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Order| tech chart change request. - Printable Version

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Order| tech chart change request. - Ipuvaepe - 10-07-2011

' Wrote:So what if Corsairs pass through Minor and Order pass through Gamma?
Absolutely no one goes through Minor or any order held space unless they're order or on the approved list. Order only holds space they need to, which is space with nomad stuff in it. Minor is one of these systems. If you get caught in minor, you'll be heavily fined and escorted out the way you came, even if you're at the other end of the system. Fail to either leave as told or pay the fine means you die. Not only this, but even if you do as told you'll be added to the shoot-on-sight list, which means you've been warned and thus the order pilots will not fall for said offender feigning innocence. More information is available in the order forum.

And I am very well aware how lolwut this sounds.

EDIT: You might say that The Order has 0.01 tolerance for people in nomad-influenced systems

Order| tech chart change request. - Zelot - 10-07-2011

' Wrote:Well I'm sure you will say you experience was different, but every time I saw Order and Corsairs in space together, they were getting along peacefully and fighting nomads or BHG together without inner squabbles.

Consequences for what actions, please?

Order has no alliances and no human enemies.

Order has a network of collaborators throughout factions.

Red rephack is a loss for Order, loss for Corsairs, win for Keepers and BHG.

What ever you are trying to do, dont pretend its for the benefit of the Order or the Corsairs.


The Corsairs have several reasons to really dislike the Order, not the least of which is the Order providing tech to the enemies of the Corsairs, which is only made worse when the Order wont give that tech to the Corsairs. Add that to lots of Order ships fighting alongside the Omicroners against the Corsairs during the Freeport 9 mess.

But yea, I guess I have some underhanded conspiratorial reason for wanting this that has nothing to do with the rp that has taken place. I really hate the Order, I just hate them so much, so I have to figure out any way I can to make life hard for them. Yea, I know what you think.

Order| tech chart change request. - Decerebrated.Individual - 10-07-2011

' Wrote:Absolutely no one goes through Minor or any order held space unless they're order or on the approved list. Order only holds space they need to, which is space with nomad stuff in it. Minor is one of these systems. If you get caught in minor, you'll be heavily fined and escorted out the way you came, even if you're at the other end of the system. Fail to either leave as told or pay the fine means you die. Not only this, but even if you do as told you'll be added to the shoot-on-sight list, which means you've been warned and thus the order pilots will not fall for said offender feigning innocence. More information is available in the order forum.

And I am very well aware how lolwut this sounds.

EDIT: You might say that The Order has 0.01 tolerance for people in nomad-influenced systems

Oh please.

I've seen Order admirals go on freelancer chars and fly through minor insulting order ships and then switching to their admiral char again to insult them some more for doing their duty of patrolling.

I've seen Order admirals inviting Zoner strippers to dance on Isis saying "our allies can land here np".

I've seen Order primaries yelling at order ships for persueing BHG ships which have attacked them first, in minor, saying that "we dont kill humans".

I've seen Corsairs and Order get along better than Order| and Order indies.

This had nothing to do with RP or consistency.

This has to do with the fact that Keepers (including those Order admirals who are in the keepers) and BHG and Ros (again including the same) want to have it easier without being forced to open the Nomad faction to more people.

' Wrote:The Corsairs have several reasons to really dislike the Order, not the least of which is the Order providing tech to the enemies of the Corsairs, which is only made worse when the Order wont give that tech to the Corsairs. Add that to lots of Order ships fighting alongside the Omicroners against the Corsairs during the Freeport 9 mess.

But yea, I guess I have some underhanded conspiratorial reason for wanting this that has nothing to do with the rp that has taken place. I really hate the Order, I just hate them so much, so I have to figure out any way I can to make life hard for them. Yea, I know what you think.

Then tell which Order person gave tech to Corsair enemies? Is it still taking place? Are you making the majority of Order pay for something that one Order guy did? Who was it?

Fighting along the Omicroners... defending them against Corsairs who had started the attack in their "yalalalal" campaign, corsairs who were following a bounty that was illegal because it was a blanket bounty posted by a non-official faction, while making a "BHG-Corsair" cease fire was in place and those particular corsairs fought along the Core. In a oorp hatred campaign that got someone permbanned for "racism" because he said that to him it looked like the people who said "salam aleikum" and used avatars with muslim dress and had a guy called "jihadJoe" in their ranks were RPing as muslim extremists and were doing it to provoke him. Cause saying that this looks like RPing as a muslim extremist is racism if certain people say it's racist.

No, you dont do it just to make life hard for other people, you do it because you love to know that you can make things easier for yourself when ever you want to, cause you da l33t, and you'll just pull the same old "oog conspiracy theorist" phrase when people say that you're not being fair.

Order| tech chart change request. - Zelot - 10-07-2011

Care to explain how this makes things easier for me?

Order| tech chart change request. - Decerebrated.Individual - 10-07-2011

' Wrote:Care to explain how this makes things easier for me?

It makes things easier for you because the Order admiral who is in the keepers is massaging your feet while the BHG Core guy is feeding you grapes while tickling your belly button, while the RoS guy with lipstick and make up on is nibbling on your ear lobe, running his hand through your beard, and drawing "Zelot for Admin" and "IND for official faction" signs with his free hand.

Order| tech chart change request. - Jeremy Hunter - 10-07-2011

Ok, I'll be defending the Order here...for now...

1. WE ARE NOT HERE TO SHOOT HUMANS. We will DEFEND, but OFFENSE is reserved for the Nomads. The Core and Navy want war. We want to be left alone to fight the Nomads. Its not hard to understand!

2. Ok, im sorry. "Im sorry Connie, strippers not allowed." We'll say that, np. But then we'll get heat for discrimination. We invite our allies because we like seeing friendly faces. We get Core Keeprrs Wilde Navy LSF, I'm sorry if we want so,eone who's here to see us and,not shoot us!

Order| tech chart change request. - casero - 10-07-2011

I thought it was a majority of independent order players shooting the corsairs in the FP9 incident.

Order| tech chart change request. - Decerebrated.Individual - 10-07-2011

' Wrote:Ok, I'll be defending the Order here...for now...

1. WE ARE NOT HERE TO SHOOT HUMANS. We will DEFEND, but OFFENSE is reserved for the Nomads. The Core and Navy want war. We want to be left alone to fight the Nomads. Its not hard to understand!

2. Ok, im sorry. "Im sorry Connie, strippers not allowed." We'll say that, np. But then we'll get heat for discrimination. We invite our allies because we like seeing friendly faces. We get Core Keeprrs Wilde Navy LSF, I'm sorry if we want so,eone who's here to see us and,not shoot us!

Oh god Jeremy...

When you are trying to argue, at least try to grasp the context in what the person you are replying to said what he said.

I'll repeat it real slowly for you.

The guy said Corsairs cant go to Minor because security is so so strict.

Corsairs are currently not our enemies. In fact they are marked as allies in our rep list, and the majority of Corsairs I met still behave that way.

BHG... those are the guys that try to kill us.

They come to minor to kill us.

I know because they attacked us.

And then someone like you says we should let the guy who just attacked us escape, so he can attack us again later.

Meanwhile you and your buddy say we should attack someone (Corsairs) who acts like our ally atm.

Ok I think I explained it for even a 5 year old to understand, but I know you are just gonna say "Order dont attack humans" again as if nothing ever came out of my mouth.


I'm going to bed.

Do what you will with the Corsair-Order rep. I just wanted to give you my opinion on the matter.

Good night.

Order| tech chart change request. - Zelot - 10-07-2011

' Wrote:It makes things easier for you because the Order admiral who is in the keepers is massaging your feet while the BHG Core guy is feeding you grapes while tickling your belly button, while the RoS guy with lipstick and make up on is nibbling on your ear lobe, running his hand through your beard, and drawing "Zelot for Admin" and "IND for official faction" signs with his free hand.

It is good for you to show how little backing you have to your arguments. Kudos to you sir.

Order| tech chart change request. - Decerebrated.Individual - 10-07-2011

' Wrote:I thought it was a majority of independent order players shooting the corsairs in the FP9 incident.

Which FP9 incident? THe one that was more than 8 months ago?

I havent seen any Corsair vs Order battles since.

I saw Jeremy and Admiral Collister almost starting a war with rheinland at FP1 meanwhile though.

But no Corsair vs Order fights.

You'd better stage another one and then blame it on the indies.

Ok Im off to bed for real now.