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Daumann Heavy Constuction, DHC- - Printable Version

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Daumann Heavy Constuction, DHC- - Lobster - 04-30-2011

Thanks, I'll get to work on correcting that mistake.

EDIT: ninja'd

Thank you for the well wishes McPhail.

Daumann Heavy Constuction, DHC- - Sabas - 04-30-2011

I fixed a few grammatical errors just now, still stream lining it though.

Daumann Heavy Constuction, DHC- - Kharon - 05-01-2011

I am out/back to "indy" status.

Daumann Heavy Constuction, DHC- - Lobster - 05-01-2011

Thanks for trying it with us anyway Kharon. You were invaluable the first few days, helping everyone set up their ships and even providing us with an armory. I wish you well wherever your travels take you.

Daumann Heavy Constuction, DHC- - Lucas_Fernandez - 05-01-2011

I see you use BH/RM weapons/ships. I know the old, disbanded Daumann got them but because this is not the old Daumann I like to see you make a new deal with the owners of those technology on forum.

Daumann Heavy Constuction, DHC- - Daedric - 05-01-2011

' Wrote:Wolf is right. I was 2ic in that faction, with Crisfg as leader, and we both agreed that'€™s the best thing to do. We were out of solution and we thought we should let someone else try instead of logging ships just to keep the faction active

Some of the reasons for changing my mind are here

From the other DHC thread. I'll ask you the same question I asked them.

So, if you all felt like giving someone else a try, why then aren't you?

Daumann Heavy Constuction, DHC- - Cris - 05-01-2011

I was waiting to see wolfspirit Daumann, I even gave him the forum account. Never came and after seeing some positive changes I felt like trying again. If anyone wants to try, we could use a third Daumann :)

Daumann Heavy Constuction, DHC- - Daedric - 05-02-2011

I can understand that then. I'll wish both groups luck in the bid, with the hope that it doesn't devolve into an ooRP feud like other similar situations have.

Daumann Heavy Constuction, DHC- - Lobster - 05-02-2011

' Wrote:I see you use BH/RM weapons/ships. I know the old, disbanded Daumann got them but because this is not the old Daumann I like to see you make a new deal with the owners of those technology on forum.

I talked to Monty about the BHG/DHC deal and tech. I asked him if we could pick up where the old DHC left off in terms of cooperation and previous agreements. The awnser was a yes. Even with the agreement betweeen us, I have been -very- careful not to spam BHG equipment.

Currently we have:
  • 1 manta with x6 buckshots
  • 1 eagle with x4 buckshots
  • 1 falcon with x3 buckshots
  • 1 eagle with x2 buckshots
That is all the BHG equipment we are using in our whole fleet at the moment.

The RM equipment comes from the tech chart, not previous deals. We have no RM ships and only use RM weapons because the RM cell is purple to Daumann on the tech chart.

Currently we can mount these guns on our ships:
  • Flashpoints
  • Debilitators
  • Civilian Chainguns
  • Hornvipers
  • Firekisses
  • Buckshots
Quote:[4/28/2011 11:59:09 AM] Anne: do we want to pick up where DHC left off?
[4/28/2011 12:00:29 PM] Seanaidh (Montezuma): Well, sure, the BHGs post in the tech chart thread says this
[4/28/2011 12:00:30 PM] Seanaidh (Montezuma): Exact Player/Group Name(s): Daumann Heavy Construction DHC| Faction
Exact Technology Granted:
- Access to Bounty Hunter Class 9 Buckshot Fighter weapons
- 6 Manta and 6 BH bomber for Daumann patrols; 6 Manta, 6 BH bomber, 2 Orca and BHG weapons to Adler Private Security firm, a Daumann subsidiary
(supplied only for length of security contract)
This Corporation's Security Division or subsidiaries shall never use this equipment against any of the House Militaries, Police Forces or Lawful Corporations.
[4/28/2011 12:00:47 PM] Seanaidh (Montezuma): So yeah, if you're just restarting the old DHC|, it should be fine

Daumann Heavy Constuction, DHC- - Wolfspirit - 05-02-2011

' Wrote:I was waiting to see wolfspirit Daumann, I even gave him the forum account. Never came and after seeing some positive changes I felt like trying again. If anyone wants to try, we could use a third Daumann :)
Yes, sadly as I marked to some old member who interested, I dont have time until summer, this is why I dont mind and protest if cris (and vito) try this again now.