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Pirates of the burning sea - Printable Version

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Pirates of the burning sea - ulfsarkhuskarl - 07-26-2011

I mean that many games that are Pay to Play (P2P) are going Free to Play (F2P) like Global Agenda, TF2 and few more

Edit: I'm gonna go 'lol" when WoW it's gonna be free too

Pirates of the burning sea - Madvillain - 07-26-2011

:crazy: ah thats good news for poor crusties like me

Pirates of the burning sea - ulfsarkhuskarl - 07-26-2011

Yea, I tried Global Agenda, looks a bit lol when your character moves but I like the combat and the system they have, about TF2 (Team Fortress 2) I dunno really, never tried it cause of the 12gb size it has... can't be bothered to waste 2 hours on download for that.

Edit: Not to mention my low memory capacity.

Pirates of the burning sea - ivr56 - 07-26-2011

' Wrote:So many P2P games are going F2P, why?
Better for business.
Good way to save a game from losing money.

Pirates of the burning sea - Diomedes - 07-26-2011

' Wrote:It's pretty nice , but quite confusing... , i get killed in seconds with the sword stuff....

The avatar stuff (non-ship) takes a bit of practice to get used to. It's a touch clunky and way too fast paced for the control scheme.

The ship stuff is definitely easier to start off, but there's a lot of depth here that takes a while to learn.

Pirates of the burning sea - Ripper - 07-27-2011

' Wrote:It's pretty nice , but quite confusing... , i get killed in seconds with the sword stuff....

Hey take it easy youll get a hang of it,also you can leran new skills at your school's trainer(Fencing,Florentine,Dirty fighting and Brawling),you got to match the weapon to be able to use the skills:
Raipers are for fencing,Cutlass are for Dirty Fighting,Small swords are for florentine and Knuckles and bandanas are for Brawling.

Pirates of the burning sea - Madvillain - 07-27-2011

' Wrote:Hey take it easy youll get a hang of it,also you can leran new skills at your school's trainer(Fencing,Florentine,Dirty fighting and Brawling),you got to match the weapon to be able to use the skills:
Raipers are for fencing,Cutlass are for Dirty Fighting,Small swords are for florentine and Knuckles and bandanas are for Brawling.
thanks , thats some usefull info!

Pirates of the burning sea - Diomedes - 07-27-2011

Good points. Also for boarding combat, using the commands to keep your crew from rushing in like dimwits can help as well. The commands (hold position, follow me being especially useful) are under the skills tab somewhere.

Pirates of the burning sea - Madvillain - 07-27-2011

been practicing today and yes , the crew commands help!
its ... very addictive though

Pirates of the burning sea - Ripper - 07-28-2011

Glad you like it:)