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Nomads will EAT us all! - Printable Version

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Nomads will EAT us all! - Pepe - 10-17-2011

It doesen't matter who it was, Reavers, or any other Human. Nomads are well organised and in posession of superior tech. Knowing some Nomads would be very usefull for any Merc. If there is any Merc like this. It would be bad for RP.

Superior tech is givven to Nomads because they are allone. It should stay this way. Just to make sure there would be no alliances between humans and aliens, I suggest:


P.S. Thanks for correcting me, it wasn't the Molly BS there, it was a Scylla. This captain actually went to Human side (as Bretonian captain claims), as soon as noticed aliens are attacking him too.

Nomads will EAT us all! - Treewyrm - 10-17-2011

Bad for RP? You got to be kidding me. How exactly would that be bad for RP? I see nothing bad, except nomads tend to be difficult to communicate, thus establishing some sort of neutral/beneficial relation surely isn't going to be easy, but that's definitely doable and that roleplay path can be quite interesting and complicated. Some tried and failed. Some tried and succeeded. So here is my counter-suggestion to yours: "be creative and think less in 'good vs bad' terms".

Nomads will EAT us all! - Dusty Lens - 10-17-2011

If the nomads were interested in communicating it would be as simple an affair as bringing a puppet along, we've seen it demonstrated time and again that infested persons find no difficulty in stringing together a series of words.

That or take a course on mind speak at your local community college.

Nomads will EAT us all! - Treewyrm - 10-17-2011

' Wrote:If the nomads were interested in communicating it would be as simple an affair as bringing a puppet along, we've seen it demonstrated time and again that infested persons find no difficulty in stringing together a series of words.
Except they (infested persons) are not always available in the vicinity to act as intermediaries. But it is what they do when the case may warrant a different non-hostile course, just can't expect that to reliably happen for random encounters.

Nomads will EAT us all! - Daedric - 10-17-2011

I fail to see how role playing is bad for role playing. Perhaps you meant it would be bad for our human characters if a mercenary character started working for the Nomads. I don't know how to say this and not scare you to death, but some humans already work for the Nomads.

Nomads will EAT us all! - Omicron - 10-17-2011

' Wrote:Superior tech is givven to Nomads because they are allone. It should stay this way. Just to make sure there would be no alliances between humans and aliens, I suggest:

Nomads are not alone, enough to say there are some factions and groups that are at least neutral to them like Hellfire Legion, Reapers of Sirius, Outcasts and some kind of cults across Sirius. On other side there are also humans - players and not all of their technology is overpowered: they have no pulse weaponry, mortars, missiles. Nomad LF should get nerfed and VHF buffed.

' Wrote:Pls, add to all bounty boards: IF ALIENS ARE ON SCREEN - NO REWARDS FOR KILLING HUMANS!
The only cause you want that to pass is fact that you got "your ass kicked" by Reaver.

Nomads will EAT us all! - ryoken - 10-17-2011

You forgeet lad. This is the Discovery "GANK" server. The player will join in and fight with who ever he thinks will win. No one here gives a crap about RP when they think they can be on the winning side of gank squad. Plain, and simple.

Nomads will EAT us all! - dodike - 10-17-2011


Reavers are allied with Nomads now?

Should we expect a technology grant soon?

Nomads will EAT us all! - Daedric - 10-17-2011

Soon? We already have their toys.

Nomads will EAT us all! - Dusty Lens - 10-17-2011

' Wrote:What?

Reavers are allied with Nomads now?

Should we expect a technology grant soon?

Nomads use Reaver technology.

Uh, unless I'm mistaken the Nomads are still eating the Reavers just as readily as they're eating everyone else. Wasn't the last Nomad rage thread about that BAF admiral deciding to bring his turbo squid to a BAF vs [M] and friends fight to shoot Reavers?

I think the nomads set up their own little merc group that didn't really go anywhere. Though that's as far as I'm aware (oooh paranoia) of any Nomad/Mercenary interactions.

But could it happen? Sure. Why not.