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I bought a smartphone - r3vange - 07-13-2011

' Wrote:Download Snake and play it like a boss?

I miss my old Nokia 3310 just for that reason.

[color=#FFFFFF]Fletch you are the first memeber of my Nokia 3310 Disco owners club

I bought a smartphone - jxie93 - 07-13-2011

Returning it isn't an option, since the store I bought it from isn't an official retailer and doesn't have a returning policy. So I guess I'm stuck with this smartphone I don't know what to do with until I learn how to use it.

Since I've never owned a proper internet capable phone before (lame, I know), can someone explain the jargon like 'Roaming', 'Data Allowance' (I have a vague idea), 'Wi-fi' (this is access point based Infrastructure right?), 'APN' (wut?) and estimates of charged with related plans?

ps: I'd play the crap out of my smartphone if it had Snake or Space Invaders.

I bought a smartphone - Zapp - 07-13-2011

Wi-Fi is easy, it works exactly like it does with laptops, tablets, or anything else... you have a wireless router somewhere (your house, a cafe, McDonalds, etc.) and you just connect to the network. If it needs a password and is a place of business, you can ask them for it, or if its your neighbor's same thing.

Roaming is when you have one carrier (let's say AT&T, since I'm an American) and you're in an area where they don't have coverage but another network does (let's say T-Mobile). So you're using T-Mobile's network, and that counts as 'roaming'... if you use too much data while roaming, you could get overages or they may even cancel your service, since your service provider pays for the roaming charges on the other carrier's network.

Data allowance is how much data you get for accessing the Internet. Think of it as having a home Internet connection with a monthly cap. However, with phones it isn't as bad as with your home computer, since phones use a lot less data than computers in most cases. It really depends on the carrier. AT&T and Verizon (American carriers again) give you a set amount, and over that you pay overages. T-Mobile gives you a set amount, and over that your speed is throttled down to EDGE 2G speeds. Sprint would give unlimited as part of their ploy for more business (though their network isn't as reliable as the above three). What the carriers in the UK do is different, but I imagine you'd be looking at similar options at least. If you go to a carrier's website, they should have a tool for estimating data depending on if they offer a capped service or not. Just remember that things like going on Facebook, web browsing, and email take up a LOT less data than streaming audio and video or downloading apps, but whenever you use Wi-Fi it won't count against your data allowance.

Dunno what APN is, sorry.

I bought a smartphone - Twiglet - 07-13-2011

' Wrote:[color=#FFFFFF]I bet 100 disco grand that you'll hate the Adroid after 1 month, then you'll go Apple and you'll hate it too. In the end you will realize that a laptop and an 11 years old Nokia 3310 will do a lot more than the smart phones...
posted from iPhone which I hope has a CPU meltdown

I have a smart phone and they are amazing it is just like a little laptop, but i guess if you spend the majority of your life on Disco you won't need one i guess. So yeh your Nokia 3310 will do fine for ordering pizza's etc.:laugh:

I bought a smartphone - atlantis2112 - 07-13-2011

I have a Samsung Galaxy S, an Android, and I love everything about it.

These are indeed the droids you are looking for.

I bought a smartphone - Tathrim - 07-13-2011

' Wrote:Returning it isn't an option, since the store I bought it from isn't an official retailer and doesn't have a returning policy. So I guess I'm stuck with this smartphone I don't know what to do with until I learn how to use it.

Since I've never owned a proper internet capable phone before (lame, I know), can someone explain the jargon like 'Roaming', 'Data Allowance' (I have a vague idea), 'Wi-fi' (this is access point based Infrastructure right?), 'APN' (wut?) and estimates of charged with related plans?

ps: I'd play the crap out of my smartphone if it had Snake or Space Invaders.

As mentioned, roaming is when you're on another network. IT's expensive. Turn of all networking stuff within Europe, calls only, and even then, use infrequently.

Wifi is what laptops and some desktops use to connect to the internet. Access points and home networks are used for this.

APN stands for Access Point Name. It's basically so your PC can connect to the internet through your phone by 'tethering' to it. chances are, your contract doesn't support it, and if it does, it gets expensive, fast.

Also, pay (yes, PAY) for 3G Watchdog PRO. It's dead useful for monitoring how much you've used in a single month. The non pro version is OK, but the pro vesion is far more flexible.

Another thing that may be sueful is google 2-Step Auth, though it CAN be a bit of a pain, it means that your email and other services are is more secure, as google uses your phone to provide a further one-time pass before login to check it's you. Very useful if hotspotting on Uni PCs as the auth removes itself after logout unless you tell it to remember you for 30 days.

Any more questions? Feel free to PM me.



EDIT: - a coverage checker if you need it to check a location.

I bought a smartphone - Kuze - 07-13-2011

I am using a Galaxy 3 for half a year now, and satisfied with it. There is nothing better for me than reading a graphic novel or an e-book when bored or at WC:D

Try Close Everything 2 and Advanced Task Killer apps. Usually when you close an app, it is still running on the background, with those apps you can turn them off.

I bought a smartphone - sean1989 - 07-13-2011

Android is great you cant go wrong with it, really cant! theres no end to what you can do it

I bought a smartphone - atlantis2112 - 07-13-2011

' Wrote:Android is great you cant go wrong with it, really cant! theres no end to what you can do it

Interstellar travel.

I bought a smartphone - Ceoran - 07-14-2011

' Wrote:[color=#FFFFFF]Fletch you are the first memeber of my Nokia 3310 Disco owners club

You'll be faster counting those who don't own one. That thing probably would withstand a nuclear explosion, so why throw it away? Even though I have no use for mine right now, I still keep it around for emergencies. It's also the most versatile phone ever since you can throw it at people without having to replace it afterwards.

as for smartphones, I'll probably get myself one soon since I keep finding myself in situations where mobile internet or navigational systems outside of my car would be pretty helpful.