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Yomotsuhisame - Hogosha Agents Provocateur - West - 08-24-2011

' Wrote:On a side note, I do not understand why do you refer to the Hogosha as a whole here, given that Yomotsuhisame is a small group with a specific purpose.

maybe 'cause of this, no?

Quote:Hogosha Agents Provocateur.
Hogosha affiliation / Mercenary ID.

Yet I see no logic in creating this group... and definately not allying with those who should be enemies by canon lore.

Yomotsuhisame - Hogosha Agents Provocateur - sadtranslation - 08-24-2011

I believe that you are doing it wrong when simplifying the relations between the factions in Kusari. This House offers the great opportunities of character and faction roleplay especially because everything is complex and the contradicting ideologies and conspiracy are all over the place. Canon roleplay is canon roleplay and the Black Dragon Society is following it for Hogosha. This group utilized Mercenary ID as a generic one especially to play a non-canon game, based on the actual interests of the sides of conflict. Hadn't I mentioned that it's a totally alternative way for Hogosha in the disclaimer?

We can start the discussion of the canon in another thread if you want, it would be interesting given that most of the factions tend to ignore the most interesting parts of its lore.

Kusari had no problems with the Hogosha pirating the living hell out of every trader passing by regardless of affiliation and destination (with the rule-wise exceptions, of course), yet you assume that the Hogosha-affilated group which follows the Hogosha interests in continuing their timeserving makes no sense. Yomotsuhisame hadn't been caught with their dirty business yet, though, once it happens even the Black Dragon Society would proclaim them the traitors of the Empire. And all that time the Yomotsuhisame would serve Hogosha's best interests.

Yomotsuhisame - Hogosha Agents Provocateur - Aduka - 08-24-2011

' Wrote:If I may ask, what's the status towards IC.

And good luck to those three members.

Pirate the hell out of them.

After all they are gaijins.

Yomotsuhisame - Hogosha Agents Provocateur - Omicron - 08-24-2011

Count me in, I like that idea.

Yomotsuhisame - Hogosha Agents Provocateur - Markus_Janus - 08-24-2011

Ok thanks for the explanation there.
Can you tell me what you think happens with Artifacts that Samura have transported to Kusari?
It will just help me understand the mindset a bit better.

Yomotsuhisame - Hogosha Agents Provocateur - sadtranslation - 08-25-2011

Actually, Markus, thanks. You gave me a reason to look through the lore and admit that I wasn't fully correct while referring to the Samura, Hogosha and GMG interests on the Artifacts market. Oh, no, let me rephrase:

I wasn't correct when talking of Samura and Hogosha. I can only refer to the vanilla rumors that state that the Hogosha controls the deals with them and those activities are ignored in exchange of doing what Samura don't want to do itself. But it doesn't change the point that the interests of all sides are there and that Samura dealing with the Corsairs directly is against Hogosha interests. Guild was booted out of the artifact dealings earlier. Sorry if the explanation is a bit tangled - I'm a tad exhausted at the moment.

Artifacts that come to Kusari? They are interesting for scientists and for collectors, therefore they head to the research facilities and are sold on the black market. Not like there are more opportunities.

Yomotsuhisame - Hogosha Agents Provocateur - Markus_Janus - 08-25-2011

' Wrote:Actually, Markus, thanks. You gave me a reason to look through the lore and admit that I wasn't fully correct while referring to the Samura, Hogosha and GMG interests on the Artifacts market. Oh, no, let me rephrase:

I wasn't correct when talking of Samura and Hogosha. I can only refer to the vanilla rumors that state that the Hogosha controls the deals with them and those activities are ignored in exchange of doing what Samura don't want to do itself. But it doesn't change the point that the interests of all sides are there and that Samura dealing with the Corsairs directly is against Hogosha interests. Guild was booted out of the artifact dealings earlier. Sorry if the explanation is a bit tangled - I'm a tad exhausted at the moment.

Artifacts that come to Kusari? They are interesting for scientists and for collectors, therefore they head to the research facilities and are sold on the black market. Not like there are more opportunities.
OK cool, well good luck with your group, I hope it does well.

Yomotsuhisame - Hogosha Agents Provocateur - Bakamono - 08-27-2011

Cool name, the premise is sound. Kinda reminds me of the strays (the OC outcasts of outcasts). With the DPK basically forming now, I guess it makes sense to have some hogosha who are not happy with the current establishment, this seems like a group to bridge the gap between 485 and 486 hogosha.
I've been awake for too long sorry, please bear with me:
On the surface it seems like a "hogosha who are anti-hogosha" group. But the preamble gives the impression that the members believe that what they are doing is adaptive and right for the empire.
I'm pretty sure it's not just contrary for the sake of it.
I think what has soured some people to the idea is the Samura listed as hostile thing, an easy fix. If it were me I would be diplomatically opposed to them on the forums without being openly hostile, and changing that over time. but it's not me.
The dragons thing has prolly drawn some negative attention too, I can't see hogosha splinter groups aiming for the same goal as the blood dragons. But I can see them not-interfering in each other plans if it suits their needs.
Then again - I don't know how far this faction would be willing to take their anti-imperial stance, would they go so far as to support the military state desired by the dragons?
If so, then I guess your tech use and/or docking places should be based on a timeline of the faction. Starting with hogosha, and ending up using ]bd[ .
This is a hard thing to convince people of, since most factions exist in a more-or-less static frame from creation: that is, their tech use and enemies don't change without something big from Igiss.
This is also hard to swallow for some because there are few factions i know of that are against their own iff.
I think the order and bhg, sairs and Outcasts might have had civil wars against their own ID and Iff, but I don't think core houses have: I can't recall any LN vs LN kind of groups, or with rheinland either.
I think this is because most opposition groups use an I.D that is directly opposed. Like if they are anti-queen they go mollys or gaians, if they are anti kanzler they go hessian, etc .. it could be a knee jerk reaction coz it breaks from the norm.
If the hogosha kaigi are down with it like they say, then i can't see a problem with it '€“ and there are several people in this thread that I am sure would become members. Pilgrim, Aduka and Omicron all seem pretty positive about it '€“ which is one of the better reactions I've seen to a faction idea lately.
So, this is all good: i think it's a challenge, but then isn't every faction trying to convince another of something? It's a challenge in ways different from a standard faction in that you have (what I perceive as) dynamic diplomacy, just coz everyone needs a place to dock and minimal supplies.
Personally, I like the idea of dynamic diplomacy, like the card says for fp9: in my view some zoners should be juggling their diplomacy all the time, making people mad and then pacifying them later. But I ramble, coz that is different that what i see yours as. I see yours as going from the quasi-legal status of hogosha, right the way through the rainbow, to unlawful dragon friends.
I would apply if I wasn't in too many factions already. I hope this was constructive in some way, it's not meant to be a deconstruction or anything, just my reasoning to why there might be opposition, and why there shouldn't be.

Yomotsuhisame - Hogosha Agents Provocateur - Chrysalis - 08-27-2011

I very much like this approach, and would like to be a part of it to be honest. I always support things that enrich Kusari roleplay, which is somewhat disregarded. Kudos.

Yomotsuhisame - Hogosha Agents Provocateur - Markus_Janus - 08-27-2011

Personally after talking to Sad on skype, I support this faction.
I had to get a better understanding of the goals and motives for certain things but I understand now and find it a nice idea.