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Two ladies who once were friends... - Printable Version

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Two ladies who once were friends... - Drakaisyl - 05-29-2011

'€žYes I said I would meet her last time but'€¦I am not sure if I want that anymore'€¦'€œ Jeanne looked away as she felt some tears coming out of her eyes. '€œI'€¦I can'€™t trust people anymore by side you'€¦not since that'€¦happened. And I have no parties anymore on board of the Daemoncritus'€¦'€ Jeanne said sighting. '€œNot that I would not miss them'€¦'€ she added afterwards. '€œBut when and where did you want to meet us three? Did she mention that?'€ Jeanne wanted to know, even when she said at the beginning she would not come. What she told Conny was only a part of the truth but she was too afraid of loosing the contact to Vic because auf Rachel. So she waited for an answer from Conny.

Two ladies who once were friends... - Yaoquizque - 05-29-2011

Concordia saddened when she noticed Jeanne expression "Oh... I'm sorry love..."

She smiled softly "That's why i thought it would be nice to make peace with Rachel you know... She was your best friend, right?"
She shook her head.
"You are too often alone, honey... It's not good to be alone..."

She then took a sip of tea and beamed "And.... I'm sorry i wasn't there recently... I was a bit busy!"

"Anyway, i bimped into Rachel yesterday and... We talked a bit..." She smiled "She said she would be okay to see you!"
She sipped her tea, studying Jeanne through her screen.
"She didn't say when she would like to meet you... But... I thought i could surprise her by calling you now. I'm in her ship and we're in Inverness... But... I told you that already, hmm?"

Concordia sticked out her tongue "She's sleeping right now!"
She shrugged and finished her tea "Do you want to come? I will understand if you don't want to."

Two ladies who once were friends... - Drakaisyl - 05-30-2011

Jeanne looked again to Conny and sighted once again. '€œAlright'€¦.I will come'€¦but I will take some time'€¦I have to tell my leaving to someone and explain it'€¦see you in a few hours'€ Jeanne said and closed the video link. She sat there for a few minutes, before she got up and walked to the bathroom of her quarter.

After she took a shower for almost a half of an hour she felt ready to go. But before she went to the bridge she left the ship and searched Victoria'€™s quarter she had rent on the Hood. She knocked and Victoria opened the door. '€œI just wanted to say, that I am going to Inverness, I should be back in two or three days. If not'€¦look for the Arkania'€¦'€ she said with calm voice and Vic nodded and shortly hugged Jeanne. '€œTake care.'€ She said and with a short look back to Vic Jeanne left the quarter and moved back to the Deamoncritus. After she did the pre flight check she set course to Inverness.

After some endless hours of travelling she finally arrived the system. Afraid of seeing Rachel'€™s ship she activated the main screen and there the two ships were. The big Arkania and the small Sabre. With a emotion chaos she moored with the old station and left the ship. '€œH'€¦hello?'€ she asked carefully in the wide of the hangar bay. Then she saw a person coming to her and she started to become even more nervous until she identified the person as Conny. '€œHey'€¦'€ she said as Conny reached her and hugged her.

Two ladies who once were friends... - Yaoquizque - 05-30-2011

As Concordia was hugging Jeanne, she said "Hello love! You came finally!"
Leaning back after a while, she smiled at her "I'm glad to see you!"

She looked into her eyes and noticed her anxiety "Uhhh... When was the last time you saw Rachel...?" She smiled at her again "But don't worry... It will be fine, right? I mean you two were friends... And you loved eachother!"

She attempted to tickle her to make her laugh a bit.
Jeanne was very cautious, looking around furtively.

Concordia tilted her head "Uhoh... Anyway... Rachel is sleeping... And Cornelia as well" She paused, scratching her lower lip "Hmm, i think?"

The girl took Jeanne's hand and asked "Let's move to her quarters? We will be able to talk there!"

She then looked around, confused "If i remember how to go back there, that is..." She rolled her eyes and grinned "This ship is a maze!"

Two ladies who once were friends... - Drakaisyl - 06-15-2011

'€œIf she has it still on the same spot I will guide you to her, Conny.'€ Jeanne said and slowly started to move towards the stair which lead up to the deck where the quarter were. '€œIt can be a maze, yes. But when you spend enough time on it you know the ways.'€ Jeanne added and then the two girls went to the quarter in silent. Jeanne had always a look around every way where maybe someone could come and the allowed herself to relax a bit when they reached the quarter door. '€œSo you will wake up Rachel? Or shall I do that?'€ she asked Conny. '€œYou do it, love.'€ She said with a grin and so Jeanne shrugged and entered the quarter. In the beginning she had problems with the dark of it but slowly her eyes got used to it and she saw two bodies on the bed. '€œRachel, are you awake?'€ she asked and saw how one of the bodies turned to her.

'€œRachel are you awake?'€ was the question and Rachel turned around to the person. She was surprised as she saw Jeanne standing in front of the bed, together with Conny. '€œYes'€¦I am. And what are you doing on my ship? Want to accuse me again for everything?'€ she asked not very nicely, another proof how bad the relationship was between the two.

'€œNo'€¦I am here because Conny invited me and told me I should come because you wanted to talk to me'€ Jeanne replied. '€œBut as far as I see you won'€™t.'€ she said and turned around for leaving.

Two ladies who once were friends... - Yaoquizque - 06-18-2011

"Hey!" She looked at Jeanne, confused "Leaving already?"

She moved near Jeanne and took her hand "Where are you going... We just arrived"
Connie tried to pull her towards the bed "Come...! Uhh..."

She hugged her and then leaned back, looking at her "You came here to talk to her right... No?"
The girl then looked at Rachel "Come on you two... Explain yourself... And be friends again, okay?"

She then jumped on the bed softly and started to tickle Cornelia...

Two ladies who once were friends... - Drakaisyl - 07-24-2011

Jeanne looked back over the shoulder to Rachel. "Do you want to talk? Yes or no. Just say it.If not,Iam gone,forever.And you won't see me again." Jeanne said without any emotion in her voice.

Rachel replied the look, her former best friend.She was unsure if she should take it or let Jeanne leave.She tried to remember the time when they two were friends or for most just sisters as her relationship was that close.But then the incident happend which destroyed everything between them.That one night 6 Years ago.When their friendship ended and both split up,not wanting to know how the former best friend lives.Rachel took a deep breath and then nodded."Alright.Let's talk." she said and pointed to the door to the living room part of her quarter."Take a seat there,I wil ljust have a shower and then we talk" she said and without waitiing for a reaction of Jeanne she sliped out of the bed and went to the shower.Leaving Jeanne,Cornelia and Conny alone together.

Two ladies who once were friends... - Yaoquizque - 07-31-2011

She was looking at those two alternately while doing Cornelia's hairs.
What was wrong with them? And what exactly happened?

She heard a story of betrayal... Or something... She wasn't sure.
The weird thing is they were accusing each other. Didn't make much sense.

The girl tilted her head when Rachel said she would take a shower. She didn't get it. Why didn't she ask Jeanne to take it with her?
She suddenly had that mischievous smile she used to make when she came up with a funny idea.

Giving a sidelook at Jeanne who was heading to the living room, she whispered to Cornelia
"Hey...Want to do them a little joke?"
Cornelia shook her head.
"Oh come on...!" she said, laughing "It will be funny!"

Cornelia looked at Concordia gravely, wondering what that strange girl had in mind again.
She finally grabbed a datapad and started to write on it using a pencil. She then handed it to Concordia who started to read.
"-What... Do you... Want to do?-" She smiled and kissed her on the cheek "Not tellin', honey! Just do what i do, okay?!"

She then pulled Cornelia to make her stand up and started to run to the living room, where Jeanne was looking around, obviously lost in her thoughts.
Smiling she hugged her, Cornelia doing the same after a moment of hesitation.

"You're okay, love?" She said, grinning "I missed you, you know?"
Jeanne looked rather sad, but she finally smiled a bit "What do you have in mind, you two?"

Concordia smiled innocently, soon mimicked by Cornelia "We? Nothing! Oh... Actually..." She stroked Jeanne softly "We wanted to play cat and mouse... You play with us?"
"Hmmm..." She said, looking into the two girls's eyes alternatively. She sighed, lowering her head and smiled softly again "Ah well... O.K."

"You are the cat!" Said Concordia in a blink, running to the bedroom. She came back with a pillowcase and blindfolded Jeanne who was wondering "Why me?!"

"You are the sexycat" she heard, coming from her right "Why do you complain?" She then heard Concordia laughing.
"Now you have to find uuuuuus...." And then... Silence...

Sighing, she started to walk uneasily, bumping into pieces of furniture or walls at times.
It lasted for a while, and she couldn't hear the girls. Finally she heard some noise coming from her left and walked slowly towards it.
She opened a door and walking with her arms raised, she finally caught someone.
"Got you." She said, smiling.

That wasn't Concordia's voice... Having suddenly a disturbing doubt, she took off the pillowcase quickly.
She was groping Rachel's breast with her other hand...