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Akura and Sequoia's Story Feedback - Printable Version

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Akura and Sequoia's Story Feedback - Dusty Lens - 03-14-2011

' Wrote:Yeah, a lot of stuff that was removed was rubbish that made the Nomads into single-minded, boring drones.

Most of the Vanilla lore is used, but a few bits were removed or changed to make the Keepers more interesting or to provide background that made sense.

Can you provide some examples? It might be good if you guys provided a bullet point list of what's been changed actually. A cliffnotes version of any past tl;dr stuff.

Clearly you guys have made some very drastic changes to vanilla lore, lore we all take for granted. Given that you're the official face of the nomads it seems a reasonable request that you make that information available in a nice compact no nonsense form.

Akura and Sequoia's Story Feedback - Akura - 03-14-2011

' Wrote:Can you provide some examples? It might be good if you guys provided a bullet point list of what's been changed actually. A cliffnotes version of any past tl;dr stuff.

Clearly you guys have made some very drastic changes to vanilla lore, lore we all take for granted. Given that you're the official face of the nomads it seems a reasonable request that you make that information available in a nice compact no nonsense form.

Mostly stuff that shows the Nomads being an aggressive faction bred to murder everything they see that isn't Nomad.

The new Nomads instead have some depth to explain their actions and give them motive to do stuff other than murdering all that they see, Jarek style.

Another few changes are in the timeline, where specifically there were no real dates mentioned, the Disco Nomad Lore has a few dates added to a timeline.

Along with that, some of the reasons the Nomads exist, their goals and their creators become much more mysterious, they're no longer mentioned at all. Making the Nomads an all around more mysterious faction.

I'll read the Vanilla Lore again and point out the obvious changes.

Akura and Sequoia's Story Feedback - Akura - 03-14-2011

Quote:Our relentless expansion throughout the Sirius Sector disturbed the Nomads from their long sleep and they awoke early to find the Daam- K'Vosh gone, their worlds overrun, their birthright stolen. Rage coursed through the Nomads -- they had been abandoned, worse, they had been left to the mercy of these aliens -- and they wailed like petulant children screaming to hide their anguish. But the Nomads were not children in any human sense of the word: they were intelligent and devious. They had once waged war against the very beings that created them, and they had learned to bide their time.

The Nomads didn't awake angry, they awoke curious and interested in humanity. They stayed deep in the Nomad Worlds for over five centuries before they finally made a move, when humanity stumbled on more Nomads.

Quote:Miners who stumbled across Nomad enclaves provided new source material and it wasn't very long before the Nomads determined that humans were no different; in particular, the neurological functions of humans were relatively easy to access and then supercede (though fine-tuning the process
damaged more than a few test cases, who were then discarded).

The Nomads weren't planning the Nomad War for years, they didn't experiment on miners as miners didn't mine anywhere near the Nomad Worlds.

Humans were mostly ignored with the use of the natural cloak, so Nomads could explore unnoticed and untouched.

Quote:In the process the Nomads learned quite a bit about humanity and began to understand how we had appropriated the knowledge that the Daam-K'Vosh had intended for them. They also realized that our own civilization was technologically more advanced than their own -- but much as humanity had taken the remnants of the Daam-K'Vosh civilization and made it their own, so the Nomads decided that they would take our civilization and rebuild it in their own image. We had already unlocked secrets of the Daam-K'Vosh that it would have taken them millennia to uncover. Besides, human bodies were warm, their senses exquisite, and they reproduced so quickly as to make any one body expendable. The Nomads thought that, yes, they could grow quite accustomed to making their homes inside of us...

The Nomads didn't intend to overtake humanity and remake it in their own image. Such a thought is very un-Nomad for the Disco Nomads. The Wild being the future of the Nomads with the humans being interesting toys was a strange thought, as the Disco Nomads see humans as closed-minded and fragile, the pure Nomad form is better preferred for them.

The humans also unlocked a small fraction of a percentage of the knowledge in Vahalla One, much less than is explained in Vanilla.

Quote:But the Nomads were not strong enough to directly wage war on humanity, nor were their numbers large enough to take over en masse. They had to be slow, careful, and discreet, working through subterfuge and misdirection. But as they learned more about us and our politics, they realized that they wouldn't need to fight us: we would do all the fighting for them. All they had to do was apply pressure in a few critical places and humans would surrender to their natural violent instincts. Once we had expended ourselves in a futile fight waged against phantom aggressors, the Nomads would easily be able to assume control and use humans as a vehicle to expand throughout the galaxy.

The Disco-Nomads are much larger and stronger, able to destroy human colony planets with a little effort put in, but it wouldn't serve them any purpose and is unnessesarily destructive.

Quote:The Nomads spread like a virus, hopping from one individual to another and leaving a string of damaged psyches behind them that spouted impossible stories of faceless monsters and giant worms. They moved intentionally, with a goal, always departing one host for another that was more highly placed in government or industry. They ignored the minor factions -- the Outcasts, Corsairs, GMG, freelancers -- and concentrated instead on the major houses. After years of moving from body to body, they succeeded in occupying the most important public positions in Rheinland.

The Nomads infected and moved into Rheinland first and formost, as the Rheinland science expedition stumbled on them and forced them into the Nomad War.
There was no 'hopping' between places, they picked Rheinland and went for it.

Quote:Within Valhalla 1 lies the secrets that would have allowed the Nomads to disengage themselves from this field, to "mature" and become entities completely independent of the Daam-K'Vosh for the very first time in their history. The Daam-K'Vosh had intended this to be their penultimate lesson, allowing their children to then open the hypergates and go forth to explore the universe -- but neither humanity nor the Nomads are aware of this.

This isn't completely true in the Disco Nomad lore, the Nomads in Disco were interested in Valhalla 1 for the secrets that could let them leave Sirius forever, but after the Nomad War, the Nomads alone learned their own method of maturing and seperating from the Daam K'Vosh energy field, allowing a genocide such as the Order at the end of the Nomad War, not to ever happen again.

Akura and Sequoia's Story Feedback - Serpentis - 03-14-2011

Edit: Nevermind, im tired.


Akura and Sequoia's Story Feedback - Dusty Lens - 03-14-2011

' Wrote:There was no 'hopping' between places, they picked Rheinland and went for it.

To the contrary they were spread across Sirius by the time of the Nomad war. One of the reasons Orellian (sp) jumped "ship" was due to the infection spreading through the LSF and Liberty government, not to mention Kusari. How could you as the leader of the Kusari wild stand behind a statement claiming that they picked Rheinland and stuck with it?

Furthermore why would they bother sticking with Rheinland when they can stealth sneak across Sirius.

Ugh. All in all your whole re-write is not only brutally boring and w/r/ist but just flies in the face of everything we experience from you people on a daily basis.

You've taken the perfectly acceptable idea of an immature yet powerful race struggling to secure it's place in the universe and the legacy left it, a race which in its pettiness is able to seize upon our own strife and discord to turn it against us, and turned them into some stupid powerful "we've already won, you just don't know it because (sun) group of two dimensional "enlightened" creatures which can only look down on us and sigh. It reads like a wishful dream fantasy shadow cast by insecurity.

Might as well say the Nomads fly keyblades for all I would expect anyone to accept this nonsense.

The story the two of you wrote is grand. But your claims of fleshing out an otherwise flat Nomads rings hollow, they're simply two dimensional in a fashion which is not only self serving but utterly absurd in the face of actions taken. There's nothing wrong with being evil and petty. Not everyone in Disco needs to be "good" or "misunderstood". The Outcasts still function as slavers, you don't need to say they make them citizens. The Corsairs can rip hulls open and frikkin kill every living soul aboard just for the sport of it. The Nomads can be petty and vindictive, the kind of race that would murder just to gain a disguise wearing the face of a loved one so that it could murder again, just because they woke and found those that made them gone and what had been left them taken.

Akura and Sequoia's Story Feedback - Daedric - 03-14-2011

Your story and your in game actions don't jive. Otherwise the story gives me something to read while I lulz at work. Something I enjoy doing.

I've always operated under the assumption that the Nomads of Disco were the same Nomads I fought against in Single Player.

I mean, if there was a reason other than killing my trader because he was human, do tell. You guys used a Harbringer, Scorpin, and a Nomad VHF to shoot down a BWT. Care to enlighten me on the role play reason for that?

Not mad about it, it was awhile back and I jumped into the system knowing I was going to die. I just wanted to see the lulz, still. Role play reason please.

Akura and Sequoia's Story Feedback - Akura - 03-14-2011

' Wrote:To the contrary they were spread across Sirius by the time of the Nomad war. One of the reasons Orellian (sp) jumped "ship" was due to the infection spreading through the LSF and Liberty government, not to mention Kusari. How could you as the leader of the Kusari wild stand behind a statement claiming that they picked Rheinland and stuck with it?

Furthermore why would they bother sticking with Rheinland when they can stealth sneak across Sirius.

No, I mean. They didn't fly from faction to faction working up the ladder, Rheinland came to them, and that's what they started off with. Other stuff came after that, they expanded out from there.

Also, Orillion leaving the LSF to make the new Order cause the old one was infected doesn't make any sense if you look at the timeline of things. Orillion left to make the Order before the Nomads had reached out to Liberty.

It's best assumed he left the old Order because he didn't like the way they ran, or that he didn't think they could do the job he hoped for.

It's worth remembering that the original Order were a fascist super-nationalist organisation who wanted to unite Liberty under a dictatorship to protect it from other houses and outside threats. This was before they even knew about the Nomads.

It's also definately worth noting that the Nomads employ a lot of deception, they can lie. It's unsure how much of the truth the Nomads are willing to share, and they can fabricate their own series of events.

Akura and Sequoia's Story Feedback - Daedric - 03-14-2011

Care to comment on my question? Or are you merely content with skipping feedback which points out flaws between your story and your in game role play?

Quote:Also, Orillion leaving the LSF to make the new Order cause the old one was infected doesn't make any sense if you look at the timeline of things. Orillion left to make the Order before the Nomads had reached out to Liberty.

It's best assumed he left the old Order because he didn't like the way they ran, or that he didn't think they could do the job he hoped for.

Excuse us if we don't agree with your believe of why he left. It isn't best assumed, that is your opinion because you simple have it to support your thinking.

I think I'll go re write Zoner lore because there was very little to begin with. Maybe I'll make them into super powerful techno geeks who have a large colony in the unknowns and are preparing for war with the Houses. I mean, forget that fact that in vanilla they were an extremely small faction who only occupied the Freeports.

Instead of trying to chance the Nomads from what they were in Vanilla, why is it so hard for you to embrace what they are and go with that? That is essentially what y'all do in game anyways.

Akura and Sequoia's Story Feedback - Akura - 03-14-2011

Sorry, I skipped over that.

Not sure of the situation, what was the BWT trading, and to where? Which faction owned it, where in Sirius was this? What did you say? What did they say?

You could have just said "Nomads killed my fighter, why?". Too vague, be more specific.

' Wrote:Excuse us if we don't agree with your believe of why he left. It isn't best assumed, that is your opinion because you simple have it to support your thinking.

If you read up the Vanilla Lore, it doesn't make sense that he left cause his Order was infected. The original Order were just a bunch of ultra-nationalists involved in a conspiracy to take power in Liberty, they weren't founded to fight Nomads, they didn't even know what they were.

The original intro for Freelancer doesn't make sense either, there's a reason it was cut. The Nomads weren't meant to exist past SP, so they were written into Disco to make sense. I'm all for a Blue Terrorist faction that shoots everything on sight without a word and without discriminating, we can be that if people really want, but they'd bitch a lot more if we were Vanilla Nomads.

Akura and Sequoia's Story Feedback - Daedric - 03-14-2011

A Harbringer, Scorpion, and Nomad VHF in Omega-49. Blew up an OSI BWT. Like I said, I don't really care. If I did, I could have just not jumped into 49 and been blown up. I'm merely pointing out that I got two lines of role play before being nuked, which again is fine, I do the same sometimes. The point is, it contradicts your claim that Nomads aren't out to butcher humans for the fun of it.

As for the rest of your post. The original Order was founded to take control of Liberty if they felt she was threatened. You claim they didn't know what the Nomads were, show proof. I've read Vanilla Lore and I've played SP many times.

I've never heard of anyone claiming Orillion left the first Order because he didn't like how it was ran. Everyone has always said he left to avoid infection.

I know you are all for it, most of you already act that way in game. Hence my point, your story and in game actions contradict each other. Pick a route and stay the course. Claiming they are peace loving hippies on the forum and then being blue terrorists in game doesn't jive.