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Nova Power Gen... - Printable Version

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Nova Power Gen... - BULLDOGNK - 01-20-2008


at every chance you get, you bitch at something i am involved in, that not a problem, i normally choose to ignore your silly rantings. all i will add to this is PM Vtec Or NightFall they created the NovaPG a long time ago and it not been one of these fly by night faction you are involved in.


i dont bite your head off, i correct you when you post such rubbish that i think to myself how old is this guy? 11?

Thanks for the replies, but next time correct the ones without the knowledge on the right path, you just should have said Vtec.

Guys the NovaPG was started long before i got here, and now its in question for what reason?

Because its a closed faction and only the best get invited?

Because we roleplay on the Forums aswell as in the game? (Wow Thats new for a few people here).

if you guys started playing the game and stopped bitching about everything, you would actually see the other YANF doing nothing and stop trying to pick faults with real factions that role play and enjoy the server and the Mod.

Enough Said.

Nova Power Gen... - Unseelie - 01-20-2008

I was just interested in the name NovaPG,
Vtec isn't around much, thought this was the fastest way to get an answer.

Nova Power Gen... - Chucc - 01-20-2008


Well said.

As for where it came from I can't say, I do know that I have been on other servers and seen NovaPG in other places. If nothing else it is a sign of the elite on a server. As to the name, sorry, but its always a closed group, invite only and you DON'T want to cross the pilots. Or if you do, good luck.

in jest I don't know why anyone would ask, maybe to understand why tehy were sent to their maker by them, and what to say when they get asked how they got there.

Nova Power Gen... - Virus - 01-20-2008

Actually... The faction was originally called Nova Pirate Group. I think...

Nova Power Gen... - Unseelie - 01-20-2008

Thank you Virus.
too much to ask for an explanation for the change?

Nova Power Gen... - Virus - 01-20-2008

No idea. Probably sounded better and fit better with the Greek letters. Too bad I don't have contact with Nightfall anymore.:(

Nova Power Gen... - BULLDOGNK - 01-20-2008

' Wrote:uh....Subject says it...where did they come up with Nova Power Gen?
and what does it have to do with exiled Hessians that the BD took in?

Your original question is above.

Faction Name:
Nova PowerGen

We are a selected group of a few outstanding pilots undercover dedicated to justice. In attaining our goals we will do anything, even terrorism.
We are coming from Rheinland and were affiliated with the Red Hessians but we were framed while we were escorting a Blood Dragon VIP. We rescued him and brought him back to Kyoto. The Red Hessians still think it's our fault for the assassination attempt and are hostile to us, as well as the Rheinland authorities for the crimes we did there as Red Hessians.

The Blood Dragons accepted us, we fight along them now.

The Blood Dragons are terrorists, not mere pirates, so don't be surprised if we just swoop down on you, shoot you to 10% hull and then ask money to let you live. You better be quick about offering us a decent amount of money before we do that.

We are also Assassins, we may be hired for a just cause and a decent amount of money to believe your cause is just. Guaranteed discretion.

Overthrowing the current corrupt Kusari Government and installing a right rule, a real successor to the Shogun.

there is the answer to the Red Hessians part, as for the Name i give up, Tell me why you came up with the name Unselie, because i dont think that name fits you, i need answers too.


Nova Power Gen... - Unseelie - 01-20-2008

Unseelie are the mean fae. the ogers, goblins, the mad hunt. They like hurting people. I like the way it sounds, and i have a preocupation with Faeries. I often go by Seelie or Unseelie on forums.
This time, I misspelled it, forgetting an e. sorry, nothing I can do.

The question is in relation to the name.
I understand the hessians. its stated quite clearly.
The question is: What does Nova PG mean, and how does it relate to the hessians cum BD?

Nova Power Gen... - BULLDOGNK - 01-20-2008

' Wrote:Unseelie are the mean fae. the ogers, goblins, the mad hunt. They like hurting people. I like the way it sounds, and i have a preoccupation with Faeries. I often go by Seelie or Unseelie on forums.
This time, I misspelled it, forgetting an e. sorry, nothing I can do.

The question is in relation to the name.
I understand the hessians. its stated quite clearly.
The question is: What does Nova PG mean, and how does it relate to the Hessians cum BD?

The name i can not answer due to the fact i was not here when it was created, and Trust me Now Vtec is around, who do you think Days"of"Thunder was?

PM Vtec and any other silly "NO" point questions to him as we said Nighfall is no longer around better Still ask Caylith also she was there from the start as well as her husband Romer,

Just give us all a break with your pointless witch hunt and backstabbing, its now getting boring.


Nova Power Gen... - bluntpencil2001 - 01-20-2008

How about everyone calms down, eh? Unselie didn't say it was a stupid name, she wanted to know the thought behind it, by the looks of things. And even if it was a bitching session (which I disagree with), some others appear to be interested too.