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Mandatory public roster? - Not Espi - 06-22-2011

' Wrote:To add transparancy, etc.
Best cure is ignorance toward flame posts and contacting moderator regarding it. We have suspensions now, which I can personally guarantee works flawlessly, which will effectivly shut down malicious intents.

I believe community should be stepping towards becomming a better place and simply by abiding rules, no matter what "opposition" does is better than closing down on changes that might bring more advantages than disadvantages.

The game is public. The factions should be too. Once you start playing the game and register on forums to join a faction you become part of that public.

If sanction notices are avialable to all, why shouldn't factions' roster be open? Less negative image, if at all, will be delivered than of a sanction.

yes, works lovely on paper, but add humans and internet to the equation and you have a cluster.. of flames and hate this community loves so much for some reason.

Mandatory public roster? - jammi - 06-22-2011

To be frank, rosters don't stay up to date for long. In the Bowex information thread, I took the liberty (with Wellington's permission) of deleting the link to the roster and replacing it with a link to our activity tracker. If you want to find out specifically who someone is, run a thread search in the message dump, or PM the faction leader.

I think we've stumbled across an effort-free solution personally.

Mandatory public roster? - casero - 06-22-2011

' Wrote:And I wanted my sanctions to be hidden from public. Nobody really asked whether my bad behaviour should be shown to community.

Well then stating forum account is fine. It still shows the owner of ship/character and whom to contact. If player indeed wants to hide his identity, he is free to do, but at least it's on the roster.

ABC|John.Doe - Alt_account1

Your sanctions were hidden from Public, unless you revealed your characters to everyone, no one should know it was you.

If Malito gets sanctioned no one will know it's me, except for admins, or except I post in the sanction thread. Evidence can be asked by PMs, you are not forced to post in your sanction thread. If your character is famous, well, then I'm sorry, but it's your fault for letting people know it was you.

Imagine if N00bl3t posts his characters in the forum, just as an example of many. He would get a lot of OORP originated interactions, not to say troubles, headaches, etc.

No one should reveal your characters unless you allow it.

Characters are sanctioned, and their users are punished anonymously.

You don't see:

"Malito has been sancioned for bla bla bla
So we took all the money from your accounts, Casero!" (Unless you are talking about Forum sanctions, which were done with your forum account, and there's not other way to punish you than through your forum account and other forum accounts)

In fact, you can't possibly know if I've ever been sanctioned. Maybe I was, maybe I wasn't, how can you tell? All you know is, I've not been sanctioned in my PUBLIC characters, the ones -I- decided -myself- to make publics.

Faction characters roster, should be public (A list of the characters belonging to the faction, even those untagged).

Mandatory public roster? - Silver - 06-22-2011

I voted yes.

Snak3 is right about this, it adds transparency to factions and gives responsability to their players.
It might not be updated as frequently, but that's just faction to faction.

In Reavers case, i am nagging Rob for a week so he can update the bloody Roster, and he still didn't do it.



Mandatory public roster? - Brix - 06-22-2011

Only thing you need to know is faction leader and his second in command. If you cant fix isues that you have with leaders of faction or in their feedback, well, only option remaining is to take screenshots and open some nice trial by forum, which will probably result in your tempban.
Also, what hapends if you recruit a player ingame and he doesnt have or dont want to make a forum account? You kick him out cause he is just here for playing Freelancer and not FORUMlancer?

Mandatory public roster? - casero - 06-22-2011

' Wrote:Only thing you need to know is faction leader and his second in command. If you cant fix isues that you have with leaders of faction or in their feedback, well, only option remaining is to take screenshots and open some nice trial by forum, which will probably result in your tempban.
Also, what hapends if you recruit a player ingame and he doesnt have or dont want to make a forum account? You kick him out cause he is just here for playing Freelancer and not FORUMlancer?

Wrong, if you can't fix issues, take your screenshots and fill a violation report, if it's not about rules, then it's a difference of opinions, and what would change knowing the player's name? (I know you don't agree with public roster, it wasn't pointed at you, I generalize a lot)

We treat the characters, not the players. Heh.... we SHOULD treat the characters, not the players.

Mandatory public roster? - Govedo13 - 06-22-2011

' Wrote:to what ends? some factions like to keep their membership in secret to avoid player-player flames.
This is true. Some people like to troll/flame. Better to reduce their options. There is no reason to me mandatory,it wont bring anything good so no thank you.

Mandatory public roster? - Alley - 06-22-2011

' Wrote:We treat the characters, not the players. Heh.... we SHOULD treat the characters, not the players.

not gonna happen anytime soon in this community

Mandatory public roster? - casero - 06-22-2011

' Wrote:not gonna happen anytime soon in this community

We can dream, and try to give the example.

Mandatory public roster? - Brix - 06-22-2011

' Wrote:Wrong, if you can't fix issues, take your screenshots and fill a violation report, if it's not about rules, then it's a difference of opinions, and what would change knowing the player's name?

We treat the characters, not the players. Heh.... we SHOULD treat the characters, not the players.

Mate, have you seen lately how many feedbacks were closed for flame/troll wars? How many people got sanctioned for that? 1, maybe 2...My point is this: Discovery isnt perfect, some rules need fixing, but until we get those better rules or people in general start behaving nice, we dont need to complicate situation with another bad rule.
One last thing: What can stop me from posting rooster of my faction with only half members, and tommorow just say that we recruited them ingame? This rule (if gets green light from Admins) will need to have added that roosters should be updated weekly, at least.