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The future of mining? - Printable Version

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The future of mining? - Fletcher - 03-02-2011

This shall be an interesting trial, holding off the voting for now.

The future of mining? - exlibrismortis - 03-02-2011

Nerf the prices, make it more balanced to encourage trading.

The future of mining? - hermit - 03-02-2011

Higher drop rate, more mining zones, more drop points, nerf sell price ... coming from Kruger member! Mining and Trading were unbalanced, I really don't think that could be argued. But to kill it, I think is too much. We have factions whose RP is almost entirely based around mining. Mining brings a sort of inter-faction cooperation that without the mining mod become pointless. Mining only in Omega 7 is boring, is too easy to find credit rich players, making for easy targets for lazy pirates. Make pirates work harder for their credits, not just system ATMs. But also, easy credits for players who only want big ships ... make them work for their credits.

The future of mining? - Anonymous User - 03-02-2011

nerf mining 50%

nerf trading 25%

way too easy to get money.

too many lolcaps and such stuff

The future of mining? - Dada - 03-02-2011

My point of view is like mining...more trading

The future of mining? - Battlesnax - 03-02-2011

Let the silent majority be heard!
We like mining.
Yes we do.
We like mining
How about you?

The future of mining? - aerelm - 03-02-2011

Why is 'Turn it back on but buff trading instead' not in the options?

If we want to nerf and nerf and nerf and nerf, I'm afraid we might reach a point at which one would need to grind for a whole week just to buy and equip a single fighter...

The future of mining? - Dart - 03-02-2011

I have said this in the previous thread
  • Mining is turned back on. This time official factions with mining capability have a normal base mining rate
  • Official factions must adhere to a high standard of RP and rule adherence. Official factions are responsible for keeping a good image and removing "bad players" if needed.
  • Unofficial miners and mining factions get 1/2 the mining rate of official factions. This encourages people to join official factions. This also hampers the likely hood of Power-miners emerging due to bullet 2
  • specific rules be made about mining. There are plenty of miners that drop ore in space, f1, then come back in, uncloaking with their trader char, which is completely OORP. This should somehow be made impossible, or with some serious penalty.
  • if needed, Players that want to make a new mining faction should apply for a new tag. this includes faction tags that already exist. These should share the mining bonus, but keep their RP integrity. the official main faction however will stay in charge of politics and the such. if the official faction is dying, granted the Newer mining approved faction is good enough for the job, will consume the official tag and make it their own.
if you want system changes
  • severely increase prices, reduce mining yield. make it clear in a new rule 0.1 that stealing a full load of ore is fully justifiable iRP and that Miners should be responsible for hiring protection
  • add more floating rocks in Cambridge. its too freaken too dark in there! :'( (and in every field so mining at least feels somewhat fast)

the first bullet on this one should reduce traffic demand, making it rare for an indy to be able to get ore.
the idea here would be to make mining much more difficult for unofficial folks and to make official factions more respected, also having more power

I also suggest that Official factions be required for simple, full RP guidelines on how to play their faction. I can PM you an example of what i made so far cannon. Just ask me and ill deliver.
that being said Factions shouldn't make it difficult to join.

thoughts please?

The future of mining? - Jwnantze - 03-02-2011

voted for -25% prices

needs more like -10-15%, and only the gold run to Ny. The rest are just a bit over, and often on par with regular trading, assuming common variables and assuming you know a good trade route. At least from the numbers I ran.....

The future of mining? - Markus_Janus - 03-02-2011

' Wrote:Nerf the prices, make it more balanced to encourage trading.


I never mine as I find it one of the most boring activities there is.
However it has brought about a new type of activity for corporate factions and that can't be bad.

I know a lot of people say that more traders equals more pirates, but that is not the only thing corporate factions are good for.
The mining mod has brought activity to factions that did not have that before, we may be going back to everybody having their indy money makers.
A sad day indeed.

Mining needs to be balanced, the price lowered to be equal to trade routes and open up all the fields again.
This is the way to fix it, not just listen to one small segment of the community that just happens to make the most noise.

More jobs for traders!