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How my youth was ruined by silly laws. - Printable Version

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How my youth was ruined by silly laws. - Kontrazec (Somni) - 03-20-2011

Post edited and text removed. No swearing -- Cannon

Noone has a right to take away another's freedom in any way, ESPECIALLY to innocent people, via a LAW! It's like... I think the Croatian equivalent of what happened to you would be if someone burned the Constitution. I mean, what is wrong with people? How can you forbid someone to learn? Might as well forbid breathing and eating then, eh? Let the people live on FRENCH water and FRENCH awesomeness? I have nothing against noone, I usually can understand many things and I'm EXTREMELY cool-headed and understanding. But would I meet these people, I'd most likely tear their dumb heads off with a rusty shovel. Seriously.

Like Einstein said; "There are two things infinite; the universe and human stupidity. Although, I'm not sure about the universe."

How my youth was ruined by silly laws. - Cannon - 03-20-2011

I will remind people to keep this thread civil and polite or it will be closed under the 'no politics on the forum' policy.

How my youth was ruined by silly laws. - Backo - 03-20-2011

That's some pretty bad situation there. Around here (Bulgaria), learning English is pretty much a must. I mean I've started learning it when I was... 7.

So ye, that Bill 101 is pretty wrong. Hell, it's a bit like cutting your communication with the rest of the world. (Think about being on the internet and not knowing a word of English?)

How my youth was ruined by silly laws. - Pinko - 03-20-2011

I also need to add, CEGEP (Quebec specific colleges) and University are two different institutions. Here, you must go to College before going to University.

How my youth was ruined by silly laws. - jxie93 - 03-20-2011

Do I see a mini Gallia?

Analogy aside, I can't see any sane and intelligent people who'd support this clear attempt to separate Quebec from the rest of the English speaking world.

As some wise linguist said, if you can speak Mandarin, English and Spanish then you can communicate with 3/4 of the world. Note - French isn't in there.

How my youth was ruined by silly laws. - Shryke - 03-20-2011

It's quite easy for us to say that law is ridiculous.

From the perspective of some Quebecers, it may not be otherwise the Parti Quebecois, which makes no attempt to hide its agenda, would not be elected.

As it is with all democracies, if you don't like the people in charge, organize yourself and like minded people and vote them out of office. Sitting back and whining about it will change nothing, and it shouldn't.

How my youth was ruined by silly laws. - [Cerberus] Illusive Man - 03-20-2011

' Wrote:No.

What they are doing is *so* wrong.

That 'bill 101' should be shredded, then shredded again, then thrown into a blast furnace, along with whoever thought it up.

Restricting people's right to LEARN anything is wrong.

I mean, even the 'worst' countries in the world don't restrict what languages you are allowed to learn or not that I have heard of anyway.

When I was in high school, we were actually encouraged to learn another language, so I know a tiny bit of German.

I've forgotten most of it though, that was a fair while back.

Edit: re-read your post.... People consider it racist? More like stupid than racist.

Couldn't say it better myself. Stupid regulations like these limit culture.

How my youth was ruined by silly laws. - Prysin - 03-20-2011

There is ONE benefit to "bill 101"

you dont have to hire in teachers who are educated in english, only french.... since most speak french, its no problem finding a french teacher...

amasingly, i find it stupid to expand this law to colledge...

How my youth was ruined by silly laws. - Pinko - 03-20-2011

' Wrote:Do I see a mini Gallia?

Analogy aside, I can't see any sane and intelligent people who'd support this clear attempt to separate Quebec from the rest of the English speaking world.

As some wise linguist said, if you can speak Mandarin, English and Spanish then you can communicate with 3/4 of the world. Note - French isn't in there.

Most spoken secondary languages of the world, by H. G. Weber, linguist and statistician, in 1997.
1. French (190 million)
2. English (150 million)
3. Russian (125 million)
4. Portuguese (28 million)
5. Arabic (21 million)
6. Spanish (20 million)
7. Persian (20 million)
8. Chinese (20 million)
9. German (9 million)
10. Japanese (8 million)

French isn't exactly a dead language. I also am known as one of these people who wish Québec to be its own country, but by replying this to one of your statements, I am drifting towards the political aspect of the thing. What I personally disapprove of is how we are limited in our ability to learn new knowledges. By doing this, it shows how much we are afraid to lose our language and culture, (if I risk to add, with reason) but clinging to these remnants of the past is too much. I am of the opinion that laws aren't the way to keep a language alive and well: people speaking it should want to make the efforts by themselves to keep it alive.
While the language isn't spoken by most as a native language,

How my youth was ruined by silly laws. - Canadianguy - 03-21-2011

The main reason for bill 101 right now is to help people who only speak french (pretty common among those who only spoke english at their school 30 years ago and those who went to school before the mendatory english classes) to buy stuff in diverse shops. It requires all products sold here to have all the information on their package in at least french, or else its illegal to be sold in Quebec. Also, whenever you are served by someone in a public place or a shop, he is obligated by law to serve you in french if you understand french.

While I do understand we have to protect our french culture, since it makes us unique. I have to say though that I do not understand the reason to restrict the access to college in the english language. I have to say, if someone wants to go in an english college, even though he did high-school in french, which should you not let him do so? The guy passed his french exams in high-school, which means that he knows french pretty damn well, I am sure he will not lose it if he goes to CEGEP in english due to the fact that almost everything outside his college is in french.