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Overiding ID rules with your RP - Printable Version

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Overiding ID rules with your RP - ProwlerPC - 04-09-2011

Our ID allows us to attack Samura. We did. Our space got invaded. We are allowed to have the gloves off. ;)

And yes, I'm ok with KNF invasion, KNF blackade of Okinawa and KNF siege of Aomori. The gloves are off, of course, but I'm ok with it. It's created a spur of activity out of a little industrial competition. Try not to take it too far. Poor little indie probably hasn't figured out what is going on yet...mind you it's always kinda funny how many times we noted Samura indies "working" for GMG. :)

Overiding ID rules with your RP - Petitioner - 04-10-2011

All the KNF and all the GMG could get sanctioned for it. KNF isn't allowed to attack Kusari civilians, and the GMG can't participate in unlawful actions.

I doubt it'll happen, but rulewise you're all in the wrong. Even if all consenting parties agree, it's against the ID which makes it rule-wise illegal... which is why I hate the way the system works now - it places higher weight on arbitrary rules created for the sole purpose of preventing people from doing things than on good rp, designed to help people do things.

Overiding ID rules with your RP - Dab - 04-10-2011

' Wrote:However attacking the KNF ships is definitely unlawful action.
The KNF ships were within GMG Sovereignty, around Aomori. This is game lore. Hence, the GMG were not committing an unlawful act, as the space it occurred in was their territory, which means their law is the law.

Don't take Kusari Destroyers into GMG Sovereignty..

Liberty blowing up a KNF Destroyer for entering Colorado isn't an unlawful action against Kusari.. It's a lawful action against someone violating their territory.

Overiding ID rules with your RP - ProwlerPC - 04-10-2011

' Wrote:All the KNF and all the GMG could get sanctioned for it. KNF isn't allowed to attack Kusari civilians, and the GMG can't participate in unlawful actions.

I doubt it'll happen, but rulewise you're all in the wrong. Even if all consenting parties agree, it's against the ID which makes it rule-wise illegal... which is why I hate the way the system works now - it places higher weight on arbitrary rules created for the sole purpose of preventing people from doing things than on good rp, designed to help people do things.

Gas Miners Guild ID
Pilot carrying this ID is a member of the Gas Miners Guild, who :
Can trade and escort traders,
Can demand contraband only within the Sigmas and Okinawa, levy fines and destroy ships if they refuse to comply,
Can attack Kruger, Rheinland Military and Rheinland Police within the Sigmas only,
Can hunt pirates and terrorists within the Sigmas, or within systems where GMG has a base, or in self-defense, or to protect another trader, may also actively hunt Pirate, Outcast, Corsair and Hogosha ID players.
Cannot participate in any unlawful actions except against Samura ID players,
Cannot ally with any unlawfuls except the Blood Dragons.
Allowed ships: Fighters, Freighters, Transports.

read the actual 1.0 Vanilla lore to see why, then read the Disco lore and note no reason to change

edit add: Dab covered the sovereign space issue

Overiding ID rules with your RP - DeathsOverture - 04-10-2011

' Wrote:Our ID allows us to attack Samura. We did. Our space got invaded. We are allowed to have the gloves off. ;)

And yes, I'm ok with KNF invasion, KNF blackade of Okinawa and KNF siege of Aomori. The gloves are off, of course, but I'm ok with it. It's created a spur of activity out of a little industrial competition. Try not to take it too far. Poor little indie probably hasn't figured out what is going on yet...mind you it's always kinda funny how many times we noted Samura indies "working" for GMG. :)

Cheers to this! It's good to have Kusari active once again. Honestly, I came back from hiatus just for this.

I've seen countless Samura and Hogosha indies trading gate/lane parts, plutonium, you name it in and out of Okinawa. The indies usually won't argue when you tell them why they should stop.

' Wrote:All the KNF and all the GMG could get sanctioned for it. KNF isn't allowed to attack Kusari civilians, and the GMG can't participate in unlawful actions.

I doubt it'll happen, but rulewise you're all in the wrong. Even if all consenting parties agree, it's against the ID which makes it rule-wise illegal... which is why I hate the way the system works now - it places higher weight on arbitrary rules created for the sole purpose of preventing people from doing things than on good rp, designed to help people do things.

Well, Dab may be right for this particular case, but I see your point. 'Unlawful action.' is a rather loose term. GMG ID is allowed to engage Samura ID. KNF blockades GMG stations, which is a perfectly reasonable reaction to the Kurile "proposition." Yet GMG and KNF can't battle because it is unlawful?

I've always thought ID's were meant to fulfill their roles on a mod-level, not server level. If we start changing ID's based on server RP, wont' they change on other servers as well? I doubt USA server has parallel RP to the current GMG-Kusari climate.

Overiding ID rules with your RP - Prysin - 04-11-2011

' Wrote:All the KNF and all the GMG could get sanctioned for it. KNF isn't allowed to attack Kusari civilians, and the GMG can't participate in unlawful actions.

I doubt it'll happen, but rulewise you're all in the wrong. Even if all consenting parties agree, it's against the ID which makes it rule-wise illegal... which is why I hate the way the system works now - it places higher weight on arbitrary rules created for the sole purpose of preventing people from doing things than on good rp, designed to help people do things.

OOPS me and half the server would then have to be banned for overriding ID rules with RP... oh well.

Overiding ID rules with your RP - DarthBindo - 04-12-2011

Unlawful is completely subjective, and depends on the governing authority of the space in which you reside.
GMG gets to decide what is lawful in the Sigmas, and the KNF gets to decide what is lawful in Kusari, rules wise.