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The Second Rendezvous: The Murderer and the Miner - Printable Version

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The Second Rendezvous: The Murderer and the Miner - Jack_Henderson - 07-25-2011

Jack strokes her neck and shoulders softly with his hands and fingers, repeating her words: "So bad?" while he ponders their meaning... for a second there is silence, while his thumbs follow the muscles right and left of her spine with soft pressure: "Let's say... I am a passionate person, Kalliste... and I hate being betrayed by a clown like this. It's personal, you know. Not business any more... entirely."

And when she turns her head back, leans back slightly to look at him standing behind her, he is distracted a moment by the cleavage of her dress and what it shows and hides at the same time. This short second that he doesn't look streight at her but downwards might already be a more honest answer to her question than whatever he could say.

He quickly refocusses and looks at her with a somewhat wry smile, then bends down to her, as if he wanted to whisper something in her hear, but instead of that, he kisses her behind the ear softly, answering her question a second after his lips have parted with her skin less than a centimeter in a whisper that carries promise and also confidence in it: "A lot... believe me... a lot."

The Second Rendezvous: The Murderer and the Miner - Silver - 07-29-2011

"Hmmmm.. Jack has some skills...."

Kalliste purred while grinning like a predator. She got hold of a glass and filled it up with some random bottle she saw.

"But.. No foreplay makes me a sad dead person.. Tsk tsk.. You have to court a girl.. Show her a good time.."

Her voice rang has she laughed softly.

"Now... What do you have in mind, Jack?"

Her legs slightly brushed his as a reminder of things to come.

The Second Rendezvous: The Murderer and the Miner - Jack_Henderson - 07-29-2011

Jack chuckles as she teases him, then lets her go for the glass of wine which automatically makes the massage of her neck stop and when she faces Jack again and demands a good time, he has already made a few steps towards the luggage that he had carried for her: "You will get your foreplay..." he answers with a beaming smile: "I hope you brought what I asked... because I wouldn't want you to be a sad, dead person...", he says in a brilliant mood while lifting each piece of luggage as if he could check easily whether she did so or not by the weight.

"I have thought for hours about what to do with you... because I don't think normal dating strategies work..." he leans against the wall, quite a few meters from her, visibly enjoying the situation:

"So I kept thinking hard... I guess you love guns, the thrill of hunting, the adrenaline rush, danger... and came to the conclusion that you might enjoy a round or two in a virtual holo-shooting gallery. We could do simple target shooting, or also some of the infantry combat scenarios with which I trained when I was in 11th Boarding." he looks at her, focussing her directly...

"You... me... a wide selection of guns... tons of enemies to shoot... a tense mission to fulfill that is almost impossible with only the two of us... and a low pain intensity setting when we are hit..." he pushes himself off the wall, moving towards her again: "I know this could be tremendous fun... a good time for a extraordinary woman like you, some great foreplay for the evening."

He looks at her, waiting for her reaction.

The Second Rendezvous: The Murderer and the Miner - Silver - 08-02-2011

"A small shooting arcade? I do have to warn you, Jacko.. I'm used to shoot live targets."

That predator grin and those eyes flashed at Jack. A woman that plys her trade with a ruthless efficiency,
normally feels the thrill when the targets are.. live ones.

"But first.. We need to get slighty cheered up with decent booze, don't you say, Jack?"

Her eyes looked at Jack ones, capable of stopping one's heart with the batting of an eyelash.
She grabbed Jack's hand and with a extraordinary calm like voice, genuinely relaxing she said:

"Shall we?"

The Second Rendezvous: The Murderer and the Miner - Jack_Henderson - 08-03-2011

"The holographic software is good... it's as if they were alive..." he assures her with a content smile on his face, while he realizes the flashing in her eyes, something that he interprets as a positive answer to his choice of activity. For a moment a part inside him tries to whisper a message of caution or moderation to him, but Jack is used to not listening if he really wants something. Her.

"I already realized... that you are no wine lover..." he looks at the bottles of expensive, Gallic import wines, exclusive in Bretonia, then shrugs while he fills one of the small glasses and tastes that one himself: "But that's okay...."

He looks at her directly, catches her eyes, feels the touch of her hand and for a moment he thought about taking that one step forward and putting his arm around her and kissing her, but this time reason is more powerful than that impulse. 'She is playing with you...' a warning voice says in his head... 'I like it.' is the rather blunt answer to the warning voice.

He takes her hand, nods to her: "Okay... let's get slightly cheered up. Then we go and shoot things up... have a shower afterwards, take a swim in the pool to relax the strained muscles... and perhaps I have another surprise for you later." at the end, he smiles knowingly, winks and the nods slightly, a sign for her to proceed.

The Second Rendezvous: The Murderer and the Miner - Silver - 08-11-2011

"Then... lead, Jack.. I'll follow.. I don't promise i'll follow for long, though."

Her laugh ringed like silver over gold. And she seem delighted with the idea.

"Hmm, what wine will we drink?"

She was playing, she was seductive, she was still being the hunter that many feared.
A woman.
Pure and simple.

"Ah this one smells nice. Oak and red fruits."

The Second Rendezvous: The Murderer and the Miner - Jack_Henderson - 08-11-2011

They will taste all the bottles of wine on the table, every one different, but Jack is not a wine connoisseur, so it's just different sorts of Gallic wine for him... when he has tasted the last one, he leans back, grinning and shaking his head:
"To be honest, I never wanted that wine collection... IDF shippers forgot to unload 8000 tons at Shetland... and I don't know much about wine... except that it is expensive, exclusive..." and he looks at her lips while she tastes the last white wine, and adds to the list an attribute that is meant for her... "... exciting.... as you are."

He quickly finishes his last glass, puts the empty glass on the table, gets up, reaches his hand out towards her to help her up: "Let's go... and shoot things... before Jack says more stupid stuff." he laughs, certainly feeling the impact of eight small glasses of different wine.

He will lead her outside of the swimming hall, down a short corridor, and into a seemingly empty room with an awful lot of technical gear in one corner, a table near the door on which there are even more technical instruments and a large array of infantry weaponry... from handguns to military assault rifles of all Houses, there is almost everything that one needs to satisfy a weapon fanatic.

"Can you move in your dress and your boots?" he asks her, while he absent-mindedly starts the virtual reality holo deck and before she can answer, the naked, rather small room changes into a fairy tale jungle landscape, that resembles a beautiful place on planet Gaia.

They will find themselves surrounded by a very good depiction of reality, rustling leaves, drops of dew falling from the trees, animals scurrying into the shadows of the underbrush, exotic animal noises. The guns and the technical equipment are now on a mossy stone of the same height. Yet, there they can only see their surrounding, not feel anything that they touch, except the one piece of furniture, the guns, and the control desk. The rest is a purely visual illusion still.

If she has ever been in such a virtual reality holo simulation, she might recognise what looks like very small suction cups, which would stimulize the nerves in order to create the sensual impressions that fit the visual illusion.

The Second Rendezvous: The Murderer and the Miner - Silver - 08-14-2011

"Oooooooh.. A .40KFG. And the FXG9010!"

Anyone could hear her glee. Her best memories as a child were surrounded by guns as her father guided her in his hobby of marksmanship, and anywhere that allowed her to get back to those years even if only by a little, made her slighty happy.

"Don't worry, Jack.. I can do.. anything.. in this dress."

The seduction never ends. She cocked the safety off and loads a energy cell in the FXG.
Watching a trained killer doing that while in a dress, only made it worse for Jack.

"Let's see if i can still use my nose here."

Her smile was both beautiful.. And scary.

The Second Rendezvous: The Murderer and the Miner - Jack_Henderson - 08-14-2011

Jack watches her with a content smile while she examines the rifles, then shows her expertise with a routine that makes him pay respect with a nod. "Excellent..." he comments, after she readied the rifle for combat action in just some seconds. For a moment he had hoped that she would have to change... but seeing her in the dress and the boots, performing all the things that would be needed... he just drops the thought and savours the sight for a moment.

He takes the tiny suction cups from the mossy rock and sticks them to his neck.

Then he approaches her from behind, standing very close to her, so that - after a few moments - she can feel the warmth of his body even though there is no real contact:

"Neural connectors... they add the environmental sensations by stimulating the nerves accordingly..." he explains while he is baring her neck by tenderly stroking her red hair aside.

He kisses her neck, and a second after his lips have parted with her skin, she will feel the neural connector touching her skin right and left if her spine. Another pair of connectors follows a little further down her spine. It doesn't hurt, it just feels cool on the skin.

Jack issues a verbal command "XT5, activate connectors..." and there will be a short tickling sensation, something comparable to a slight electric shock, then everything feels alright again.

Then the first drop of tropical rain will hit her skin, and a second later her feet register the unevenness of the underground, even though she knows they are in a room. Some seconds later, more and more sensoric impressions are added, the feeling of the skin being touched by a wet leaf, or her ankle touching a root.

"How rough do you like it?" Jack whispers in her ear lewdly, still standing right behind her while the neural connectors add more and more sensations to the scenery. His arms are slung around her body, crossing in front of her belly, his hands rest right and left on her waist, keeping her close to him in this embrace... "I am talking about the injury and pain setting... hits on the 100 % setting would feel like real injuries... shock and heart failure happen... above 70 % is still dangerous... below 20 % is a piece of cake..."