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Barge JG docking - Hell Hunter - 02-24-2011

even if you do get stuck just spam /stuck

Barge JG docking - Sanguines - 02-24-2011

' Wrote:Yes, it's easy to dock in a jump gate if you line it up correctly and you don't get flipped by some NPCs.
Just takes some practice and patience.

Here's some more barge-porn for your viewing pleasure:

[Image: bargegif.gif]

Disgusting....yet strangely erotic....
Oi, Kids play this game ya know :OOOOO *goes to bathroom to do somethings*

I findi t funny how barges have a hard time docking with jg and jh... but what i dont understand is a junker barge. Why would aj unker use a barge? o.o

Barge JG docking - Akura - 02-24-2011

Don't dock it on a planet.

It explodes when you undock, so you must undock again, and explode. Etc.

The only way to get out of that is to have an admin move you to a station.

Barge JG docking - darkxy - 02-24-2011

' Wrote:Don't dock it on a planet.

It explodes when you undock, so you must undock again, and explode. Etc.

The only way to get out of that is to have an admin move you to a station.

Imo. they don't have to, as the players have already been warned about that. Yet, you could get two friends with you (5k transports each) to unload you.

Barge JG docking - Pacificator - 02-24-2011

Thanks to all. Patience, alignement, no auto pilot, and practice.

Should be ok at a point.

Another question : Can the barge go trought an asteroid field ?

Barge JG docking - OldTimerAL - 02-24-2011

Should be able to, but it's prolly a nightmare ... altough I'll be checking that in a couple of minutes in Omicron-Theta and see how well it handles ... as soon as these NPCs stop disrupting my cruise ... :mutters and throws curses at the NPCs as he sees that his CMs are pointless:


Barge JG docking - SnakThree - 02-24-2011

Yes it can =D

Barge JG docking - Atila - 02-25-2011

I wondering did any one find the best way for jump halls , I have a lot of trouble whit that and the other JG and trade line is peace of cake for me , and yes boring NPCs disrupt and roaming me all the time ?

So who is find the best way for JH ???

I was use JH but I need 45min to jump:)

Barge JG docking - Syrus - 02-25-2011

' Wrote:Should be able to, but it's prolly a nightmare ... altough I'll be checking that in a couple of minutes in Omicron-Theta and see how well it handles ... as soon as these NPCs stop disrupting my cruise ... :mutters and throws curses at the NPCs as he sees that his CMs are pointless:

I wonder if he made it until now.

I've seen barges move around quite fast. But an asteroid field should best be avoided...
Going through one with a Kusari BS was bad enough for me.

I guess you'll probably have to /stuck all the time.

Barge JG docking - SnakThree - 02-25-2011

Meh. Jumped through Jump Gate at first try. Luckily there was not a lot of NPCs.