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Where's the SA and LPI when you need them? - Printable Version

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Where's the SA and LPI when you need them? - MB52 - 03-24-2008

' Wrote:I'd say Colorado-Ontario-California-NY-Colorado makes much more of a loop.

Yeah but my LPI doesn't like jumpholes.... :nyam:

Where's the SA and LPI when you need them? - Niezck - 03-24-2008

Well the LR and DPL have addopted a policy of no-entry into NY unless necessary. LR sticks to California, DPL to Galileo usually.


Where's the SA and LPI when you need them? - Zapp - 03-25-2008


Where's the SA and LPI when you need them? - looqas - 03-25-2008

' Wrote:I must admit the SA do spend a lot of time in New York. Today, they were sitting there with various other lawful players outside of Manhattan having a "festival".

The festival? Random starfliers with silly names ("", "your.toilet" etc) slamming into the lawful ships. The justification? "People are launching furnishings into space". I must admit, I did laugh when I saw the hundreds of death messages + a few rampages. I never knew there was a message for 15 kills either.
But if I actually pirated during the "festival" in Colorado/California, I bet nobody would come to the traders' aid. That's the problem, lawfuls are too concentrated in Liberty. If you don't move about, we pirates will stay in the same spots also. But we'd be getting money from it, you'd be getting oorp system chat...

And that's exactly the fun part. Cat and mouse. The authorioties should keep tabs on whwt system is "hot" and what is not.

I actually laughed out loud when I entered with my trading partner the California back then and I RP announced our route. He PMed me and said like "Don't say that out loud" and was genuinely afraid of the mighty Kassad robbing him blind. It actually made very entertaining RP experience since he genuinely liked his money and was forced to act like he cared.

Where's the SA and LPI when you need them? - Vape - 03-25-2008

' Wrote:Well the LR and DPL have addopted a policy of no-entry into NY unless necessary. LR sticks to California, DPL to Galileo usually.

yeah right grav, the birmingham was ganged by one of your minions in a gunboat and another gunboat plus a falcata in NY last night.
they decided to restrict access to the California Jumpgate

Where's the SA and LPI when you need them? - chopper - 03-25-2008

LPI will most certainly not going protect anyone near Ontario JH.
We only do the patrolling (sometimes, we are mostly lazy) around populated areas, including the trade lanes too.
Jump holes, badlands, asteroid/mine fields are not our concern.
If a trader is dumb enough to go there - well, his problem. And not our job!:)

Where's the SA and LPI when you need them? - bluntpencil2001 - 03-25-2008

They're getting stoned on hash-donuts. No joke.

Where's the SA and LPI when you need them? - Etaphreven - 03-25-2008

' Wrote:They're getting stoned on hash-donuts. No joke.

Dat be not true! Mistah Afosolonso ga' me good donuts! Den the Navy got POSSESSED and hunted me for dem! I tell you, everyone wants dem donuts! I want muoore, Mistah Alofonso!

Where's the SA and LPI when you need them? - Turkish - 03-25-2008

' Wrote:And that's exactly the fun part. Cat and mouse. The authorioties should keep tabs on whwt system is "hot" and what is not.

I actually laughed out loud when I entered with my trading partner the California back then and I RP announced our route. He PMed me and said like "Don't say that out loud" and was genuinely afraid of the mighty Kassad robbing him blind. It actually made very entertaining RP experience since he genuinely liked his money and was forced to act like he cared.

Unfortunately that whole concept of "Cat and Mouse" gets despoiled once you realise that New York is always hot. I've already stepped up patrols in both Colorado and California, but it hasn't been seen much as of yet, guess why. They always get caught up with attacks in New York.

Where's the SA and LPI when you need them? - firesilver - 03-25-2008

I would patrol but my ship is a patriot, so, cant really take on pirates lol