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Glad To See Nothings Changed - Printable Version

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Glad To See Nothings Changed - Jeremy Hunter - 10-14-2011

Oh, hey there:)the other guy with a Spra avvi:D

I'm Jeremy.

Black Squadron was renamed Order| around March-April-May 09, SwissScorch and Ophi already've gone by. We've been through a few people (complete list on wiki.) Current leader is Omicron.

The SCRA's doing good, Alvin Katz has the leadership with Haggis as XO and Blodo and Aphil with them. Decent sized now, more than after the Civil War in '10.

RM: Err...*points to Valinor and Lobster* they know more!

Phooms were disbanded, IND still lurks, and err....Blue Lotus Society?

Oh. And no worries about being a whore, I'm one of the resident Orderwhore/capwhores:Pyou're not alone.

And yes, it's Zelot's fault. It always is.

Ninjaedited due to me messing up:P

Glad To See Nothings Changed - Death.RunningVerminator - 10-14-2011

' Wrote:Christ, where did you come from?

Everyone is reappearing at the same time.
Lol Kaz next thing you know Fellow Hoodlum will be like, "ok im back from annual vaca now where's the baby buffet?" xD

Glad To See Nothings Changed - Taneru - 10-14-2011

' Wrote:Battlestar Galatica Online. So I gave it a shot

I'm not sure if that was the worst space-combat game I've ever tried, but it was pretty close. My time playing it could be measured in seconds.

Anyways, ello to you.

Glad To See Nothings Changed - Kazinsal - 10-14-2011


Glad To See Nothings Changed - Dab - 10-14-2011

What Ed said.

Glad To See Nothings Changed - Jeremy Hunter - 10-14-2011

Would be lolz if Hoodlum did appear:lol:

Glad To See Nothings Changed - DBoy1612 - 10-14-2011

*Goes to call Hoodlum on Skype*

Glad To See Nothings Changed - DBoy1612 - 10-14-2011

' Wrote:Is this the legendary DBoy?:shok:

Wow I'm Legendary? AWESOME!:D

Glad To See Nothings Changed - Zelot - 10-14-2011

' Wrote:Be careful what you wish for.

Glad To See Nothings Changed - Switchback - 10-14-2011


Hi extremely antiquated member that helped me get my Freelancer working due to IPv6(your guide is gone now btw D= )

Are you back, or just passing through?