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Class 9 Plasma guns - chopper - 03-10-2011

Quote:But it just seems odd to me that only two guns would have the unique speed of 500m/s (not counting Flamecurses, which I think are still 500m/s).

It was already like that.
They were just improved to 600 in a previous transition.
Basically, instead of keeping them different, they became class 9 codes.

Class 9 Plasma guns - Zukeenee - 03-10-2011

Well yes, I'm aware that they used to be 500m/s. It was strange to me then, too.

I like them at 600, because it means that they're capable of synchronizing with other 600 guns.

And if the guns they're synchronizing with happen to be codenames... well, so what?

Class 9 Plasma guns - ryoken - 03-10-2011

I use all magma's on my Liberator,and love them as is. I would how ever love to see 4.00's or 5.88's for all factions. Right Liberty has 2.00's,and those 8.00's. nothing in middle area. other houses have same usually 2 speeds only. should give all factions all speeds,so they can pick what fits their style.

Class 9 Plasma guns - MarvinCZ - 03-10-2011

MHs are great not just to fill the non-code slots. I have a full MH Guardian and it's good. I also used them on a MM Scimitar, that was even better.

Why don't you see many HFs with them? Because HFs of the factions that can use them don't exist (RM) or are seldom used themselves (LN). Otherwise, you'd see them with these guns. It would be my choice if I had one.

They are ideal for me, even though I'm not using actual codes.

Class 9 Plasma guns - McNeo - 03-10-2011

If you lowered their speed to 500 (I thought it was 550ms in vanilla? Then again, my memory is terrible), it would actually become easier to shotgun since their speed would be closer to that of the razor.

In fact, if the use of even higher damage codes were retained by some (1350-1400 dmg), shotguns would become even more lethal. If both a razor and 600ms guns hit a dude in a sabre, the 500ms guns would hit aswell, but deliver more of a punch than the guns they replaced. Which would mean you would no longer need a Sabre to instakill a Sabre.

The point about HFs is good too, since people generally have to be forced to use the Executioner over the Guardian, and the RM don't have a HF to use.

Class 9 Plasma guns - Blodo - 03-10-2011

As far as I know the plasmas were made 600ms rather than 500 because in their previous incarnation they would simply never be used even with the increased damage, because it was quite frankly next to impossible to hit a fighter that is not running straight at you with them, and even then it could be hard. Lets face it most razor hits are either very carefully aimed or lucky flukes. It's very different when this is your only means of dealing damage, and there are no 500ms shield busters so you would basically have the choice of mounting half debs half plasmas and then its simply not worth it when you can mount codes with which you will hit more, or struggle with shield like hell unless you had a razor/inferno mounted or something. And - same as before - even then it can be hard.

So to lower the difficulty a bit, they were made into 600ms with lower damage. Granted, the whole "shotgun" phenomenon is making them seem a little bit too good when compared to high refire weapons, but hopefully those high refire weapons will get their well deserved buff soon and then it will be different.

Class 9 Plasma guns - AeternusDoleo - 03-10-2011

Wish we could just stick to what the types were made for originally:
Plasma: Very high damage, high eff, low range, low speed, very low refire
Particle: Mid damage, mid eff, high range, mid speed, mid refire
Tachyon: Mid damage, mid eff, high range, mid speed, mid refire
Neutron: High damage, mid eff, low range, low speed, mid refire
Photon: Low damage, low eff, high range, high speed, very high refire
Laser: Very low damage, low eff, high range, very high speed, very high refire

And then apply the typical class modifications to them. For instance, Outcast gain damage, lose efficiency.

Class 9 Plasma guns - Blodo - 03-10-2011

This is how guns are balanced right now...

Class 9 Plasma guns - AeternusDoleo - 03-10-2011

Not really.

- High refire plasma weapon for the Hogosha (4.0 is double what that weapon type is for. Even with the range nerf 3.03 would have been better. Stats suggest Particle class weapon really)
- BHG and Outcast particle weapons at very high damage without any significant drawbacks (PG chaingun and Xeno at least have a severe efficiency nerf). Particle guns shouldn't be doing more damage then plasma guns, given the range and projectile speed comparison.
- Very low projectile speed photon weaponry for Kusari, Junkers and Gallic Brigands.
- Very low range Tachyon weapons for Coalition, Maquis (I suppose this can be explained by their exotic, non-sirian implementations of the tech)

Class 9 Plasma guns - Not Espi - 03-10-2011