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Queen Carina's Royal Fleet - Unseelie - 01-23-2008

' Wrote:Right, so, it looks to me like only 6 SF are active, which is just barely cutting it for an official faction...also, there are some technicalities over whether I can actually run 2, the thought is, that I merge them...They are both BAF, after all.

So, if you could all sign in...I'm expecting Stratus (admiral), Kiggles(admiral), Dieter Shprockets (Lieutenant), Spear (Lieutenant), Simsonator (Cadet), and Hunter-Gatherer (Cadet)...tell me RP characters and names too, not exactly familiar with you people, and for that, I apologize.

The Idea Hype and I passed around, a while back, was about a political rivalry between the SF, who are run under the mandates of the traditional Admiralty, and the QCO, who, basically, used some quick talking and political ramrodding (and the Queen, of course,) to get their proposals for the fleet ramrodded through parliament....naturally, the regular admiralty doesn't think much of this.

So, I do think there should be some changes, espesialy with the 'police' aspect of Bretonia...we are not in a state of national emergency, and we do not condone martial law *glares at rheinland* and besides, we have a police faction now.

For one thing....the ranks need a rewrite...2 admirals with a Lt each doesn't make much sense to me....

So, if any of you, (especially those of you who have a longer experience in bretonia than me) have any direction you would like the SF (and basically the whole, united BAF, now) to go, or suggestions on how to operate the merger, please speak up, because, to be frank, I'm rather unprepared. Really not sure what to do: while I would like to just suck you into the QCO...You have a long history on the server, and an established system of operation that is vastly different.

Only other thing that I can think of is....Salisbury....and...what to do...

Please feel free to post any thoughts or questions, or PM me at any time.

And, devilcat, I do understand the history of the Sirius Federation....the wars with the AW...the slow chopping back until they were just the Bretonain police pseudo-military they are today..

Queen Carina's Royal Fleet - Spear - 01-23-2008

I'm still here with a SF VHF on stand by. My commitments are spread pretty thin at the moment so I have not been active in my SF char.

Lt John Robertson

Queen Carina's Royal Fleet - Dieter Schprokets - 01-24-2008

My Advice?


Merge the QCO and SF into one fleet.

Call the new faction BAF. (Which would make a hell of a lot more sense than QCO/QCP OR SF)

Bretonian Armed Forces.

No bizarre sub-factions.

Carina, Regina, Imperatrix.

Queen Carina's Royal Fleet - bluntpencil2001 - 01-24-2008

' Wrote:My Advice?


Merge the QCO and SF into one fleet.

Call the new faction BAF. (Which would make a hell of a lot more sense than QCO/QCP OR SF)

Bretonian Armed Forces.

No bizarre sub-factions.

Carina, Regina, Imperatrix.

I agree here, to a point.

I would use the 66th model as inspiration here. QCO/QCP would be the assault force and dirty brigands, much like 202nd. SF (probably needing a rename) would take the honoured position as BAF Guard, keeping the position as the 'old officers club' that the QCO aren't fans of. This will make the faction unified whilst maintaining RP rivalry.

Of course, should the guards be in a sticky position, the assault fleet could return to aid them, and should additional punch be needed, the Guard could join with the assault fleet.

Sound okay?

Queen Carina's Royal Fleet - Heartless - 01-24-2008

If I may,
I fully agree with everyone who has suggested to merge SF and QCO into the BAF. It makes alot more logical sence, and brings Bretonia to the same level as the other houses. All 3 other houses have their main military faction as an actuall player faction. SA, RM, and KNF. Now the BAF will join!

Queen Carina's Royal Fleet - Unseelie - 01-24-2008

Uh.....SA means Southern Alliance...and they only run Texas and Califonia...

Also, Please give all the SF a chance to check in.
once they do, I will air my full and still underdeveloped proposal, for discussion.

Queen Carina's Royal Fleet - pchwang - 01-24-2008

SA is the principle military force in Liberty...a "Northern Alliance" probably will not exist.

Why am I posting here? Shouldn't be...Not even part of the SA anymore, but eh...

But the SA is the Liberty Navy. We decided to keep it to Texas and Cali back then simply because there was more traffic there. Colorado was always technically under SA juristiction.

Queen Carina's Royal Fleet - Stratus - 01-24-2008

I PM'd you my characters, there are a few of them..

Renaming the three factions as BAF would streamline the operation, while causing loss of individualism and frustrating failed group invitations. End of the day its your decision but I'd vote for a merger.

The ranking system was never given a fair test, we established a new high command structure but never had the members to flesh it out and test its effectiveness. Of course, the ranks of SF will undoubtedly change when we merge with QCO to fit your already established structure, I don't expect to remain an Admiral.

Queen Carina's Royal Fleet - Praetyre - 01-24-2008

If the SA are the Southern Alliance, we should do something about each Fleet merging and make ourselves into the Liberty Navy, or LN. That way, people don't get confused. Also, NY is high traffic and now RP and PVP, so that changes things.

Queen Carina's Royal Fleet - Spear - 01-24-2008

' Wrote:If the SA are the Southern Alliance, we should do something about each Fleet merging and make ourselves into the Liberty Navy, or LN. That way, people don't get confused. Also, NY is high traffic and now RP and PVP, so that changes things.

This something that needs to happen, with NY open now and Colorado needs the SA too. SA in the Liberty Navy faction on the server. Close this loophole before we have a YANF fill the North Alliance vacum. We need more navy men online in all of Liberty!

With regards to SF and QCP, it makes sense to merge the armed forces factions. They should only be seperated if for example one of them was a special forces/CIA type faction like the diference between SA and the LSF.