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About certain bombers - Printable Version

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About certain bombers - aster - 03-12-2008

' Wrote:The Challenger is a GREAT bomber, but has a screwed hitbox. Also, for some reason it can't dodge that well, unlike my Taiidan.

In what way is the hitbox screwed? I hadn't noticed. Of course I can't see that from flying it.:wacko:

I just thought that Kusari destroyer/gunboat NPC's were fairly poor shots.

About certain bombers - mjolnir - 03-12-2008

Falcata - yes it's the worst bomber with the smaller powerplant (together with Havoc).. and it has quite big hitbox... so either decrease the agility a tiny bit and put the bigger power supply... or up the agility a bit.

Thor - agreed with chopper

Barghest - already discussed ... that it could get lvl 6 freighter shield, maybe some bots/bats and a even bigger powersupply... while keeping size and agility to stay unique

Catamaran and Red Catamaran - yes a bit better hitbox

BHG bomber - I think it's perfectly fine... and shows how Catamarans will be with a better hitbox

Challenger - I think it's perfect...I fire on them often and haven't noticed anything wrong with hitbox, as too "they suck compared with catamaran".. ehm.. they do suck in 1vs1 against the catamaran... but due to the bigger power supply they are much better bombers against Cruisers and up.

EDIT: Some note on the smaller power supply (48k)... it takes just to long to recharge the Supernova to make it very difficult to take on a GB 1vs1. With the bigger one the shield comes up either after you fire SN on hull... or just a split second before... but since you already have a lot of energy.. you can fire all guns to down it and shoot SN in single pass.

with the smaller one the shield comes up way before... so you have to shoot more => SN recharge takes even longer. So it takes another 2 passes before you hit SN... and during those two passes some shots will hit you. (even if you CD his turns).

Believe me I have a lot of experience fighting GBs 1 vs 1. And I would take RH bomber over catamaran any time.