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Silmathien Jirent - Silmathien - 10-25-2011

Logfile 10

You hear a loud yawning between the other noise.

Ohayou gozaimasuuu.
I'm so forgetful. Do i already had uploaded files about my visit in Pennsylvania? Well, since i'm also too lazy to search through all that (and cause i think i did not mentioned it anyways) i'll catch up here. So we mapped most parts of this place. Pretty big by the second look.
Also i found something like a second home in Omicron Lost. It's nice and quiet, i like it there and not many pirates stealing things all the time or aliens who gonna eat you. Well..not most of the time. It can also be pretty dark in there.
I also checked out the Black Hole in Omicron 85. Looks quite dangerous to me. Wonder if the event horizon will land the needed scratch to get the borders to the jumpholes and messing up everything. A Sirius Prublem that might be. Don't get it how the Outcasts still forbid entrance to others, but hey - it's war and they need to defend it from the 'inside' right? Gosh human life is so waisted sometimes. Maybe they just guard it for researching purpose, but i don't think they will stop something like that. The orange dream may become a black dream soon enough. I was also there to see for myself if the guard there will take me seriously and don't just rob me. To bad i don't met any. 'twas nearly empty...eventually they are aware of that phenomenom and evacuating or so..who knows.
We also found the system again where we accidentally 'splittet up' years ago. People call it the dysons sphere or so. I remembered that we flew out of range of the alien construction and get into that nebula. I dont know how exactly we should take samples, if this gasform was the reason our ship got wrecked the last time. A robotic probe could help out, or maybe even Nomads. But i don't think they will really be trifled with such matters. At the moment we need more Prometheum, since we used it all up. Mostly we combine it with Deuterium and other..chemical elements to power up fusion cores and parts of the coil.
For the additional technology - Amy mumbled something about not to bother the Lane Hackers about this. They already had eliminated the thought of the possibility to working with us. Amy was a Hacker once and so i think i should listen to her. Not that i would've expected an other answer from them, really. The Outcasts are the ones who gave me a straight positive answer, i'll come back to that anytime soon i guess. If they want my help after all. Mitchell could give first reports and take counsel from some researchers who are working on it for some time now.
That's all for the moment. Need to deliberate with Frank about hostile activity. Routes in the Omegas are a bit too dangerous to travel. Lucky enough i found the system owned by Zoners. 49 and 50 i believe. There's a shortcut to Bretonia - good thing. Bad thing is; it leads also pretty close to Molly and Corsair activity. I will risk some trips for getting us cheaper Deuterium, but only if there are no reports about triggerhappy people with all sorts of weapons.

See you in space.


Silmathien Jirent - Silmathien - 10-28-2011

Logfile 11

Speakers are on.

What the hell is with all the..aargh!! My ship was pretty messed up after getting out the jumphole to Omicron 99. Shooters everywhere. How am i supposed to explore systems like that? But this is clearly a mess now. I wont give up. In terms i just turn the tables now and we are constructing scouting drones. I don't know if we can equip them with modern a.i. since we're getting out of money fast this way. If not we just use standard robotic components.
We still managed to get some data of course. Not worth much tho since they don't really answer any questions. Omicron Iota was the system we looked for today. We couldn't investigate further phenomenoms as there were pretty many patrols around.

Record 1
Record 2
Record 3
Record 4

So there were 2 jumpholes that connected Omicron Iota with Omicron 99. Or one gate one hole. This is a great trap - if you get in one, the Nomads are able to intercept with the help of the other. We also located some sort of active city. Heavily guarded. Also they got some sort of tradelanes. Don't know if we copied by them or they by us, maybe not at all. Just interesting how many similarities exist between the races.
Mph! If they just would listen sometimes instead of just shooting.

Sil, out.

Silmathien Jirent - Silmathien - 10-31-2011

Logfile 12

Hello, hello, whoever is tracking all this sensless blubberin of me. *happy smile*
So we managed to get our drones ready. They're doing good out there. Amelle is watching their progress with the programming and Amberro watches over the navigational stuff. They can be controlled from faaar away, so this is going great, as we don't need to get out there and risking our lives anymore.
We setup 2 drones and got plans to reproduce them pretty fast, since they may come under heavy fire and getting destroyed. Simon wasn't very happy to see all the money blown out of the window (i ordered them in a bit of a wrong place and had to replace chassis and such *ahem*). But he can see the invest in it and agreed no matter what later on. Yeh yeh, they gave us a taste of what they already achieved. So you could say their first testing is over and they arrived quite unharmed.

The first ship i had in mind was the Arrow. As you can see - it did not so well in the Omicrons. But i still like the ship. The idea of getting more than one came later on and so i replaced the Arrow with the Marauder. It has more armor and a unique design. We did tested it in the Tau 60 Systems.

At Hiura
At Ekitei

It was pretty dangerous of course and i decided we just use it in house system and not so environmental dangerous systems. I told Amelle to configure it more to lawful side, since most of the bases we send it to will be in charge of lawful forces.

Second drone i came up with shortly after the first one arrived in gallia. I wanted a good armored one that can survive some amounts of radiation damage and hazardous clouds etc. I thought of the Spatial, but i throw the idea away, since it is too big to steer through some minefields. Or at least we would have problems with. I took the Mafic instead. It is smaller and has also big enough cargobay for samples of all sorts. The test for it was a bit more difficult than the one for the Marauder: It had to locate suncoronas and make out a secure distance for ships to travel around it. Oh by the way; there was some Junker pilot nearby who seemed curious about that or something. He just kept following the drone and didn't made any contact. Since he had not showed any bad intentions we just kept doing our work.

Sigma 17 - Medium Green 5k
Sigma 17 - Green Dwarf 6k
Sigma 17 - Blue Dwarf 6k

Command to dock at Atka Station to pick up a scientist (no names for security reason) and supply to show results for research progress in Honshu.

Sigma 19 - Blue Dwarf 8k

The scientist was of course fully aware of the dangers and made sure the informations gathered by the probe were correct.

Honshu - Stalker-san still follows us.

The scientist left us at Kansai Research Station. 'Stalker-san' left at the Yukawa Shipyard. *sob*:D
The drone headed next for Nansei Research Complex in Kyushu. We uploaded kane to the subjects account there.

A little arigatou from us.

That's all for nao. Testing was funny, the crew in good mood and me relieved. In the meantime we need to rep this machines a little, implant some smarty robobrains them names..yeah..or numbers. But we have a bit more time to spare. Hima wa iru.

See you next tiiime.

Silmathien Jirent - Silmathien - 11-05-2011

Logfile 13

Drones are making progress by the hour. I named them x-1 and x-2. Easy to remember, thehe. The com systems are upgraded and we can now communicate directly. I will take the talking part most of the time. Also the goods from Gallia have been delivered succesfully and without any interruptions to the Silmathien.
We tested the comsat when x-1 arrived in Baffin.
X-2 was out in the Omicrons to test it against radiation and space distortion which can take effect while being near Nomad Gates sometimes.
We've found out, that the gates are working together. If you enter in Iota you get to 99. Using the same gate in 99 brings you back to Iota, but to another location. It may be 'cause you can enter such a gate from both sides. This is remarkable. It means that this could be sort of an extended jumphole. You can reach 2 destinations with 1 jumphole...well, at least 2 in the same system. I just marked the path on my map, to show how it works.
X-2 also has an awesome camera. Amberro installed a special lense who can intensify degrees at zoomin levels even to suns without any heat produced. The black hole fascinates me, so i send x-2 out there to take some shots.

File 1
File 2

We prepare to install all the analyzing machines on x-1 now. X-2 is coming back too. I'll settle down for a while in Coronado and set a small researcher base up there for us. The Barrier Gate Station seems a bit risky, therefore i join with some of the IMG scientists on Pecos. It's a bit offside of the busy route. Tranquility is the source of strength.
Also we need more people now, since additionally the whole work has increased with taking care of the 2 drones (Yumi and Frank are the only ones who are able to 'manage' them without doing serious damage..tho Yumi will do damage sooner or later). I think about it (we first have to install everything here for now) and will then go look for new crewmembers or even scientists. Mitchell needs an assistant mathematician, like he was himself before.
So much to do.

See ya in space
Sil out

Silmathien Jirent - Silmathien - 11-17-2011

Logfile 14

A little report here. The team agreed on my proposal to setup another drone. The x-3 is now ready and will operate most of the time within unlawful zones in the four houses, just as well as in the borderworlds and indipendent systems. Edgeworlds are left out, this is what x-2 is here for. We were going to the Myoko in Shikoku. I got a friend there, where we regurarely can conduct weapon checks. Riley also tested the handguns at the shooting range. Yarimi wanted to come with us, but i convinced him to stay. His face may be known among the police forces. Amelle entitled the weapons there as junk. Good she didn't mentioned that in the armory. What does she need more weapons for anyway?
I wanted to go across liberty to Coronado, but someone just had fun capping tradelanes and i turned around heading for Puerto Rico instead. I just remembered that stellar object (believe it's a neutron star like in Omega 41, but much more effective). It has a corona around it so it was impossible to analyze it. Thats were i thought about the drones. X-2 maybe could reach it in time and can send some data before it explodes. X-3 is faster, lighter and cheaper, but probably wont hold out long enough. I will send in x-3 first. I'm interested how the damage will progress so we can maybe create shields which can absorb those emitting waves. Radiation isn't the problem tho..the heat is. Ah, i need to consult my pillow now.

Good night.

Silmathien Jirent - Silmathien - 11-18-2011

Logfile 15

Hai hai, ogenkidesuka? Hah, i feel good! We lost not one drone today. Not a single one! I had a very bad feeling about researching that cruel little stellar object. You want jucy info? I can give some hot sh**. Wait a minute, maybe i should activate language filter - i drunk a little too much today. So, the local folk calls it 'Puerto Rican Rift' - a gravitational anomaly on the western end.

Hot atmosphere
Mass recorded

Since we were there we just tested the drone in the suncorona. The 'secure line' lies at 9k.

Medium Green

At the base called Carolina i saw the Junkers stored some Artifacts. If they are well preserved i may think about it to buy it from them. Corsair space is quite dangerous and i dunno if they even would sell them to me, since the deal with the Hogosha.

*~-:Secret Log:-~*
Ok, this information is highly encoded, due to the fact, that this is not something i normally would tell anybody. This Log contain some Nomad info. Maybe wrong maybe not. After the mission success in Puerto Rico x-3 flew to the Kansas System and located the Alien Jumpgate i could not activate with the Silmathien. I believe only small ships are allowed to enter. So the x-3 made it somehow and found an unknown system. The Navmap is useless in this sector. There was slight radiation damage. We noticed a structure at the edge of the drones vision field. We could dock there..what we did..
Uhm so, you know..i met alot of people with opinions and they always think they're right and have to fight something. But these people were a little different. I just let them speak for themself.

Log 1
Log 2
Log 3

This was the best thing that could've happened to me. After all this time i found people thinking the same..probably. Of course they could also just live a lie, but at least they were peaceful and just told me everything. Maybe it is a good thing i can't enter with the Silmathien. Some secrets deserve to be hidden. The x-3 stored some of the data, which i wanted to have with me. This could help convincing others, that these aliens aren't just as bad as others want to see them. You better not get that wrong - i'm not helping them to conquer. All we seek here is harmony between the races. This is one of our goals after all. But to be honest; since we're not diplomats we will mostly use this data keeping to search others like us. We still need scientists and a bigger crew wouldn't be that bad. Anyways there were some inactive nomad tradelanes and a jumphole. I was prepared for the worst..
..and guess where we came out!
This jumphole technology is so impressive. X-3 was logging the SMT, so i later could reclassify this things really happened.

*~-:Secret Log:-~*

Next step was bringin the drone home asap. We used the clouds for beginning at least. We just cruised fast through California and Cortez, ignoring ships in contact range. And we weren't quite alone. Hessians in Cortez. Welcome in Sirius. Tired of their systems, aren't they?
X-3 arrived safely at Pecos. We now analyze the data gathered for further investigation on anomalies.
Sil out.

Silmathien Jirent - Silmathien - 11-19-2011

*~-Hidden Log-~*

I sent x-2 in the unknown system yesterday. X-2 has a better interface and an upgraded android onboard, which enable us to use communication between the systems better. The x-3 is very basic and mostly for exploring purpose. The android will now transmit recordings directly and in realtime. So far there are 7 people on the station the android was able to communicate with; Kyle, Romano Mendez, Alexa Hernandez, Incognito, Mia Kumasaka, Peter and Helen.
I already guessed the station was some sort of organisms, since it is self-sustaining (never saw a supply ship coming in). Also i docked at Carolina with the Silmathien. I tried the Gate again but it seems it is damaged. I won't contact anyone for repairs tho, since this system should not be further touched by any companies (and i doubt these humans would understand the technology there).

I believe Peter had the thought that Nomads seemed to be transported in these shells which he thinks are cryogenic devices. Looks like the Nomads or their creators just left without further interests in this system..but i won't commit to that yet.
The strange nebula didn't give us a hint. The system itself looks a bit antithetic with that black in the full white.

The sun in the north. First i thought it was all but an illusion, just sending out radiant waves of light. You can't target it, therefore i have no clue about mass and size. But there was a corona, so there should be a solid mass. The ships' scanners just aren't working, that's all.
Same with the other sun near the gate. Makes researching hard when the equipment isn't working properly.

Like a christmas tree you are to me. Love the 'station'...hope it won't bite, hehe.
Oh yeah, they also got Artifacts there...and Cardamine. Is this for personal use or created by the station? This is very interesting. The keeper i met told me something about Outcasts sharing the dream some sort. But maybe the Outcasts who know things about that aren't easy to find. Even if - how i should start the chat? Anyways, i don't think i can just take those artifacts with me to research it, but i have no other ship with laboratories for all sort of research purposes. Shouldn't have selled the X-Shuttle. But well, i'm sure they got some labs themselfs there. I think i will travel there myself to meet them personally. Helen is fascinating me, i bet we can have some good philosophical chat.
On the navmap this system lies somewhat under Magellan, but that could be also just an illusion.

I'm looking forward to meet all this people personally. It looks like a quiet, little edge of peace at the end of space.

*~-Hidden Log-~*

Silmathien Jirent - Silmathien - 12-07-2011

Logfile 16

Research in Omicron 85 was going rather well. We lost 2 x-1 drones, but i think it's ok, compared what we got out of it.
Apropos destroyed drones; In the Newcastle system the x-2 should investigate details about planet Middlesbrough. There was a malfunction though and the shuttle was caught by the gravity field. Since there was no landing sequence the android just cruised around in the lower atmosphere, gathering data until the heat melted the vessel. Amberro will get his hands on these androids from now on.
Also i was thinking about setting up another ship. With all that ships i'm about getting us a small fleet if this keeps going on. We can't be everywhere and we can't stay up all the time for contact, so this is why i want to have another team. This will be a little difficult, but the start should be easier this time. I have no idea how exactly where i should start. We just started to make plans, let's see how it goes on. Since we are more based on science containing stellar objects like suns, planets, nebulae etc. we're looking for a team which is focused on living organisms. Trust is hard to earn so this will take its time.

Silmathien Jirent - Silmathien - 12-25-2011

[Image: silxmas.jpg]

Silmathien Jirent - Silmathien - 01-13-2012

Logfile 17

So, after all it has come to this. Just heared the Gallic House march to war. And still i hear also tales they make contracts...with whom i don't know, but these guys are very dumb. Sooner or later this bond will be broken short and they will get nothing out of it. But i don't care much about that, as we will evade Gallia for now. Bigger problems are now lying in Coronado. I wasn't very amused to get informed about IMG now spent housings to the Colonial Remnants. I'm glad they working together peacefully and all such, but now the system is so damn crowded we needed to move out. Impossible to work with so much going on around you. I first thought of Baffin, but then it is in middle between the Taus and Liberty/Bretonia, so this is only a matter of time if the trouble comes that way.
So we decided to start a little trip into the Omicrons again. It's a bit more dangerous but we got all our time and privacy we need there. Some dumb sirius law now forbids researcher licensed people to drive around in bigger ships with more than 2000 cargo, so i need to buy a simple Freelancer ID. Doesn't matter much anyway, just a piece of paper. It's the work we do that makes us what we are.
Speaking of work; we selled the Mafic drone and replaced it with a Spatial. I know i said it is too big and polygonal, but i wanted the 2 mines dropping mechanism which helps in more difficult situations. There are alot of minefields and asteroids out there, so it may be slower but can smash the way free if we have to.
The Silmathien got slow changes too. After we experimented a little, we increased the colorized codes on the outer hull, so we now are able to 'cloak' in the dark without problems. Now you see me, now you don't.
We 'settled' down in Omicron Lost since it is one of my favorite systems. I'm afraid this will not be for that long, but i hope for the best. Delta isn't known for the quiet system aswell, but atleast there's a freeport. I'm sure there are many interesting contacts we can find if we need something. Corsairs aren't very sympathic, they dared to shoot on my drone (with a battleship and heavy torpedos) - my impression wasn't exactly high and maybe some of 'em are a little paranoid with all the 'aliens' around them, who knows. So i hope we can study more in the little peace we have these days and find new exciting places.