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The Lightning. - Tachyon - 11-20-2011

I like the model aside from those light-blue stuff, maybe something black-ish would look better.

And no need to think about the stats, it's still the task of the balance team.

The Lightning. - jxie93 - 11-20-2011

This is a good looking model overall, though the wingspan could be reduced just a bit.

Also, there's no need to pimp it up.

The Lightning. - Toaster - 11-20-2011

Looks like the sport-version of the Bastet. Cool.

The Lightning. - FGDireito - 11-20-2011

Nice ship, but too much trony i think :laugh:

[Image: lbum%20Art.jpg]

The Lightning. - Switchback - 11-21-2011

That ship looks epic. much tron.

The Lightning. - Vape - 11-21-2011

Good model
Maybe Maat (Egyptian god of justice iirc) for the name?

The Lightning. - Walker - 11-21-2011

Tenenet - Also known/spelled as Zenenet, Tanenet, Tenenit.

Egyptian God of Sex and Beer.

Not joking.

The Lightning. - Zynth - 11-21-2011

Maybe Ma'at as a name?
Godess of truth, balance, order, law, morality, and justice?

It looks like a Heavy Fighter to me, possibly on the lower end of the spectrum, closer to a Light Fighter. The model looks awesome, just don't like the "Tron".

I disagree with Cabulb's idea to reduce wingspan. Looks fine to me.

The Order already has a Light Fighter. But lacks a Heavy Fighter. Here's your chance.

The Lightning. - Tenacity - 11-21-2011

He obviously wanted a name that represented the ship's speed or power, using lightning as his choice.

Seth/Set was the god of storms, but that's already taken with the new order light fighter.

The names I suggested before:

Amunet: Primordial concept of Air/wind, depicted as a snake or cobra. Wind is swift, cobras strike swiftly, fits the lightning concept well.

Horus: Falcon-headed god of the sky, wars, and protection. Also fits.

Wadjet: Snake goddess of lower egypt, same as Amunet with a different name, just like Bastet and Sekhmet are technically the same deity, just seperated by upper/lower egyptian worship centers.

The Lightning. - Jeremy Hunter - 11-21-2011

' Wrote:Tenenet - Also known/spelled as Zenenet, Tanenet, Tenenit.

Egyptian God of Sex and Beer.

Not joking.
Already taken by the Order Nightclub.

If I ever find the account, I'll post proof.

EDIT: Also. Take a look at Watering Holes; It should be the only topic I started.

' Wrote:He obviously wanted a name that represented the ship's speed or power, using lightning as his choice.

Seth/Set was the god of storms, but that's already taken with the new order light fighter.

The names I suggested before:

Amunet: Primordial concept of Air/wind, depicted as a snake or cobra. Wind is swift, cobras strike swiftly, fits the lightning concept well.

Horus: Falcon-headed god of the sky, wars, and protection. Also fits.

Wadjet: Snake goddess of lower egypt, same as Amunet with a different name, just like Bastet and Sekhmet are technically the same deity, just seperated by upper/lower egyptian worship centers.

I'd go with Amunet; Wadjet (or Wedjat) is the Intel Divison nickname. Would cause confusion. Also, the CV-Deviator could be renamed Horus (or is). So, Amunet's best i'd say.