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To the Blood Dragon Daimyos, esp. Teraku Oshiro - Printable Version

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To the Blood Dragon Daimyos, esp. Teraku Oshiro - Ryummel - 07-01-2011

[font=agency fb]>>Link Established.
[Image: v3ku2q.png]
>>Comm ID:
Teraku Oshiro

We do accept your terms. Once your task has been accomplished, we'll reward your actions properly.

Good luck.
[font=agency fb]<<Data sent. Signing off.

To the Blood Dragon Daimyos, esp. Teraku Oshiro - Yoko - 07-01-2011

Incoming transmission...
... Unpackaging...
... Decoding...
... Decrypting...
... Disinfecting...
... Complete.
Opening transmission...

Transmission open.

Communicator Identification:
Yoko Mori
Target Identification: Blood Dragon leadership

voice transmission...

Um... s- so I've done s- some looking, and h- here's what I've f- found out.

There w- was one h- huge battle yest- terday, which w- was the main one. There w- was a bunch of b- battleships, a- and the... Coal- lition - a battleship, ev- ven - was ar- round to def- fend the Zoners, f- for some reason, and the Cors- sairs were th- there, and... it w- was a mess. Anyw- ways, Rheinland t- tried to t- take the s- system - Omega-3, b- but Bretonia calls it Snowd- down now - over. Rheinland sh- shot a b- bunch of heavy w- warship cannons at the Freep- port, for whatever r- reason, and k- killed a b- bunch of p- people. Anyw- ways, sounds like Bret- tonia was t- torn apart, and b- barely even m- managed to surv- vive the first b- battle.

It l- looks like the w- war's gonna k- keep going, th- though. And if it d- does, Bret- tonia's t- toast. Bas- sically everyone I t- talked to ag- grees Bretonia'll be g- gone in a y- year if th- this keeps g- going. I only t- talked to Bret- tonians and neutral part- ties, though; I c- couldn't find any Rheinlanders.

S- so yeah, looks b- bad for Bret- tonia. They st- started a d- draft, and th- they're rationing sh- ship-building mat- terials, but even th- that's not enough. They're t- totally outm- matched against Rheinland, even n- normally, and w- with Kusari pushing on th- the other side, they're c- completely in ov- ver their heads. I h- haven't heard if Kus- sari's planning to p- push any f- further, b- but it s- sounds like they m- might be. It's an awf- ful mess.

Only o- one pers- son seems t- to be really t- trying to st- stop it. Most p- people in the Omeg- gas are just t- trying to surv- vive. Aust- stin Goodman, though, th- the old Bret- tonian war h- hero, is t- trying to get th- them to make peace. H- he's having t- trouble even g- getting people t- to talk to h- him about it, th- though. It's n- not good at all.

Most of the conf- flict seems t- to be foc- cused on Omega-3, th- though Rheinland b- broke through int- to Cambridge the oth- ther day, and Rheinl- land agents k- keep us- sing the jump hole netw- works to pop up all ov- ver Bret- tonia and c- cause havoc. I've als- so heard these ag- gents m- might be work- king with Kusari, th- though that's j- just a rum- mor.

Anyw- ways, that's all I could f- find out th- that matters. Inf- form- mation was p- pretty sparse, b- but I hope it's en- nough. Everyo- one around here's p- pretty sure Bret- tonia's in s- serious trouble n- now.

Transmission ended.

Closing transmission...
... Closed.
... Repacking...
... Saving...
... Transmission stored in archives.

To the Blood Dragon Daimyos, esp. Teraku Oshiro - Yoko - 07-02-2011

Incoming transmission...
... Unpackaging...
... Decoding...
... Decrypting...
... Disinfecting...
... Complete.
Opening transmission...

Transmission open.

Communicator Identification:
Yoko Mori
Target Identification: Blood Dragon leadership

voice transmission...

Um... i-... is that enough? Do y- you want m- me t- to find out more? Wh- what else?

Transmission ended.

Closing transmission...
... Closed.
... Repacking...
... Saving...
... Transmission stored in archives.

To the Blood Dragon Daimyos, esp. Teraku Oshiro - Enoch - 07-02-2011

[Image: kaneda.png]
[font=garamond](° Incoming Transmission °)
(° ID : Daimyo Takeru Maeda °)
Yoko-San, the information you have provided is satisfactory. We will make sure to reward you for your services.

<div align="right]For Hideyoshi !
[Image: maedatakeru.png]

To the Blood Dragon Daimyos, esp. Teraku Oshiro - Yoko - 07-03-2011

Incoming transmission...
... Unpackaging...
... Decoding...
... Decrypting...
... Disinfecting...
... Complete.
Opening transmission...

Transmission open.

Communicator Identification:
Yoko Mori
Target Identification: Blood Dragon leadership

urgent voice transmission...

W- well, I have g- good news, and I h- have bad n- news. It s- sounds like Rheinl- land and Bret- tonia j- just agreed t- to some k- kind of t- truce, or... s- something. I c- couldn't conf- firm exactly wh- what it w- was, but a Bretonian Dunk- kirk with h- heavy esc- cort met a simil- larly-escorted Rheinland B- Battleship in Omeg- ga 3 for some k- kind of "negotiat- tions". They all f- flew away w- with no one d- dead a f- few hours l- later, just h- half an hour ag- go now. I w- would've t- told you sooner, b- but I hung ar- round and picked up s- some react- tions instead.

A- and that's the bad n- news. The Cors- sairs want the w- war to keep g- going. I d- don't have long - int- tel just bec- came a really b- busy business, with ev- verything th- that's happened ton- night - but I'll l- let these sp- speak for thems- selves.

Corsair Logs One
Corsair Logs Two

G- good luck. Hope it h- helps.

Transmission ended.

Closing transmission...
... Closed.
... Repacking...
... Saving...
... Transmission stored in archives.

To the Blood Dragon Daimyos, esp. Teraku Oshiro - Ryummel - 07-03-2011

[font=agency fb]>>Link Established.
[Image: v3ku2q.png]
>>Comm ID:
Teraku Oshiro

These news will help us to speed up our deployment in Bretonia. Three hostile forces against a single House is worse than expected. If you manage to get any more relevant data, you know what to do.

As for your reward, we are still discussing about it. We will just ask for your patience. Arigato and good luck.
[font=agency fb]<<Data sent. Signing off.

To the Blood Dragon Daimyos, esp. Teraku Oshiro - Yoko - 07-04-2011

Incoming transmission...
... Unpackaging...
... Decoding...
... Decrypting...
... Disinfecting...
... Complete.
Opening transmission...

Transmission open.

Communicator Identification:
Yoko Mori
Target Identification: Blood Dragon leadership

urgent voice transmission...

B- bad news. F- first of all, Bret- tonia and Rheinland are def- finitely at war. Sec- cond, here.

Kusari ship working with Rheinland invasion fleet:


Rheinlandic Vice Admiral with Kusari Ship:


I'll h- have more f- for you l- later ab- bout it. Th- there's... th- this is m- more urg- gent, though.

Oh, a- and the int- tel dump h- has been upd- dated.

Transmission ended.

Closing transmission...
... Closed.
... Repacking...
... Saving...
... Transmission stored in archives.

To the Blood Dragon Daimyos, esp. Teraku Oshiro - Ryummel - 07-04-2011

[font=agency fb]>>Link Established.
[Image: v3ku2q.png]
>>Comm ID:
Teraku Oshiro

Right after the Rheinland Military and the Emperor himself set up that meeting in Kyushu, we suspected a mere 'Wyrm' wouldn't be the only sign of mutual cooperation between both Houses. Since it seems they're actively cooperating in the Omegas front, I guess we would have to take a close look there as soon as we establish proper contact with the Bretonians.

Now let's talk on this 'payment'. Given the risk of your recon tasks here in Kusari and Bretonia, I personally reccomended assigning you one of our Tanto Light Fighter as a reward for your past -and future?- missions. If you decide to claim this reward, it will be waiting at Kyoto Base in docking bay number 9, ready to have its IFF transponder to be modified.
[font=agency fb]<<Data sent. Signing off.

To the Blood Dragon Daimyos, esp. Teraku Oshiro - Yoko - 07-29-2011

Incoming transmission...
... Unpackaging...
... Decoding...
... Decrypting...
... Disinfecting...
... Complete.
Opening transmission...

Transmission open.

Communicator Identification:
Yoko Mori
Target Identification: Blood Dragon leadership

voice transmission...

O-... oh, w- wow. Wow. Th- thanks a t- ton f-... for that Tant- to. Wow. S- seriously, th- that's g- great. It's... I've n- never flown anyth- thing like it bef- fore. I d- don't even have t- to hardl- ly think ab- bout it wh- when I want it t- to go somewh- where. It's inc- credible.

Anyw- ways, I'm w- working on get- tting the core to y- you. You'll n- need a coup- ple Hercul- les-class Lift- ters to move it from Yanag- gi, just s- so you know. It's... r- really big. We'll als- so need to set it up s- so you c- can be th- there to pick it up wh- when we get th- there. I'll cont- tact you directl- ly about th- that.

Transmission ended.

Closing transmission...
... Closed.
... Repacking...
... Saving...
... Transmission stored in archives.

To the Blood Dragon Daimyos, esp. Teraku Oshiro - Ryummel - 07-31-2011

[font=agency fb]>>Link Established.
[Image: v3ku2q.png]
>>Comm ID:
Teraku Oshiro

I'm glad to see the Tanto exceeded your expectations. Over the years, it has proven to be an unvaluable asset for both scouting and direct combat tasks. For now you would find it useful to slip behind the enemy lines quickly and collect the necessary information but once you learn to 'tame' this beast, you will also have a lethal weapon to defend yourself with.

As for the core, I'm afraid it would take a bit longer than expected, given we only have a single Heavy Lifter stationed in Mito Shipyards. As soon as we figure a way to get a second Heavy Lifter in our hands, I will contact you again to give green light to this operation.
[font=agency fb]<<Data sent. Signing off.