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Teamwork, a myth? - Printable Version

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Teamwork, a myth? - AeternusDoleo - 04-21-2011

Works wonders when someone forms a plan and people actually stick to it, no? I've had these occurrances before... last time was in Omega 5, huge furball with Order and Corsairs on one site, vs BHG, a few Reavers, and Hessians on the other side. (BHG and Hessians had formed a truce of convenience - was okay since this balanced out the sides). I think there were some 3 Sair snubs, 2 additional bombers, 2 Ossies and an order recon cruiser vs a BHG cattlebruiser, a RF Zephyr, 3 Bottlenoses, and at least 6 assorted snubs... BHG Manta, RH Odin and Sabre mainly.

In the end the Sairs won - mainly due to effective use of the capital ships. Fighters kept luring the enemy snubs and gunboats towards them, which allowed one of them to use BS secondary guns to take out enemy fighters very quick. Once the fighters were down the bombers kept the enemy capital ships disrupted - and those were taken out as well, even when we didn't have the numbers on our side.

Teamwork, a myth? - SnakThree - 04-21-2011

No. Just today we took out numbers of hostiles while having only one Libby GB (CAP4), one Mafic, one Havoc. Two Tridentes and two snubs downed, With no losses. While under fire by their station. So. Teamwork wins. Most of the times.

Teamwork, a myth? - Aphil - 04-21-2011

The thing is, some people think they can boss other people around because they have the biggest ship, or because they think they're the most qualified. It doesn't work that way. You lead through respect, not because of a rank or how big your ship is. If your people respect you, then they'll do everything you say. Also, NEVER -EVER- consider yourself above those you lead. Always consider them equals.

Teamwork, a myth? - SnakThree - 04-21-2011

' Wrote:The thing is, some people think they can boss other people around because they have the biggest ship, or because they think they're the most qualified. It doesn't work that way. You lead through respect, not because of a rank or how big your ship is. If your people respect you, then they'll do everything you say. Also, NEVER -EVER- consider yourself above those you lead. Always consider them equals.
This too.

Equality above everything!

Teamwork, a myth? - jxie93 - 04-21-2011

Teamwork isn't a myth, it's just very rare.

Why, you ask?

Because people are selfish and arrogant, they think they can do everything themselves without anyone else helping them. It's a natural human trait you can't change. The only thing you can do is hope for the people who play with you have a team spirit and enjoy cooperation.

Teamwork, a myth? - DarthBindo - 04-21-2011

' Wrote:Teamwork isn't a myth, it's just very rare.

Why, you ask?

Because people are selfish and arrogant, they think they can do everything themselves without anyone else helping them. It's a natural human trait you can't change. The only thing you can do is hope for the people who play with you have a team spirit and enjoy cooperation.
I remember when michael and i worked together to rip off miners
for a full load of ore:)

Teamwork, a myth? - Daedric - 04-21-2011


95% of our online time is spent being part of a team.

Teamwork, a myth? - Backo - 04-21-2011

There's no real reason to have only 1 boss in a team. Sometimes you might call the target, but someone else in your team noticing a weak link - a newbie maybe. Just because he isn't as high ranked as you doesn't mean you can't take his advice. So yeah, teamwork - the more the team trusts each other, the better they work as one.

Teamwork, a myth? - hribek - 04-21-2011

Want teamwork? Join The Lane Hackers.

Edit: If you're smart enough.

Teamwork, a myth? - Prysin - 04-21-2011

Want teamwork, join XTF/101st