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2 year old ran over by a van in China - Printable Version

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2 year old ran over by a van in China - Friday - 10-21-2011

Ahh, cultural relativism!

I think you will find that most Chinese you would care to speak to (certainly EVERY SINGLE ONE I KNOW - and I know quite a few from work, tech college and just out on the street) all agree its an outrage.

It's all the talk in the local Chinatown, as well as the local Chinese population in my local shops.

The feedback I got from the 30+ people I have spoken to tell me almost univerally its a combination of:

1) Big City living, where life is cheap and people are too busy scratching out a living to care for others.
2) Fear of punishment by the authorities for helping (ie: the "Naining Judge").

2 year old ran over by a van in China - TheJarl - 10-21-2011

' Wrote:Also, if you looked at the real footage the driver ran over her twice. Why? Because if she dies he has to pay a lot less (around 20,000 yuan) than the amount of money if she manages to survive.

As for the pedestrians not helping, this is nothing new since similar events has happened elsewhere.

But I guess fear of paying honour money may had also played a part in this.

It is not the bystander effect, because those who passed by were alone or with few others around.

' Wrote:Remember kids, all cultures are equal and cannot be judged by your prejudicial views of morality and compassion.

Similar things happen in the west, the thing is China has more than a billion inhabitants. Of course the chances of it happening there are much bigger than in other countries.

2 year old ran over by a van in China - SA_Scavenger - 10-21-2011

' Wrote:It is not the bystander effect, because those who passed by were alone or with few others around.
Similar things happen in the west, the thing is China has more than a billion inhabitants. Of course the chances of it happening there are much bigger than in other countries.

When they start placing sanctions on China for obvious human rights abuses then maybe, just maybe, you may have a point. If something like this happens in the West, condemnation falls from the skies, people fall all over themselves begging for forgiveness and change is demanded if not forced on those who committed the "transgression". It's folly to think that because this may or might have happened in other places that we shouldn't judge China on it. Other cultures judge the West as the biggest evil in the world. Why can't the West then judge them too? It would seem only fair.

In fact the West is judged based on supposed ills committed many hundreds of years ago and are all judged guilty of it and then in the same breath are not allowed to judge others who commit those very acts in this day and age. I call that a double standard!

2 year old ran over by a van in China - TheJarl - 10-21-2011

' Wrote:When they start placing sanctions on China for obvious human rights abuses then maybe, just maybe, you may have a point. If something like this happens in the West, condemnation falls from the skies, people fall all over themselves begging for forgiveness and change is demanded if not forced on those who committed the "transgression". It's folly to think that because this may or might have happened in other places that we shouldn't judge China on it. Other cultures judge the West as the biggest evil in the world. Why can't the West then judge them too? It would seem only fair.

In fact the West is judged based on supposed ills committed many hundreds of years ago and are all judged guilty of it and then in the same breath are not allowed to judge others who commit those very acts in this day and age. I call that a double standard!

No, things like these just simply do as happen. I remember reading about someone who was being violently attacked and who wasn't helped by anyone some time ago. And I think that case was right here in the Netherlands.

Also, I call this double standards:
[Image: bombed-hospital-is-zlitan.jpg]
A Libyan hospital bombed by the NATO. If some Islamic terrorist would have blown up a hospital in a western country, his homeland would be invaded straight away.

but let us not get too political.

2 year old ran over by a van in China - Panzer - 10-21-2011

In other words, hoomans are aysehatz. Not just any particular nation.

2 year old ran over by a van in China - TheJarl - 10-21-2011

' Wrote:In other words, hoomans are aysehatz. Not just any particular nation.

Pretty much yes.

2 year old ran over by a van in China - SA_Scavenger - 10-21-2011

' Wrote:No, things like these just simply do as happen. I remember reading about someone who was being violently attacked and who wasn't helped by anyone some time ago. And I think that case was right here in the Netherlands.

Also, I call this double standards:
[Image: bombed-hospital-is-zlitan.jpg]
A Libyan hospital bombed by the NATO. If some Islamic terrorist would have blown up a hospital in a western country, his homeland would be invaded straight away.

but let us not get too political.

So, NATO are terrorists now? They do have an official mandate given to them by the UN and backing from the Libyan NTC, if that counts? However, you could argue that the West should stay out of the Middle East and other countries and I would 100 % agree with you. I wish they would and I wish that would be returned in kind and others stay out of Western countries. Just seems some things are not meant to be.

Quite simple really, if others stop judging the West, I will stop judging them.

2 year old ran over by a van in China - Blaze - 10-21-2011

This is sick..

2 year old ran over by a van in China - Jihadjoe - 10-21-2011
