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To the Bretonian Crown's Office of Special Contracts - Printable Version

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To the Bretonian Crown's Office of Special Contracts - Slainte - 08-11-2011

Comm Channel: Open

From: Adm.(Ret) Jack Frost, Office of Crown Contracts

To: Yoko Mori

It seems that you have caught the attention of the Director of the BIS Yoko.

I have, on my desk, a message from them telling me that the Admiralty is processing your request, but it seems they have some of thier own.

The intel you have passed to them is, in thier words, mouthwatering and, if you choose, you where to pass on more information regarding Kusari/Rheinland collaberation and information regarding Corsair operations in the Omicron and Sigma systems, It would go a long way in making your request a reality.

Also, it seems, the BIS are quite happy for us to continue using this comm channel.

If there is anything i can do for you in the meantime, then, please, let me know and i will do my best for you.

Yours aye
Adm.(Ret) Jack Frost

Comm Channel: Closed

To the Bretonian Crown's Office of Special Contracts - Yoko - 08-13-2011

Incoming transmission...
... Unpackaging...
... Decoding...
... Decrypting...
... Disinfecting...
... Complete.
Opening transmission...

Transmission open.

Communicator Identification:
Yoko Mori
Target Identification: Her Majesty's Office of Special Contracts

voice transmission...

R- right. I'm on it.

Als- so, I saw the press rel- lease from the Admiralt- ty this morning. W- well... s- see, Bowex g- gave me a GX-model Perchero- on as a r- reward for all th- the esc- corting and bounty h- hunting I've b- been doing f- for them. S- so... um... obv- viously I've st- still gotta pay m- my crew and a- all, but if y- you need, I can w- work on t- trying to make sure we g- get this st- stuff to Leeds. P- prolly the biggest th- thing I can d- do for y- you is sneak some H-Fuel o- out of Kusari, but I c- can also bring s- some food, and m- maybe ev- ven find a w- way to get my h- hands on some nuclear p- parts and tanks and st- stuff for you. MOX is p- pretty much a no-g- go, though. My transp- port's just not equipped to h- handle hazardous mat- terials.

All I w- want for all th- this is support p- paying for the support of a p- project that'll g- greatly increase my effect- tive range of scout- ting, which, from y- your side, means mostl- ly the salar- ries for about twent- ty independent contract- ted crew, w- with some ext- tra credits set as- side to g- get fuel f- from my sources. Lemme kn- know.

Transmission ended.

Closing transmission...
... Closed.
... Repacking...
... Saving...
... Transmission stored in archives.

To the Bretonian Crown's Office of Special Contracts - Slainte - 08-15-2011

Comm Channel: Open

From: Jack Frost

To: Yoko Mori

Consider it done.
As you may have gathered from the comm title i am no longer part of Her Majesties Armed Forces.
This does not deflect in any way this comm channel and its purpose. I will still be running this from my own personal office and title, which will be announced soon, and i will still be answering to the Director of the BIS.
So have no fear, your reports will still be read by them and acted on.
Stay strong and true Yoko and i will do all that i can for you from my own purse and from the many contacts i have in Government and in the Forces.

Yours aye

Comm Channel: Closed