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Job Interviews - Tenacity - 10-18-2011

Next time you have a job interview, act like you're the interviewer. Start asking questions right off the bat, the same kinds of questions the interviewer typically asks, such as "Why should I work for you?"

Job Interviews - Kazinsal - 10-18-2011

One of the first questions in the interview for my current job:

"Smoke weed?"

"Uhh.... no?"

"Oh, okay."

Job Interviews - jammi - 10-18-2011

' Wrote:Try an employment or temp agency.
I know I lost my job last year (second time in three years:() and I got a landscaping job through a temp agency.
Already signed up with one. They only actually offer one job though, which is the factory that owns their biggest contract. Eh, if I can't find anything before they send their next offer, I'll take the factory job. Money's money at the end of the day.

Job Interviews - Fletcher - 10-18-2011

' Wrote:Already signed up with one. They only actually offer one job though, which is the factory that owns their biggest contract. Eh, if I can't find anything before they send their next offer, I'll take the factory job. Money's money at the end of the day.
Wouldn't happen to be Amazon would it?

They're slave drivers with a smile.:angry:

Job Interviews - Decerebrated.Individual - 10-19-2011

Hm, the questions I didn't like in an interview are things like "tell us why you are creative", "tell us about your weaknesses", "tell us about problems you had with people in your previous jobs". Kinda difficult to walk the line of sounding like an over-inflated baboon or a socially inapt geek.

But out of the 8 jobs I had (including all the crappy ones over 15 years ago), I only had 2 job interviews, one where I got the job (and knew 2 out of 3 people doing the interview) one where I didnt (and didnt know anyone involved in it).

All others were because someone either asked me if I wanted it or I knew one of the people involved in the hiring and I asked, and he or she said yes or no straight out.

People always tend to hire the devil they know, or who was recommended by someone they trust.

The best way to get a job is: corruption.

Hope you dont mind me asking... cause thats a weird question about the game hero. Was it a gaming related job?

Job Interviews - jammi - 10-19-2011

' Wrote:Hope you dont mind me asking... cause thats a weird question about the game hero. Was it a gaming related job?
Yup. Gamestation is one of the leading gaming retail brands in the UK. It's basically the equivalent of the US Gamestop.

Personally, I'd have taken the sneaky cop-out option and said the Nevarine, the Champion of Cyrodil or the Wanderer of the Wastes. :D

Job Interviews - Fletcher - 10-19-2011

Gamestation is a good place to get stuff, the staff actually are gamers, well maybe not so the managers.

Love shopping there, love working there. Hopefully I can somehow land this then get a manager role I was promised last time:)