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An idea for the One Faction per ID rule - Printable Version

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An idea for the One Faction per ID rule - Rommie - 04-21-2011

' Wrote:That people would word hard for the cash that will be later used to see their faction official. :) <strike>And I shouldn't even mention how hard is to raise 1 billion credits with the mining nerfed.</strike>
It still doesn't have anything to do with the One Faction per ID rule.

And raising 1 billion is quite easy, especially in a case like this one.

An idea for the One Faction per ID rule - Sturmwind - 04-21-2011

The money part is not the best idea, but I could go with already official factions deciding about officialdom. Then again, there are two particular issues: First it can be done already with conducting a merge. Second is that if there's bad blood between the two factions, the one existing and the one going official, personal feelings may easily influence a decision that's supposed to be of quality and role play, as it does here so often. That's why a third party deciding about such issues is beneficial.

What I thought could be more possible would be that if a faction does not fulfill the role of the whole NPC faction iRP (see: LE, AGS), then there would be a possibility of another faction going official too.

An idea for the One Faction per ID rule - Daedric - 04-21-2011

The 500m you put up when you make a bid to become official is there to stop people from spamming requests and thus pestering the admins. If you get denied, you lose it. If you get approved you get it back.

You are very confusing. It seems to me that your idea has nothing to do with the 1 per ID rule or is what I said in the post of mine I edited. Please clarify!

An idea for the One Faction per ID rule - VoluptaBox - 04-21-2011

I only see the multiple factions per id working on factions who's roleplay supports that: corsairs, outcasts, brigands, trading faction, mercs and so on. Not all factions could support such a system.

An idea for the One Faction per ID rule - [Cerberus] Illusive Man - 04-21-2011

' Wrote:The 500m you put up when you make a bid to become official is there to stop people from spamming requests and thus pestering the admins. If you get denied, you lose it. If you get approved you get it back.

You are very confusing. It seems to me that your idea has nothing to do with the 1 per ID rule or is what I said in the post of mine I edited. Please clarify!

In the case of an empty NPC ID, lets say for the Mercenary ID:

- You put 500.000.000 down on the table for the Admins
- If you get denied, you lose it, if you get approved, you get it back

In the case of an already filled NPC ID, lets say for the Liberty Navy ID

- You ask the [LN] if they will allow you to be official with them, first by clarifying what would you do, like not interferring in equipment requests or other stuff.

- If they allow you, you can send the request to the Admin Team, if not, patience. Then you should pay SC for the fact that the ID is already occupied, double the sum of what you would have paid for making a faction official on an empty NPC ID.

Got it now?

An idea for the One Faction per ID rule - [Cerberus] Illusive Man - 04-21-2011

' Wrote:I only see the multiple factions per id working on factions who's roleplay supports that: corsairs, outcasts, brigands, trading faction, mercs and so on. Not all factions could support such a system.

True. That's why some pre-existing official factions should approve or deny the request of an unofficial faction if they want to get official.

An idea for the One Faction per ID rule - Rodent - 04-21-2011

I'm in the "faction restriction per ID was a bad move" boat, so this system looks good to me.

An idea for the One Faction per ID rule - Daedric - 04-21-2011

This would defeat the entire purpose of the 1 faction per ID rule, thus I'll vote no. I'd much prefer if we returned to the way of old, by not having the 1 faction per ID rule to begin with.

I'm not big on making people pay more because they haven't been here since the mod spawned. Not to mention I'd rather not leave more things up to official faction leaders than we already have left up to them.

An idea for the One Faction per ID rule - [Cerberus] Illusive Man - 04-21-2011

' Wrote:This would defeat the entire purpose of the 1 faction per ID rule, thus I'll vote no. I'd much prefer if we returned to the way of old, by not having the 1 faction per ID rule to begin with.

So then, petition to remove the One Faction per ID rule, is that what you suggest/want? It could be a choice.

EDIT: Anyways, going out.

An idea for the One Faction per ID rule - Pancakes - 04-21-2011

' Wrote:I only see the multiple factions per id working on factions who's roleplay supports that: corsairs, outcasts, brigands, trading faction, mercs and so on. Not all factions could support such a system.
As LN , to me it makes no snese that one nation will have 2 armies.
Some factions can have it and it will work well, while others don't.
Zoners and Mollies are example of working well.