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Are game reviewers idiotic? - Printable Version

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Are game reviewers idiotic? - Fletcher - 10-20-2011

Marketing should not equal out and out lying.

Are game reviewers idiotic? - stardust47 - 10-20-2011

Well, the only game review show I watch on a regular basis is Zero Punctuation, which I should note people can be quite stupid about. I will watch a Zero Punctiation review about a game that's got good reviews everywhere else and see Yahtzee tear it apart and other poeple blindly agree with him, not buying the game based on a review that only focuses on the negative. I accept that while any game has its bad points, the good points (that Yahtzee only mentions if they're REALLY good) are probably worth enduring the bad points for. That is, unless there is evidence from other reviews to the contrary.

Are game reviewers idiotic? - jxie93 - 10-20-2011

Writers are often paid by their publishers to review video games. Rarely is a commercial review (those which appear in magazines and websites) written in the personal opinion of the writer. If you really think reviews should represent a balanced general opinion of the product then you must be naive. Some people write for a living. It's not bribery, it's a career.

Zero Punctuation is an awful, unjustified and biased video game review show that serves as comedy at best.

Are game reviewers idiotic? - Fletcher - 10-20-2011

Go team EA, actually picking favourable reviewers BEFORE even giving the reviewers the game.

Go team retard!!

Are game reviewers idiotic? - jammi - 10-20-2011

' Wrote:IGN rarely steers me wrong, although it has in the past.
When Army of 2 was released, they were sponsoring IGN. Their review gave it a 3/10 and ripped it to shreds for being an appalling game. That was awkward due to the whole sponsorship issue: you're reading a review about how terrible a game is while the adverts for it are flashing at you from the sides of the screen.

In any case, they sacked the guy and got another writer who was more amenable to their sponsors to write a new review. 'Surprisingly', the review score rose overnight.

' Wrote:You opinion is a bit childish, it is all about marketing the product and selling it.
Reviews should be based around fairly reviewing the game - hence the name... Advertising should be entirely separate to reviewing.

Are game reviewers idiotic? - Ark - 10-20-2011

I never trust a "professional" reviewer and neither should you. I'll listen, but then I contrast with player feedback. And then I try it for myself because you can't take players at their word either (learning curve is unpopular...)

You never really know if you'll like a game until you play it.

Are game reviewers idiotic? - Haphestus - 10-20-2011

the demo versions that are played by these "reviewers" are the polished demo versions usually, you want good advice on what to buy in the next few months, ask your friends, look at the independently submitted game play videos not the company uploaded, and if your local game shop or electronics store (I.E. jb hi-fi, Dick Smith, Game and EB games. that's if your in Australia I'm not sure everywhere else) also if you buy it from a shop you usually can exchange it if not satisfied.

also TF2 Learn to Heavy.

Are game reviewers idiotic? - Makc_RU - 10-21-2011

Just like people above me stated, that those writers are paid, it is their job to make the product look good, even better then others. Nobody will pay a writers, who says that this games sucks because of this, this and that. At the same time, such write will be very respected by the internet community, perhaps he even might get a job at some small, independent website or magazine, which will pay a little fraction, if any, of the sum he would get from writing a bogus report.
Look at the various Anti-Virus programs, there are dozens of them and each and every one states that they are better, they compare and compare each other to each other, but at the end....:)well, we all know the truth, they all are pretty much the same.

p.s. You made a good rant, though.

Are game reviewers idiotic? - ivr56 - 10-21-2011


Also the mainstream market.
"Professional" reviewers are fine to see options/feedback on the final build. Just check the smaller sites more then larger ones. And avoid Metacritic user reviews.

Are game reviewers idiotic? - r3vange - 10-21-2011

[color=#FFFFFF]Sad that CoD, is just a generic multiplayer shooter, the SP is far better. And it's more popular than god for dab's sake! I once asked a girl who didn't give an excrement about games if she heard any titles "Ye! Coul Of Doooty, we play it on my mate's Eksbawx!"