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Hyena LF - Reverend Del - 03-19-2008

Whilst we're on the subject of Rogue light fighters, how about taking a look at the Bloodhound, an equally horrible ship for it's class. Only three guns, and the turning circle of a heavy fighter, no armour, no agility, nothing good to say about it, it's ruddy hard to do a level 3 mission in the damn thing and you can forget about taking on the Navy in one, Defender's kick your ass every time. Both the Rogue LF's need some upgrading, and as Doom has mentioned so does the Barghest. The only decent Rogue vessel I've flown so far has been the Battle Barge (GB). But then I haven't tried any of the heavier fighters.

Hyena LF - chopper - 03-19-2008

Well, that's what i was suggesting. I don't want it to be small like Liberator and agile as Nomad LF..
I want it to stay different, but to be usable.

That's why I said no 'Turning rate' but 'agility'..
If anyone tried it, he knows how slow response it has..
Even slower then Greyhound, which doesn't make sense, since Greyhound is also a Rogue ship, HF.
Just increase it's response a bit so people can dodge in it.

Torp slot and energy increase also.

Minuses - less guns, bigger size, less agile
Pluses - Better armor..

That's how things stand at the moment.

Del - Try greyhound.. It's a shining star in Rogue ship-list.. Sure, it's still worse then most ships, but compared to other rogue ships - it's pure gold.
That is the only good fighter that Rogues have at the moment.
And it can beat any VHF, but it needs M-razor or Inferno to make it easier, since it has only 4 guns..

Hyena LF - mjolnir - 03-19-2008

well I took down a BC in a Barghest ... supported by one fighter without any torpmounted weapon...

I also got a rampage against BS, BC, 2 Cruisers, 2 GBs and some 5 fighters.. in NY... with only 4 fighters/bombers on our side...

but yes it's hopeless against GBs... so 24k shield and a bigger powerplant.. and it will be fun... and the looks..

Hyena LF - Reverend Del - 03-19-2008

' Wrote:Del - Try greyhound.. It's a shining star in Rogue ship-list.. Sure, it's still worse then most ships, but compared to other rogue ships - it's pure gold.
That is the only good fighter that Rogues have at the moment.
And it can beat any VHF, but it needs M-razor or Inferno to make it easier, since it has only 4 guns..

Chopper, I'd love to fly the Greyhound, and I will be once I've got my 30 hours flight time in the LF's but having now flown one for 5 hours I'm seriously considering revising our policies, yes it's nice to see Rogues in Rogue ships, but they are bloody awful ships, and we'll watch the membership dwindle soon when people get fed -up of losing to a bunch of Piranhas, it would just be nice to see these ships get the overhaul they need to make them competitive in the light fighter arena, they don't ahve to be godlike, just competitive. At the moment they make good doorstops, nothing more.

Hyena LF - skoko - 03-19-2008

' Wrote:Whilst we're on the subject of Rogue light fighters, how about taking a look at the Bloodhound, an equally horrible ship for it's class. Only three guns, and the turning circle of a heavy fighter, no armour, no agility, nothing good to say about it, it's ruddy hard to do a level 3 mission in the damn thing and you can forget about taking on the Navy in one, Defender's kick your ass every time. Both the Rogue LF's need some upgrading, and as Doom has mentioned so does the Barghest. The only decent Rogue vessel I've flown so far has been the Battle Barge (GB). But then I haven't tried any of the heavier fighters.

Agreed with Del on all except missions... max mission limit on Bloodhound for me is 6 and it last for 30 - 40 minutes maybe more due to low lvl guns and crappy armor... lvl 7-8 would last forever

Every collision means losing shields and every collision without shields means death... or it leaves you with 2% of armor... and damn NPCs do it on purpose:P

Hyena will be definitely better, but still some upgrades are required...

Barghest... well that is flying grave.. literally .. slow and big...

Hyena LF - Etaphreven - 03-19-2008

' Wrote:Barghest... well that is flying grave.. literally .. slow and big...

Haha, nice one:D

Anyway. I agree, a torpedo slot(at least) would be nice.

Hyena LF - mjolnir - 03-19-2008

' Wrote:Chopper, I'd love to fly the Greyhound, and I will be once I've got my 30 hours flight time in the LF's but having now flown one for 5 hours I'm seriously considering revising our policies, yes it's nice to see Rogues in Rogue ships, but they are bloody awful ships, and we'll watch the membership dwindle soon when people get fed -up of losing to a bunch of Piranhas, it would just be nice to see these ships get the overhaul they need to make them competitive in the light fighter arena, they don't ahve to be godlike, just competitive. At the moment they make good doorstops, nothing more.

Well you think it's much easier in a Dagger? Any mission off Mactan takes 30mins++.. with half of them beeing impossible to do... = 30k mission where you meet two lvl 15 hammerheads....

Dagger is still a brick compared to Liberator.. and one collision drops your shield.. second 90% of hull... so it's not really easy either...

Hyena LF - pipsqueak - 03-19-2008

This is my idealogy about rogue ships..... (again please don't throw sharp objects)

Slower, more powerful ships.

Blood hound does need a boost, some where very close to a defender, but slightly faster. and It needs one more turret. so make it 3 guns and two turrets all forward firing and a power plant that can handle that.
Allow the two turrets 360 turn so they both can fire backwards.
Hyena needs the same treatment. Otherwise it becomes too much like the Werewolf. No torp mount for this light fighter.

As for the Barghast. It needs the following.

1. Transport class Lvl 6 shield.
2. Ability to fire both supernovas. (Better power plant)
3. Lower the mass so this sucker can straffe a little bit faster.
4. May be, just may be, one more turret.

Hyena LF - chopper - 03-19-2008

Del - 30 hours is.. too much.. Put it on 10-15 max.

Greyhounds can work very well in packs, 4-5 of them can make a chaos.
That can't be said for Werewolf, since it's too easy to hit it with anything..
So, I believe Greyhound will become your main ship..
Unless you all jump to Sabres-Scimittars - which won't happen, I hope.

Hyena LF - Reverend Del - 03-19-2008

' Wrote:Del - 30 hours is.. too much.. Put it on 10-15 max.

Greyhounds can work very well in packs, 4-5 of them can make a chaos.
That can't be said for Werewolf, since it's too easy to hit it with anything..
So, I believe Greyhound will become your main ship..
Unless you all jump to Sabres-Scimittars - which won't happen, I hope.
We initialyy thought 10 in a bloodhound 20 in a hyena was a good idea, now I've been flying a bloodhound for 6and a half hours I'm very much convinced that halving the times as you suggested is theway forward. ANd no we won't be seeing every Rogue in Borderworlds vessels, well not in my wing, I can't speak for Niezck.