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Radar Filters - Printable Version

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Radar Filters - Crackpunch - 06-05-2011

I'd rather keep it the way it is or add the new filter. I like to know when there's an angry battleship nearby when I'm trying to talk.

Radar Filters - Varok - 06-05-2011

I trought there's some way to classify certain things as 'important' and stuff like that. I already am aware of the basic in-game filters. I trought there was something new.:(

Radar Filters - Drider - 06-06-2011

Add players to "Ships" tab. Problem solved

Radar Filters - Hone - 02-01-2012

So uh, when did this get implemented and I wasnt told?

Radar Filters - Othienka - 02-01-2012

' Wrote:So uh, when did this get implemented and I wasnt told?
When 4.86 came? :cool:

Radar Filters - Ayatolah - 02-02-2012

' Wrote:Add players to "Ships" tab. Problem solved
i dunno if we're talking the same, but in my case i just click in the "ships" 2 or 3 times, first click shows you NPC, the next show you players alone

Radar Filters - Zynth - 02-02-2012

' Wrote:i dunno if we're talking the same, but in my case i just click in the "ships" 2 or 3 times, first click shows you NPC, the next show you players alone

Wait what?

This. Is. Godly.

I feel like a retard for not noticing that NPCs disappear when I click "ships" another time. I actually thought it was a bug that NPCs were not showing up.

Radar Filters - Govedo13 - 02-02-2012

Somewhere I read that Adoxa made such plug-in.

Radar Filters - Toaster - 02-02-2012

*audible sigh* It was mentioned in Cannon's changelog for update 3. Does no one read that stuff?

Double-click ship filter and it only shows players. Important tab shows everything but hostile NPC ships.

Radar Filters - Juan_Arquero - 02-02-2012

' Wrote:*audible sigh* It was mentioned in Cannon's changelog for update 3. Does no one read that stuff?
I guess you mean the following:
' Wrote:- Single player console and contact list ship filter added.
Yes. I did read the above. Do you see an explanation of how to use it? I sure don't. Do you realize how frustrating being attacked without warning by strong NPCs can be? I learned that last night. I knew that it was related to this "feature," but it acted like a "bug," since it is poorly-documented -- I didn't know how to use it until I found this thread and saw your comment below:
' Wrote:Double-click ship filter and it only shows players. Important tab shows everything but hostile NPC ships.
The above should be better documented. I shouldn't have had to find it on the GC forums. I hope that "feature" can be toggled, as I couldn't get any NPCs to show up on my list last night.