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Idea - Printable Version

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Idea - darkhorse1998 - 04-25-2008

Thank you for the advice boss. I tried it last night and it seemed to help for planets.. but EVERY time i launch from a station game crashes to desktop. the one time i DID manage to log back on my ship was stuck inside the "dock". i flew out when an npc tried docking in the bay i was in. i flew out to a full scale attack.. needless to say i got gunned down. when it tried to respawn me it crashed... since then i could not even log back into the server without crashing. ; ; this makes me not so happy.
I just found some weapons that are nice too.. can you advise on what to do next?
My idea was to enable the docking ring for large ships thinking maybe that would help.

Idea - Robert.Fitzgerald - 04-26-2008

You said you had the latest version of FLMM? I would suggest deleting that, and getting 1.3 instead. The 1.4 version has a bug concerning mods (speed mod in question) which leaves them activated when you disable them. It can result in you having speed mod whilst on the Discovery server (rules violation, of course).