the point here and nobody has touched on it. . Now as I understand it you can get away with certain actions as longs as the RP behind it is valid or good (at least it seems some people can). Thats the crux of this matter. Can a zoner researcher reasonably be expected to carry the said item between zoner research bases? Not for profit or for fun but as part of RP pertainant to his character? Said character making no attempt to move covertly and being completely open about what he has and what its for?

Opinions? - SnakThree - 02-16-2011

Sure. Disregard opinions that does not match with yours.

I will tell you this the last time: IT WAS ROLEPLAY SITUATION.

Opinions? - Lythor - 02-16-2011

' Wrote:Sure. Disregard opinions that does not match with yours.

I will tell you this the last time: IT WAS ROLEPLAY SITUATION.

Its only your opinion I'm disregarding

Opinions? - kun - 02-16-2011

Moving counterfeit software through house space might always result in you being accused of smuggling.
However i think your RP idea is good really, but try to talk to a KNF / KSP guy before entering shikoku and maybe you will get a permission, if not you at least know that this could lead to problems.
In the case you described the hogosha of course had all rights to call you a smuggler and report to the police etc.

But i totally agree with you about the following to sigmas and disrupting
There are far too many like him on the server..always trying to tell you how good and dangerous they are and dont let ya move on without any RP.
I would only see two different solutions out of this situation:

1. If hes flying fighter / bomber / gunnie....simply kill him. Problem solved.

2. If hes flying Transporter...well then hes one of the guys hiding behind the rules....inRP of course its totally nonsense to provoke a cruiser in a transporter unless you are planning suicide. But thanks to the 6.7 rule he feels perfectly safe. So you either give a damn about it and kill him anyway or at least shoot off his CD or you just keep on flying your way...and in sigma 17 short stop in the 3 suns and start to disrupt him until he goes boom.

You really should continue your RP and dont go mad because of one sucker, i am sure you will have fun with it and a lot of interactions with many players for sure.

Opinions? - Lythor - 02-16-2011

Thaks for that. I would indeed of contacted KNF/KSP had there been any on or in the area but there wasnt as is often the case. I didnt feel I needed to ask the permission of a Hogosha Trans pilot. I'll try and clear this up with an official KNF or KSP officer so I can continue to play a character I like. Believe me if i had wanted to be percieved as a smuggler I would of rolled a smuggler toon and been just that.
What annoyed me a bit about the whole thing was the infexibility of the player in question even when I attempted priv and polite dialogue to compromise he was rude, childish and belligerent. I always try to accommodate others RP as I have no wish to spoil anyones experience but maybe its too much to expect the same courtesy of others all the time.

Talking of courtesy, apologies to Snak3, you made some valid arguments, probably just wasnt what I wanted to hear. I'm stubborn like that:). I will say though that after inititial contact with the player, at no point did i feel i was in an RP situation, even for want of trying

Opinions? - Ghost Reaver - 02-16-2011

I suggest at this point that you simply wait for said character to make a smuggler report to the authorities before you say anything. There might be a chance that the character won't bother reporting due to being lazy or simply forgetting the incident and that way no other Faction or Character would never find out what happened.

In the future I also suggest you contact the respective authorities of the house space you travel through should you carry contraband but with a justified cause. If they are made aware in beforehand, there is a much higher chance you can conduct your business without the fear of violating a house law.