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Rheinland Federal Police Blotter - old.steel - 03-29-2008

Message incoming: Federal Police Headquarters...
Comm ID: Patrolman Stahl
Subject: Patrol report

Today i have patroled New Berlin only.
I noticed the usual common trader traffic - all legal ones.
After half an hour an ionstorm forced me to land.

-Patrolman Stahl

Rheinland Federal Police Blotter - Praetyre - 04-04-2008

Comm ID: Policier Alois Gottlieb
Subject: Patrol Summary, 4/4/816 AS
Today, while finishing some business planetside involving the arrest of a notorious heretic at a New Berlin docking facility and his escort into Inquisitorial facilities, I sighted on my Phantom's scanner a Zoner expeditionary ship with a callsign similar enough to mistake it for a Corsair cruiser myself and Gefreiter Quentin of the Kriegsmarine had previously expelled from the Gottkanzler's domain.

I found out the truth of the matter quickly, though the Zoner complained the treatment of his compatriot was unfair and disallowed under international law. He was resistant to attempts to explain the reality of the situation, and I instead joined a local patrol into the Aachenfeld.

We sped off, encountering in the Aachenfeld a Unioner patrol and 2 Bundschuh patrols of civilian vessels, destroying all of them without a single casualty. On our way to return to New Berlin around 20,000 kilometres from Potsdam, we encountered another, smaller Unioner patrol, which we rapidly dispatched. I received permission to break off to report the patrol activities and attend to the interrogation ot the heretic on New Berlin from my superior around the reaching of the first waypoint, when my Inquisitorial superior pinged me on the neural net.

For the Holy Gottkanzler, Father of the Fatherland
Alois Gottlieb out!

Rheinland Federal Police Blotter - Monk - 04-04-2008

Message incoming: Federal Police Headquarters...
Comm ID: Inspekteur Hans Dominik
Subject: Trainees

I am happy to report that Officer Alois Gottlieb and Officer Walter Model have passed their trials and are hereby promoted to rank of Hauptwachtmeister-Patrolman. You two are now authorized to pilot the fine Phantom patrol ships.

On another note, my other trainees Officer Schicksal Held and Officer Orison Kac-ion have yet to provide me with the proof necessary to move on from the trainee position. I would like to inform you two that the trainee period is TEMPORARY and you will either advance to patrolmen or be dismissed from the Rheinland Federal Police. You have 7 days from this message to complete the tasks required, which include mapping Rheinland and obtaining the proper IFF codes. Sirs, just follow the patrol paths on your nav maps and you will have this complete in no time.

-Inspekteur Hans Dominik

Rheinland Federal Police Blotter - Praetyre - 04-04-2008

Comm ID: Hauptewachtmeister Alois Gottlieb
Subject: Special Report, Hessian Incursion.

Today, while returning to patrol New Berlin, I assisted a Kriegsmarine patrol around Bonn Station in combat with a Hessian patrol, then while continuing to Brandenburg I sighted a Harvester vessel with Nomadic cargo onboard.

I ordered it to halt, upon which it replied it could not comply, then ordered it to drop it's cargo, with the same response. Apparently, it could only reply to orders from a certain directive.

However, more pressing matters soon arose when I sighted 2 Bundschuh vessels. I initially forwarded the report to the Bureau der Marineintelligence due to it's location near the diplomatically and Nomadicaly sensitive and dangerous area of the Sigma 13 jumphole in the Saarfield, then upon receiving no response around the time of my second time circling New Berlin, I sighted another Bundschuh vessel, Konstantin, and targeted him on my scanners. He was above the Sirius vertical plane, but I pursued him regardless.

I chased him into the Saarfield, encountering a Hessian patrol along the way, which disrupted my cruise engines which I had activated to pursue the cruising enemy vessel, which had resisted my attempts to disrupt it and was close to falling off my tactical scanners, and attempted to repel the patrol.

However, it appears this patrol may have been the product of a conspiracy, for shortly thereafter, the Red Hessian cruiser known as Varyag appeared in the 1st perimeterial region of the field, which I prompty proceeded to to engage the ship. Though I attempted to blast at it's thick shields, my ship ultimately ended up destroyed by a broadside from it's cannons.

As my escape pod floats back towards New Berlin, I hope that my fellow servants of the Gottkanzler in the Kriegmarine and the Bureau der Marineintelligence will rend apart the unholy vessel of the Varyag, and that the blasphemer and heathen Konstantin shall one day meet justice in the service of the Gottkanzler's labour areas.

For the Gottkanzler, for Rheinland, and for the Rheinbundespolize
Alois Gottlieb out.

Rheinland Federal Police Blotter - Monk - 04-04-2008

Incoming Message: Hauptewachtmeister Alois Gottlieb...
Comm ID: Inspekteur Hans Dominik
Subject: Cruiser Varyag

I am quite unnerved by the presence of a Hessian cruiser. I will inform the Rheinland Military of this incursion at once as our humble police force is incapable of dealing with such a force, no matter how corrupt.

We have located the location of your pod's distress signal and have dispatched a recovery team. You should be home in no time, at which point you are to report to the Elbe Station Bar where you shall give me a full debriefing over strudel and lager beer.

You showed great valor for the RFP. We should be able to get you back on patrol as soon as you are ready.

-Inspekteur Hans Dominik

Rheinland Federal Police Blotter - Helmfried - 04-04-2008

Message incoming: Federal Police Headquarters....
Comm ID: Direktor Colonel Helmfried
Subject: Action Report

Just repelled a joint group of Dragons and a Bundschuh bomber who had jumped on a bounty hunter around Berlin. Not so quiet lately, contrary to my expectations..

[Image: screen144.gif]

-Direktor Colonel Helmfried

Rheinland Federal Police Blotter - old.steel - 04-25-2008

Message incoming: Federal Police Headquarters...
Comm ID: Patrolman Stahl
Subject: Patrol report (NB, S)

During my patrol today i encountered a civilian named Schlangenbiss flying a rheinland bomber:
Picture 1 Picture 2
I questioned him and he stated that he is a volunteer and asked 'the superiors' for permission about this ship.
With the presence of RM-officer Heindric Schwarzkopf i forwarded this matter to RM.
After that i escorted two RepEx traders to Stuttgart's border eliminating several common pirates the way.
Unfortunately i was forced to dock at Ulm due an ionstorm.

-Patrolman Stahl

Rheinland Federal Police Blotter - old.steel - 05-07-2008

Message incoming: Federal Police Headquarters...
Comm ID: Patrolman Stahl
Subject: Patrol report 0705

Please let me do this brief:
I was killed by Indepentent_Trader_001 during a routine inspection in front of our beloved home, NB
This scum insulted Rheinland and our Heiligkeit the Gottkanzler.
Pegasus_2, some rouge RH-Cruiser pilot did not even helped me!

Please forgive me.
But something is wrong.
Mine Kanzler, please...
...let me loose at your command.
I'll be your humble and lethal servant.

-Patrolman Stahl

Rheinland Federal Police Blotter - Monk - 05-07-2008

Incoming Message: RFP HQ...
Comm ID: Inspekteur Dominik
RE: Patrol Report

You say a trader open fired on you? Outrageous! This Independent_Trader_001 is to be captured. I have issued a warrant and the captain is to be brought to my jail for questioning and trial. Use any force required, destroy the vessel if the captain does not surrender.

As for Pegasus_2 I will have to check with the RM to see if they have authorized a cruiser by that designation.

Your orders patrolman are to apprehend Trader_001 or destroy it. As for pegasus_2 I want her captain questioned.

-Inspekteur Dominik

Rheinland Federal Police Blotter - Zasalamel - 06-27-2008

===Inkoming Transmission===
From: Hauptwachtmeister(Patrolman) Katrina Lebowitz

There are two people, sister and brother, the Hawthornes. Yesterday, they made their first offense. The sister fired upon an officer, the brother talked back, once. Today, the sister didn't do as much, but the brother talked back, a lot, and used the name "Rheinheads" to call the people of Rheinhardt. I said that that was their second offense, and if they do it one more time, I will call in the Inspektur and the other Hauptwachtmeister to take care of it.

They were bringing all kinds of goods into Liberty too.
