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Pirat-Trader rules clarification - Printable Version

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Pirat-Trader rules clarification - Jinx - 03-23-2008

you have to make a demand. - so far the rules. if you make no damand, you must not shoot him down.

if however, he starts shooting at you - and your shields drop to 50% or below, you ll be allowed to act in self defense. ( without completing your RP as a pirate )

a trader does not need to stop. - not complying to the request to cut the engines is not equal to = i don t want to pay your tax request that you had no time to write up yet.

mind you - if you can remember that trader, you may aswell take him down to 1% next time you see him before you even start talking to him. - surprisingly traders comply much easier once they used their bots / bats and are down to 1%. - but i would only do that if you , and possibly he knows why that is ( with a little reminder like "remember last time you tried to cruise on me and even shot me" )

edit: happens to Clovet, too sometimes - i am quite unhappy - but i sometimes just dish out a "give me 500k" - instead of the usual chat. ( and i only do that, to be on the safe side, not cause its good RP )

Pirat-Trader rules clarification - Ors - 03-23-2008

' Wrote:you have to make a demand. - so far the rules. if you make no damand, you must not shoot him down.

if however, he starts shooting at you - and your shields drop to 50% or below, you ll be allowed to act in self defense. ( without completing your RP as a pirate )

a trader does not need to stop. - not complying to the request to cut the engines is not equal to = i don t want to pay your tax request that you had no time to write up yet.

mind you - if you can remember that trader, you may aswell take him down to 1% next time you see him before you even start talking to him. - surprisingly traders comply much easier once they used their bots / bats and are down to 1%. - but i would only do that if you , and possibly he knows why that is ( with a little reminder like "remember last time you tried to cruise on me and even shot me" )

edit: happens to Clovet, too sometimes - i am quite unhappy - but i sometimes just dish out a "give me 500k" - instead of the usual chat. ( and i only do that, to be on the safe side, not cause its good RP )

it's true that trader don't have to stop, but if you're a trader, and you got CDed and being shot at, the RP sense will be to stop and pay up or at least RP something, not just keep going, that will get you nowhere.. and in my opinion, that is OORP big time as it is against the human nature and logic.

there are a lot of traders i come by while trading that will lose their ship and cargo before stopping or paying 1 credit to a pirate, that is a problem on the trader side of the whole pirating RP and should be handeled as well.

Pirat-Trader rules clarification - Tic - 03-23-2008

Thats the problem with game...

"If i get killed i just come back and no loss..."

In real life, if you had 10 mils and some guy comes and says give me all or i will kill you, you would give him money the same second.

Pirat-Trader rules clarification - chopper - 03-23-2008

Quote:He didnt, just started turning in circles
and firing his turrets around. I blown him up.

Problem is.. You didn't say he attacked you. So I guess he didn't.
If he didn't - you made a violation. If he did - you didn't make a violation.

If you tell him to stop, and he doesn't - CD him.
If he starts cruise engines again, you have enough time for short RP message before you need to shoot CD again, +5 seconds from the first CD.
Always make a demand. It's totally normal for a trader to try to run.
That doesn't give you the right to blow him up - at least not until you ask for credits.
Enough said.

Pirat-Trader rules clarification - ivr56 - 03-23-2008

after reading this, all it sounds like is an OORP trader who doesnt want to pay nor cooperate but instead shot you.
Solution: you kill him for not paying, not cooperating and in self defense

Pirat-Trader rules clarification - Snapp - 03-23-2008

My trader rarely stops or pays when asked by a pirate. for several logical reasons.

1. Why would a trader slow down or stop just to get pirated? (espescially in a system without lanes) The momentum built up is better used to evade or run. It would be like a hitchhiker holding a sign up on the side of the freeway that says "let me rob you". Sorry, no thank you. Anyways *sometimes* to traders the chase is what makes it fun and worthwhile. BUT it don't allways mean that by running i want you to kill me outright, my RP might be to make you chase me and wear me down first, if im in that mood.

2. I refuse to stop for or pay lazy pirates that just float in one spot or hover around a base and just wait for a trader to fly by. Put some effort into it or atleast make it look like you did or you wont get a single credit from me.

3. Hitting me with a CD is a good way to get my attention as im not allways looking right at the screen when im trading and may not see your tax demand immediatly. (i watch tv while i fly) To me the term "donation" is just a stupid way to try to make robbery "nice". A simple *1 mil...* is all i need to see and want to see, if your pirating me, i don't want small talk. Your nice and not pirating ill chat it up with ya as i fly through.

4. If you fire on me you may as well destroy me because you wont get a SINGLE credit from me by tapping on my shield or hull with your itchy trigger finger. It only annoys me and usually results in me opening fire myself.

Pirat-Trader rules clarification - Ors - 03-23-2008

' Wrote:My trader rarely stops or pays when asked by a pirate. for several logical reasons.

1. Why would a trader slow down or stop just to get pirated? (espescially in a system without lanes) The momentum built up is better used to evade or run. It would be like a hitchhiker holding a sign up on the side of the freeway that says "let me rob you". Sorry, no thank you. Anyways *sometimes* to traders the chase is what makes it fun and worthwhile. BUT it don't allways mean that by running i want you to kill me outright, my RP might be to make you chase me and wear me down first, if im in that mood.

if a pirate just say in system chat "halt" and doesn't do anything to support that order of his, than tough for him, he won't get ships to stop and a trader shouldn't stop.
if you get CDed, than continue to run, and when addressed you don't reply at all and just keep on running, well... it just makes the other side more angry and trigger happy, and it shows you as someone that isn't gonna RP the scenario or pay up.

' Wrote:2. I refuse to stop for or pay lazy pirates that just float in one spot or hover around a base and just wait for a trader to fly by. Put some effort into it or atleast make it look like you did or you wont get a single credit from me.

if a pirate babysits a hole, it's a bit lazy, yes, but remember that for the pirate, it's a pretty boring time, sitting by a JH waiting for a ship to come.

' Wrote:3. Hitting me with a CD is a good way to get my attention as im not allways looking right at the screen when im trading and may not see your tax demand immediatly. (i watch tv while i fly) To me the term "donation" is just a stupid way to try to make robbery "nice". A simple *1 mil...* is all i need to see and want to see, if your pirating me, i don't want small talk. Your nice and not pirating ill chat it up with ya as i fly through.

i don't agree at all with this statement. getting pirated is an RP scenario, you need to RP it as much as possible, the biggest problem with pirates today is the "2 mil or die" approach a lot of them are taking.
it takes all the fun out of it, making it a tasteless encounter.

' Wrote:4. If you fire on me you may as well destroy me because you wont get a SINGLE credit from me by tapping on my shield or hull with your itchy trigger finger. It only annoys me and usually results in me opening fire myself.

i'm sorry mate, but that is OORP. you are a trader, your concern is getting your cargo to it's destination as safley and as fully as possible.
if you are being shot at, it means both the cargo you are in charge of and both your ship - your livelihood, are at stake here, refusing to pay and shooting back till you are destroyed, that is oposite to any real basic instinct and nature.
if you look at it in RP - there is no respawn button in RP. if you lose your ship, you lose a lot more than the cargo on it, you lose your source of income and the money you paid for it. you have to wait for a new ship to be constructed so you could buy it, etc...

EDIT: i'm sorry, but the "I have a respawn button i rather be destroyed than pay a pirate" approach is ruining the whole RP of pirating encounters, and drives even the most RP oriented pirates to the pirating approach of "2 mil or die".

Pirat-Trader rules clarification - Tic - 03-23-2008

' Wrote:4. If you fire on me you may as well destroy me because you wont get a SINGLE credit from me by tapping on my shield or hull with your itchy trigger finger. It only annoys me and usually results in me opening fire myself.

THIS is the problem im talking about. Today most traders think like this;

- Hey, you just kill me, im gonna respawn anyway, hahahahaha...

- Who is this moron bothering me now, cant he see im making money for my new battleship...

- Bastard, he killed me... Hmmm, i guess i'm gonna read the rules these days... Maybe i can nail him for something...

- If he kills me, im just gonna report him for something, and then he will see who is he gonna pirate...

- What does he want... Like i care...

I saw about 15 traders in past 2 days, and only 1 of them -=Dr.Duke=- RPed like normal trader. The rest
didnt answer, F1ed and cursed me on privat channel after i killed them. And i cant even have my game
recorder on anymore because it seems i get banned every time i filming with it...

I know it would be more work for admins, but perhaps they could make sanctionable acting like this, it
s totally OORP and it's not logical even a bit...

Pirat-Trader rules clarification - Reverend Del - 03-23-2008

' Wrote:My trader rarely stops or pays when asked by a pirate. for several logical reasons.

1. Why would a trader slow down or stop just to get pirated? (espescially in a system without lanes) The momentum built up is better used to evade or run. It would be like a hitchhiker holding a sign up on the side of the freeway that says "let me rob you". Sorry, no thank you. Anyways *sometimes* to traders the chase is what makes it fun and worthwhile. BUT it don't allways mean that by running i want you to kill me outright, my RP might be to make you chase me and wear me down first, if im in that mood.

Right this conflicts with your later point that you will not pay anyone that trys to wear you down, if you want a chase, let the pirate know, if he knows he's going to have to work for his cash he may actually be willing to chase rather than blow you out of space.

' Wrote:2. I refuse to stop for or pay lazy pirates that just float in one spot or hover around a base and just wait for a trader to fly by. Put some effort into it or atleast make it look like you did or you wont get a single credit from me.

Pirates camp, we camp on trade lanes because it's more efficient having you come to us than us trying to find you in the thousands of K each system has. If you use the lanes expect pirates, if you use the Jumphole network expect pirates, basically expect pirates.

' Wrote:3. Hitting me with a CD is a good way to get my attention as im not allways looking right at the screen when im trading and may not see your tax demand immediatly. (i watch tv while i fly) To me the term "donation" is just a stupid way to try to make robbery "nice". A simple *1 mil...* is all i need to see and want to see, if your pirating me, i don't want small talk. Your nice and not pirating ill chat it up with ya as i fly through.

I trade without paying atention, sometimes I trade with solars up rather than important up so I can get a heads up on Jh and bases and I do need attention drawn to the fact I'm being pirated, the other point though is bunk, it run's counter to what every decent trader and pirate wants, good RP.

' Wrote:4. If you fire on me you may as well destroy me because you wont get a SINGLE credit from me by tapping on my shield or hull with your itchy trigger finger. It only annoys me and usually results in me opening fire myself.

The rules state that a pirate can bring you to within an inch of your life before making his demands, normally this involves stripping you of your shield as a statement of intent, at least it does for me. If I tell you to stop and you don't I will CD you, and then I will strip your shields and then I will state my demands. I will do this in Rp and I will expect some RP back, if I don't get it I'll remember for the future and you will only get a simple demand. If you refuse to pay on the grounds of being able to respawn I will kick your backside around the system and remember you in the future.

As a Xeno you will be asked to drop your cargo or turn around, if you refuse you will die, it is that simple. There is no 24hour immunity, there is no bargaining, there is no hope. Foreign trade will be interdicted, on that note back into game to keep Liberty free of foreign muck.

Pirat-Trader rules clarification - Doom - 03-23-2008

Tic you have experienced something that is in gray areas of rules...

As pirate need to make a demand before killing a trader, blindly following the rules you had no right to kill that trader.

However, i too have done the same numerous times...and i will probably did it again...

The thing is that traders always ask from pirates to role play and that they hate 2 mill or die messages...well traders i have news for you....STOP WHEN PIRATE CD YOU....then we can role play with you...none of us will keep you CDed, dodge fire from you and/or NPCs and still make nice small talk with you...

Continuous refusal to communicate or stop even when you clearly cant run from pirate, makes you target in my eyes...