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The Crossroads - Aingar - 09-13-2011

Alex Clarke instantly showed up on the screen, obviously in the middle of putting on his uniform as quickly as possible "I was just waiting for this comm Michael, of course I agree, my tech's are already polishing the hull, I just hope I'll make it in time" He taps the comm to another channel "Barnes and Walton, got a special assignment for you: I need a clean way up to Cambridge from here, so secure the lanes, pronto!" He sighs "I hope I won't have to save them again like the last time"

The Crossroads - Toaster - 09-13-2011

Ensign Andrew Kennedy yawned and walked down the ramp of the shuttle in which he had arrived on the Derby. Lazily, he walked down half a dozen corridors, entered his quarters, threw his duffelbag onto his bed and keyed the comm.
"Tech, ask the Macduff whether they can have my bomber fixed by the time I'm back," he said to the man who appeared on his terminal's screen.
"Understood." The comm cut out again.
Whistling an old battle-tune, Andrew dug through his closet, looking for his dress uniform.
"There it is," he muttered and pulled it out of its plastic wrap. He walked up to a wall-mounted mirror and began to change, thinking, I'd better not be too late. Wouldn't want to make a bad impression on my superiors. He grinned.

The Crossroads - Matthews - 09-13-2011

Sinclair just finished putting on his formal uniform and walked slowly to the comm console inside his quarters on the Derby. He never understood the reason why he should hurry if not someone's live was in danger. "Captain Clay, I'm ready and i recieved word that my Templar's ready for departure too. I'll await you in the hanger. Hope Woodrow will be there too," he pauses and sighs "or at least someone else who knows how to fly in formation"

The Crossroads - Trim - 09-13-2011

Woodrow smiled in his sleep.


The smile disappeared.


It turned into a frown.


He woke up with a jolt.


He looked at his calender.

"DAMNIT!" The beautiful young woman woke up with a smile.

"Hey bab-"

"Sorry, you're gonna have to go, I'll call you.

She frowned "sure".

Woodrow quickly threw on his best uniform and not looking too smart dashed out of the door and into his ship...

"I'm coming Johnny, I'm coming!"

The Crossroads - Trim - 09-13-2011

Woodrow landed his ship and almost broke his leg falling out, he jumped a few feet and saw that everyone was about to be seated. He stumbled into the room and screamed "JOHNNY, I LOVE YOU!" He smiled, and saw the room burst into laughter.

He walked up to Johnny and took his card, he'd sit with the bride and groom, and he went to take his seat.

The Crossroads - Jam - 09-13-2011

Clay coughed. "Eh, Woody, Woody." He smiled and smirked at him. "We will speak later, eh?" He then nervously checked the clock and turned attention to other guests.

The Crossroads - arvg - 09-13-2011

The Duke of Norfolk, and his ten year old son, the Lord Arundel, stepped down from the shuttle. Out of uniform, the Duke wore a stylish suit and was carrying a long box, a few of his aids were scurrying around trying to show him where he was supposed to go.

"Cut it out," he growled grumpily. "Just make sure the Bride gets the present, it's from Her Majesty. Something blue... that's all she would say."

He reached out to mess up his son's hair as he jerked his head towards the reception. "Betcha there's cake..."

The Crossroads - Jam - 09-14-2011

Once Clay spotted the Duke of Norfolk, he shouted at him. "Over here, Sir!" He was pretty nervous as the great moment was about to come. He had to beat the last few minutes before seeing his girl next to him. Once again he talked to all guests, wingmen and friends, before attending his position - near an arc, which was covered with flowers. Final arrangements were being made, and the time was getting shorter and shorter...

The Crossroads - Toaster - 09-14-2011

Looking at his digital watch another time, Andrew ran through the corridors to the hall in which the ceremony would take place. Cursing quietly, he briskly walked through the rows of chairs to a free spot at the right edge.
"Well, this looks rather neat," he said to the woman to his left. She smiled at him and nodded.

The Crossroads - SMI-Great.Fox - 09-14-2011

*A bit of heavy chatter succumbs to be overheard as two figures proceed to enter, one in a formal attire and the other dawning a subtle yellow dress..Both seeming to chatter at each other over details of the place before even taking notice of the crowd gathering*
Feya: Look sis...This is a wedding, not some ball with naval personnel in which it is required that you dress for such...Why didn't you wear that black dress we got you?
*Evyn shakes her head as she puts her hands on her hips, a bit of aggrivation showing on her face*
Evyn: I told you time and time again, we are officers unto such and shall dress as such when an event arrives, we conduct ourselves accordingly...
*Feya mocks her a little bit with her hand as they continue into the building, walking through the entrance towards the lucky man in question...As they near up, Evyn gives a salute to both Clay and Duke Norfolk, while Feya simply smiles at them both*
Evyn: Commodore...Admiral..Good to see you both on this fine day..
*Feya walks up to Clay with wide eyes and a smile, her hands clasped together and tail shaking wildly as she speaks quickly*
Feya: Do you know where the lucky lady is cause we wanna see her?...Pleeeeasssee???..
*A hard smack is heard as Evyn facepaws, shaking her head and letting out a sigh from the sight*