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BMM Wants a new Super Heavy Miner Design! - Printable Version

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BMM Wants a new Super Heavy Miner Design! - Swallow - 05-14-2011

oh, i got that

BMM Wants a new Super Heavy Miner Design! - DartStriker - 05-18-2011

This was a ship I worked on for the RHA for a little while, never went anywhere but I still have the model. It was designed as a mining ship.
[Image: hess_cruiser_redcopy.png]

This is an old one, I did in concert from someone concept art of a brit miner.
[Image: brit_miner3.png]

BMM Wants a new Super Heavy Miner Design! - Dart - 05-18-2011

maybe as a large transport specifically meant for local transportation of ore, these would be o.k. ships. but i want mafic/dacite/basalt replacements.

reward will be larger here as stated:

if you can make them look like they are from the sea, crab, starfish, turtle etc. that would be convincing since bret snubs areloaded with fins.

BMM Wants a new Super Heavy Miner Design! - Swallow - 05-18-2011

Dart and Dart ))

by the way, what program you are using for modelling?

BMM Wants a new Super Heavy Miner Design! - DartStriker - 05-18-2011

Maya 2010 edition

BMM Wants a new Super Heavy Miner Design! - Swallow - 05-18-2011

' Wrote:Maya 2010 edition

easy to learn? functional?

EDIT: sorry abt this offtop

BMM Wants a new Super Heavy Miner Design! - DartStriker - 05-19-2011

' Wrote:easy to learn? functional?

EDIT: sorry abt this offtop

All of the above.

BMM Wants a new Super Heavy Miner Design! - Luis - 05-22-2011

You want turtle? Okay... here's turtle!

It's most likely to be a freighter.

[Image: BMM1.png]
[Image: BMM2.png]

Edit: Texxtures aren't done. I don't want to waste time on texturing when it's not going to be implemented or approved in-game.

BMM Wants a new Super Heavy Miner Design! - Dart - 05-22-2011

lol i didnt mean literally. its not like bret ships literally look like fish, if you know what i mean.

let me ask you this: can you imagine this being a mafic, or dacite replacement? can you think in those terms? im looking for a same-ship-class ship, not a total overhaul:P

but if you wanna keep working on that model, maybe shrink the head, and remove the side flaps. make it appear like a zoner whale with teeth:P

editing OP, example submissions will get 10 million credits from my own pocket to encourage more submission

so PM me where to send 10 million credits

BMM Wants a new Super Heavy Miner Design! - Swallow - 05-22-2011

pretty turtle, actually