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Xeno 'MORAY' light bomber concept - Printable Version

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Xeno 'MORAY' light bomber concept - Maelstrom - 11-19-2011

Don't the Xenos have connections to one of the drydocks in liberty by the lore? Couldn't they use those contacts to get the ship produced in small numbers? Have them classify the ship as a shuttle while it's being constructed, but have it set up for the Xeno's to do some easy swaps, with schematics from the drydock, and turn it into a fairly effective bomber? Then thier contact just purchases it, "Form my dear old aunty." and sells it to the Xenos. Doesn't seem a stretch to me.

Xeno 'MORAY' light bomber concept - Zynth - 11-19-2011

Xenos are poor people, may not have the funds to do all that. But still, somewhat legit.

Also, allow me to bring this up once again.

Possible Waran replacement

Xeno 'MORAY' light bomber concept - Echo 7-7 - 11-19-2011

' Wrote:"Optical illusions... don't really work from space"

Yes Optical Illusions do work from space. Otherwise why do you think people build bases in asteroid fields with low visibility??? This statement of yours is very vague. It's optical illusions that define space objects and give them their color.
"A question: Why would the Xenos build their own bomber from scratch? They're not exactly known for their skill with technology. They do have access to ships like the Roc and Waran."

Considering the timeline and technology progress in Sirius, building a new ship model is not rocket science. The xenos may be not as tech savvy as some of the other factions but they are not illiterate either. And from the budget point of view, do they get the Roc or Waran for free?? They still have to buy it at the same expensive prices from other bases. So instead of buying ships by paying high prices to stations they can manufacture their own build at a cheaper price.

"Note that modellers don't get to choose the specifications for their ships - that gets left to the balance team"

I know that very well that admins have the final say. When I listed the attributes here I just wanted to share my ideas, not enforce them. I am sick of this community of people who instead of posting some useful comments or suggestions to improve the model, just keep posting why something won't work...why this will not do and stuff to show how smart and knowledgable they are. But I know for sure that if I ask what will work?, these people will have no idea. Modellers spend hours working on a model. Respect it. And if you think you are so smart why not come up with your own brilliant ideas and show us how smart you actually are?

Bases are not built in asteroid fields for visibility issues - that's nebulae you're thinking about. Space is a very dark place - ships and bases are not primarily detected by sight, but by scanners. Asteroid fields often decrease the effectiveness of scanners, making other ships and bases more difficult to locate without prior knowledge of their location. Regardless, there is no point in going for optical camouflage at this scale because no one is going to look (visually) at a ship that closely - they're going to scan its energy signature and get something clearly different from a Starflier.

I'm not actually saying that there's anything wrong with the design in this way; I just think that trying to justify the design with "false science" is unnecessary.

Buying a ship second-hand would probably be cheaper than buying a brand-new ship. However, I'll leave it to players more knowledgable about the Xenos to say exactly how much money and/or duct tape they have.

As for your last comment... lighten up. I only made a statement, not a criticism. You made a suggestion, I commented on that suggestion - I didn't say the suggestion was good or bad.

Xeno 'MORAY' light bomber concept - Curios - 11-19-2011

' Wrote:There are 4 wings, not 2. And wings are almost half the size of the ship. What makes you think they are small? Do you expect a fighter to have battleship size wings or what?

If you rad the "too" as two, well, np. But I'll keep my opinion that the ship's hull is too bulk for a fighter, shuttle will work well.

However if you'r up for making xeno ships in all seriousness then i would like to point you at some thread for ideas and so on.

I think that will be nice to see something like this submitted, maybe you will do so? Who knows.