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Metagamme or not ? - Printable Version

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Metagamme or not ? - Dane Summers - 10-20-2011

As far as im concerned, If people are docking my station, I should know about it.

Truth being, Theres no way to know whose docking unless you see them doing it.

Ya know, if Cannon could make sort of flhook thingy for station admins, to show a list of ships that have docked, and times they did, along with ID - would be awesome - kinda similar to TLAGSNET

Metagamme or not ? - viragons - 10-20-2011

[Image: F2_2a.png]

As an administrator of another Freeport,(FP2) this information would be of great help to us.
Positions of some of Freeport, in the buffer zone or the zone between the two warring sides.
infrequently happened that we have a problem with both sides about maintaining neutrality, and the impossibility of proving information about docking, which would largely be able to resolved conflicts and clashes. If we would have information about ships, time and duration, on the base, could be enough to create conditions for some new RP. from that side, it does not belong in metagaming, does the fact that only serve for RP.

Metagamme or not ? - Price_ - 10-20-2011

' Wrote:As far as im concerned, If people are docking my station, I should know about it.

Truth being, Theres no way to know whose docking unless you see them doing it.

Ya know, if Cannon could make sort of flhook thingy for station admins, to show a list of ships that have docked, and times they did, along with ID - would be awesome - kinda similar to TLAGSNET

That would be kinda awesome, even if the ability was only set for character it would be possible to add it to a bank account or something the leading people of the station/faction had shared access to.

Metagamme or not ? - Markus_Janus - 10-20-2011

Sure I would love to see this implemented for the stations of faction I am in.
High security is a must.
I generally just play along that I only know what I can see happening, but since it is really undertandable that you would know, I don't see a problem with it.
If you are going to have hidden cameras installed in all the rooms so nothing happens with out your knowledge, I think that is going too far.

Metagamme or not ? - Gytrash - 10-20-2011

Oh god. Can you imagine being the admin of planet manhattan? Or any base that is docked on frequently? Eleven million ships docked there. Maybe make it something like the current server information thing... the one that tells the numbers of ships and how many ships in each system.

Make one for each base that requests it and then hand lipnk to faction leader. then anyone else using that information would be OORP:DI think that planets should not have this system if it is implemented tho becayse at least some ships can land on planets without docking rings. Or at least they should be able to.

Metagamme or not ? - Dab - 10-20-2011

Who would decide who gets the power to use the FLHook command to see who has docked the station? All using that ID, or a single person? If the latter, how do you choose that? There are too many problems with that idea to make it effective. Done with player bases, sure, but not with NPC bases.

Please stay on the topic of whether it would be metagaming or not to do what was described in the OP.

Also, moved to Rule section.

Metagamme or not ? - Daedric - 10-20-2011

I find the idea acceptable so long as you keep common sense in mind. Freeports, or Zoner stations in general, are open to all. I would think that they'd secure certain parts, but I doubt they plant listening devices and cameras everywhere. That would drive away their clients. Bad for business. Which, for Zoners, is bad for your way of life.

As to the OP specific case: I think you're fine knowing they are there. I think you'd be stepping over the line if you claimed you know that they are there and they are meeting. That is, unless they are meeting in CB's rented space that is secured by Ames' security systems. If they are just meeting in the bar or some random conference room or living quarters, you would likely not know.

I'm thinking this would be a fluid thing, not something we can definitevly define with a rule, unless its a mile long with examples, exceptions, and such.

Metagamme or not ? - sadtranslation - 10-20-2011

I think I would repeat and elaborate myself.

Since the question got much more to do with the developed playrooms and the administered Freeports or the limited areas of space like the building where the Bretonian Parliament hold the meetings, the rules for each one of them may be easily defined by the host.

Consider it an not even the rules, but the description of the location, the conditions of the ongoing role play. Noone's going to complain about the established social structure or the color of the sun and the way it rises and sets - such guidelines and instructions would do much better than the program tools.

It would only require the interested person to make a short write-up; I think it's something totally usual for anyone who got at least a brief experience with the text role playing games.

And I would repeat what I said about this certain situation.

Common sense. Don't claim to know what happened behind the closed doors, but keep in mind that you know what kinds of people come and leave; you can't know what they actually do, but there may be a chance for you to know that they are meeting each other defined by the dice, for example.

Whatever, the simplest solution is the best one.

Metagamme or not ? - DarthBindo - 10-20-2011

I think the issue would be one of a priori vs ex post facto roleplay as the difference between good, and metagaming.
That is, if they choose a station as their meeting ground, they should have to sense to research it, and anything not available publically on the forums about the security, design, layout, cameras or devices of the station should be considered metagaming if used by the station's administrator after the fact of the inital roleplay.
Of course, the opposite would also apply.
If prior roleplay establishes a robust security system and controls, then the free use of said systems is fair play.
I can actually think of an example off the top of my head, as Dusty Len's roleplay of a wireless-detecting security system lead to the untimely demise of Daniel Saint-Clair in the Freeport 9 story.
That, and it would have been powergaming to have him kill anyone, despite the fact that.....
well that's not important.

Metagamme or not ? - Anomander - 10-20-2011

My opinion is:

As Administrator of the station, You should get some sort 'logs' of whom dock on Your station.

But in other hand - You as administrator are busy man and You do not have always time to check all papers, or logs.
And what is more important (and what was told before) people who dock on station could always use fake ID to keep his true name in secret.

so Yeah, it could be a little Meta...