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To: Outcast 101st High Command - Printable Version

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To: Outcast 101st High Command - Veygaar - 05-31-2011

[Image: Transmission.png]
*A strong young man speaks.*



In but the first hour of our work in Theta, we caught two Corsair pilots a little to far from their comfort zone.
GB Death

Titan Death

Expect many more to come, so far we have sustained zero damage whatsoever, and our presence is still unknown.

Transmission Ends

To: Outcast 101st High Command - TheOrangeButterfly - 06-01-2011

ID:Barrett Bancroft

[Image: bancroft.jpg]


Hello friends, more of those cannibals dead. Courtesy of Rorry's Renegades.

*Barrett smiles as the datafeed uploads*

Fighter Kill
Fighter ID/Info

Cruiser Kill
Cruiser ID/Info

Thank you for your time, I look forward to working with you.

[color=#009900]~~~TRANSMISSION CLOSED~~~

To: Outcast 101st High Command - SMGSterlin - 06-01-2011

::::::Incoming Transmission::::::
Location: Valetta Shipyard
Comm ID: Carlos Santanna

[Image: sombrero-straw-mexican-hat.jpg]

[font=Arial]Hola Senor Rorry, and assorted renegades of his, just wanted to say good work. Your actions against the Corsairs so far is muy appreciated, keep it up.

~Carlos Santanna

To: Outcast 101st High Command - Veygaar - 06-03-2011

[Image: Transmission.png]
A strong young man speaks


Ah good sires. More success to report. Grins
It should be noted that we STILL have suffered no losses, picking our targets carefully to ensure 100% success. We kill well, we survive better!
Using deceiving words we draw out the foolish Corsairs, out beyond their comfort zone, out... to their death!

Bomber ID
Bomber Death

Freighter ID
Freighter Death

Bomber ID
Bomber Death

Transmission Ends

To: Outcast 101st High Command - Veygaar - 06-08-2011

[Image: Transmission.png]
A strong young man speaks


Good warriors.

Today I am happy to announce the last raid on the Corsairs went off without a hitch!

In a group of three, our Havocs laid to rest your enemies once more...

One of our pilots came a little to close to those cannons on the Corsair Cruiser, he is doing fine, his ship not so much, but Huron is strong. And the Cruiser was dispatched of by myself and my good Renegade Ka'zilth.

Here are the results!

VHF Death

SHF Death

Cruiser ID
Cruiser Death

As of now we will be leaving Corsair infested space, there are rumors of a gold rush on the other corner of space. An opportunity we Renegades can't wait to wreck havoc upon. chuckles

If you have any requests of us, please do not hesitate to ask, no matter our main focus, we are willing to help you and your kind.

Transmission Ends

To: Outcast 101st High Command - Veygaar - 06-14-2011

[Image: Transmission.png]
A strong young man speaks


Gentlemen, I hope the Renegades actions helped make a step towards a better future.

I would like to purpose the 'next' step.

The Renegades are currently negotiating with the Legion of the Damned. A group we hear you know aswell. It would benefit the Renegades immensely if we could secure safe passage through your territory. No docking, no usage of your things, just a safe flight through your space.

Your thought?

~Scripted by Alan Write, Rorry's brother and personal diplomat.
Transmission Ends

To: Outcast 101st High Command - Veygaar - 06-14-2011


To: Outcast 101st High Command - Veygaar - 06-15-2011


To: Outcast 101st High Command - Veygaar - 06-15-2011

---=--=-=Retransmitted for Notability=-=--=---

To: Outcast 101st High Command - maximus995 - 06-15-2011

[Image: footba3r.png]

Buenos Dias Senor,

Let me start of by mentioning i do not represent the 101st on this, although most outcasts will probably feel the same about this.

The way i see it, is that there is no reason to shoot upon people that kill corsairs and their allies, keep to their own business and Put effort in Expanding the glory of the nation.

hence why im rather confused why you wouldnt be granted a safe passage under the condition you keep to yourself and dont utilize our facilities.

Yours sincerely

Maximus De Castillo

[Image: footbar.png]