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BHG| recruitment - bloogaL - 12-23-2011

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--CommID: Harry Cooper--
-Ship Details: Currently flying a Manta with 4x buckshots, 1x adv. Debilitator mk 1, 1x sidewinder missile launcher, nucleur mines, mini razor, enh. Countermeasure dropper

I was born on Manhattan, raised by my parents up until 18 when they bought me my first ship and i flew the nest. I started work as a trader and work was good. Right up until i was pirated by the Liberty Rogues. I was captured and taken to a station still unknown to me. Later on they took me to be transported elsewhere but i was rescued in an LPI raid of the convoy. Desperatly angry i sought for a way to get back at them, to get back at every single pirate in sirius. First i joined the LPI but grew tired of the restrictions placed upon me. I wanted more freedom. So i saved my credits And began to do freelance for the bounty hunter's guild, to get a taste of what it was like. For my efforts i was granted access to bounty hunter equipment and now i wish to make an official application.
Skype: bloogaL_
Harry Cooper

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BHG| recruitment - Dashiell - 12-24-2011

All applicants have been processed and informed of the Guild's decision.

Laura Lovelace

BHG| recruitment - mc_Floyd - 01-10-2012

---Incoming Transmission---
--CommID: Tommy "TwoFace" Milestone
-Ship Details: Bottlenose

*An around 30 year old man appears on the screen, he is turned sideways to the camera. A chiseled face and muscular upper arms, make him look more like a steelworker, than a pilot. When he turns around his surname "TwoFace" falls into place. A scar from over the eyebrow to nearly his chin decorates the till then not visible part of his face. What could have been quite a beautiful man, appears to be more a beast than something else*

Guten Tag,
My name is Tom Milestone and I want to apply to the Bounty Hunter Guild.
I was born on a refugee transport to Rheinland and raised on planet Hamburg. There, my mother, always drugaddicted, rubbed shoulders with a small criminal. Well she solved her problems always the same way, she opens her legs for him and got dugs and a roof over our heads in exchange. When I got older my so called "father" wanted me to do some jobs for him...well I refused and told him to "**** himself". Until now I have a reminder on the day when he send me packing *He points with a finger in the scar in his face*, a long an sharp knife it was...

I was 17 at this time. Young, homeless and lost everything I had. I was looking for work, food and a place to sleep. I applied to the Rheinland military, but they weren't interested, 'cause I'€™m no "real Rheinländer". From this time I was around a small spaceport, where you were always able to get some money as day-tayler.
One day I was hired by a Junker loading scrap into his rusty freighter. After work was done, he looked at me and asked me to come with him, "young, strong men are always in short supply on Kreuzberg" he said.
From this time I was working on Kreuzberg depot. I was working together with this old Junker, who was employed as mechanic and I learned from him. I discovered a hidden talent of mine. Repairing ships with scrap parts.

When there was nothing to do on Kreuzberg I mainly was in the Bar there, listening to Pilots telling their stories about heroism and being aces, about their ships, and tech. I listened to them, tried to get their attention, but for them I was a nobody, just a little dismembered mechanic. They called me Two Face, '€˜cause of my scar and I hated this name. As fighter pilots are, they respect nothing, but their kind, always overestimating themselves, due to the fact they were not more than pirates, deserters and outlaws. I wanted to show them who I am, but how. I didn'€™t even had a own ship. So I made new plans. I knew it, with my own ship, I could be the hero, the ace they are dreaming of the whole day'€¦ Idealistic wasn'€™t I *Tom chuckles*

Anyways deep in the storages of Kreuzberg I found a total loss of a Bottlenose. I was fascinated by this ship. Small, agile, but hard points for really heavy weaponry. The right ship to fulfill my dream. I started to repair it in my free time. It lasted long, but at the end I managed to get that piece of junk in space and survived it.

But then everything went wrong. Not long ago my '€œfather'€ the small criminal, you remember (?), appeared in Kreuzberg bar, selling drugs there. A never felt hatred raised deep in me. It was midday break and I only went to bar to get a small lunch. I placed myself right next to him, talked to him, inner filled with anger and hatred, talked nicely and kindly to him, but he did not remember me, did not remember the young boy he took everything off and dismembered for life. My hatred grew more and more and reached an unbearable point, where I took a big wrench from my belt. Long and heavy it was. I took it in my hand and started to club him to death with it. I was no longer permitted to stay and work in Kreuzberg after this incident. They did not even allowed me to keep the Ship I repaired myself. I had to stole it and fled. While I escaped I realized that my '€œfather'€ again made me lose anything I had. Maybe fortune, maybe misfortune.

I kept the pot boiling by working as mercenary over the next years, mainly escort services. Until I found a Bounty Hunter three days ago, attacked by Red Hessians, maybe you know them. He asked me to help *He starts laughing* yeah and guess what, the first thing I asked before I went in to help him was, if he is willing to pay me for that. '€œTwo mills'€™ a head'€ he shouted and I engaged the fight. Well now we both are laughing '€˜bout that. After that incident, we talked a lot about bounty hunting, how many money you can make with it and who he is employed at.

This is my story and now here I am looking for work and maybe a new home, as I always did, hoping you have a place for a man like me in your rows. I am awaiting your answer and can be reached via my Sk3pe adress: mc_floyd

*after Tommy finished his application he lights a cigarette, while the screen is fading black...*

Tom '€œTwoFace'€ Milestone

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BHG| recruitment - PKKiss - 01-11-2012

---Incoming Transmission---
--CommID: Landen.Troy--
-Ship Details: Hammerhead or Manta

Well, I'll start off with something simple. I'm a Bretonian who migrated to Liberty. Grew up and lived on New London, but I moved to get away from the war. I joined the LPI soon after but I resigned after I found the restrictions and rules too much to handle. I still wanted to be a part of the crime scene, so I decided that the BHG was my next move. But now...I'm running out of time and money. I hope you will consider me.

Skype: mikkahr


Landen Troy

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BHG| recruitment - Dashiell - 01-12-2012

Mr Milestone,

Your papers have been sent. Let's see just how well you fit our lot.


mr Troy,

We'll be needing more info than what you have currently provided in order to consider you.

Laura Lovelace

BHG| recruitment - PKKiss - 01-13-2012

---Incoming Transmission---
--CommID: Landen.Troy--
-Ship Details: Hammerhead or Manta
-Skype: mikkahr

Let's try this again, shall we? I was born on Planet New London to a respectable family. My first true job was as a trader for Bowex. I quit after I was hunted down by a pack of Gaians and almost killed. I wanted to get back at them so I joined the BPA. I stayed there until just before the war with Kusari started. I was discharged honourably after I was almost killed and spent the next six months in hospital.

I decided to migrate to Liberty soon after I was released. I settled on Planet Manhattan for a year before joining the LPI. I missed fighting pirates and other criminals, so I couldn't help myself. But I was soon the subject of harrassment, the squad I was assigned to were bastards to me. They didn't like the idea of having a Bretonian fight alongside them. I resigned when it became physical and I became the target of friendly fire. I spent another three months in hospital because of that. I only lasted barely a year.

When I was released, I had loans up to my ears. I spent the next two years trading to get the debts paid. The next year I became a freelancer, but it was a slow year. I'm barely able to pay my bills now. I was looking at all sorts of paths I could take, pirating I loathed with a passion, trading I was annoyed with, the army I was afraid of dieing or receiving the same treatments I got in the LPI... The only job that interested me was bounty hunting. I hope that this is enough information to conside me.


Landen Troy

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BHG| recruitment - Dashiell - 01-13-2012

mr Troy,

Now I can paint a clearer picture. I have sent you paperwork. Please note that both me and master Jack are gone for the next 3 days. So a reply shall not come before that.

Laura Lovelace

BHG| recruitment - Jessitrescott - 01-16-2012

---Incoming Transmission---
--CommID: Drake Logan---
-Ship Details:BHG manta , BHG Bomber

He was Born on Planet California Minor, Mother Name Is Jessica logan and father's name is Micheal Alexander Pretty much he has got nothing to say about him except he killed some Pirates and claimed bounty
He coundnt claim Much bounties because the world this Universe is filled full Of Blood Sucking Vampires Waiting for pepole comming out and claim bounties on them.Drake logan coudnt do much with his eagle so it was time to move up to
an ROC cvillian bomber Made for him by the zoners in Freeport. As Alexander moved up to a bomber class Vessell He was able to claim more bounties he claimed 21 Kills which included 18 Gunboats Drake always used to sya that Give me a second i am good
give me a minute I am great Give me a reading about the enemy i am Unbeatable. but Drake soon lost his ships because the were stolen in Manhattan then drake was Very hungry to Hunt pirates he wanted them dead he wanted to Join BHG He is Very Hungreeeh.......

Drake logan

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BHG| recruitment - Fallon - 01-19-2012

---Incoming Transmission---
--CommID: Neve--
-Ship Details: Manta Pilot

Hi Name's Neve William Neve. Flew Shires and shetlands for my folks indie trade company for a few years back in Bretonia but always fancied something more intense. Saved up and got myself a Hawk resigned and set off hunting bounties and fulfilling contracts around liberty and beyond. My parents were not impressed but eventually they realized I had chosen my path. Naturally they wanted me to have the best equipment and so they gave me the funds to purchase and equip my Manta. And here I am on your doorstep itching to hunt in a pack.


William Neve

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BHG| recruitment - Dashiell - 01-20-2012

mr Neve,

I'd like to have more details regarding your past. Yes, we forget your past once you join, but we need to know whether we need to prep the airlock for shoving or not.

Laura Lovelace