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Stupid - jxie93 - 12-16-2011

' Wrote:Thus, it fits that those of us who are native American speakers

Arrogance - the only reason American English is considered the popular form of English is because of its international usage due to its influence. This does not mean it is the preferred form of legitimate English.

As a British English speaker, I absolutely refuse to acknowlodge American English as a legitimate form of the English language. To even consider using "stupider" and "stupidest" in casual conversation is just sheer ignorance to me. DRV's idea of situations is a good compromise, though I still would never use those words in real life.

English is not that hard to learn, especially compared to most other world languages. Why should anyone intentially destroy its pristine form just so non native speakers can learn it more effectively?

Stupid - r3vange - 12-16-2011

Well, I reckon that the correct form is "most stupid". And here's why; "stupid" is not the only 2 syllable adjective which does not form its comparative and superlative form with "er" "est". Think about "modern", do you say "modernets" or the "most modern"

Stupid - Marburg - 12-16-2011

::walks in, builds a campfire, takes a seat and clicks a flashlight under his chin 'ghost-story' style as he begins to speak::

There is no "debate" on this issue, man. If you use the word 'stupider' in a sentence, it's improper use. That's it. Period. Any debate that springs up about it is just a debate of proper use of an improper word.

That said, knowing the language rules & following them are two separate things. As long as a person knows proper English and the proper times to speak it, then who cares how they choose to speak in more casual environments.

There is that little problem though of netspeak. You think English is bad now, just wait until the next generation of kids start teaching their kids how to speak, read & write. It will be a nightmare. Lucky for us though that we can boil like frogs as always while the language continues to devolve in order to mirror the base education level of the culture that speaks it.