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Regarding the IDs - Printable Version

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Regarding the IDs - Ursus - 01-19-2012

Freelancers can use the bounty boards and do not have ZOI restrictions.

To make a vigilante, first make a freelancer, and then sign up on the bounty boards that have blanket bounties on the type of villains you want to hunt for your RP, then RP a vigilante as you do it. It is exactly the same at that point.

For slavers, find a group that is willing to put a public bounty on slave traders (or join with others and make it yourself), include the option to demand human cargo in the bounty, and now you have a slaver again.


Regarding the IDs - Bloody Reverb - 01-19-2012

' Wrote:sign up on the bounty boards that have blanket bounties on the type of villains you want to hunt for your RP, then RP a vigilante as you do it. It is exactly the same at that point.

and that is what i dont want...(not only me)
' Wrote:sign up on the bounty boards

Regarding the IDs - Kaghuros - 01-19-2012

Aren't they making a Ranger ID for vigilantes?

Regarding the IDs - FGDireito - 01-19-2012

' Wrote:As for the researcher ID, if you're a researcher for a specific company, e.g. researching new drugs for Cryer, use that faction's ID. If you're a freelance researcher, use the *gasp* Freelance ID! Again, let yr RP dictate who you are. The only problem I've seen is that people are unhappy about not being able to use the corvo anymore, however there are other research ships, like the KuEx, or the X-Shuttle.

sure, but the corvo was also the only cool looking ship that acctualy looked like a research vassel
even the old model of the corvo looked better then the KuEx, and the X-Shuttle

Regarding the IDs - Hone - 01-19-2012

Well, then I suppose what we need, if there really is sufficient amount of interest, and players who RP researchers, is some more/better research themed ships. Perhaps Even with some bonus to research activities, whatever they would be.

On another Note, I think that the freelance Miner ID, could be merged with the Freelancer ID. I dont see that it would cause any problems, as you cannot mine in a gunboat anyway, so if you wish to mine with the freelancer ID, you will still need the same setup as someone who flies with the freelance miner ID. And Miners can no longer pirate, so that wont conflict with the freelancer ID.
Merging these IDs would be good, because it could give freelancers something more to do when there is no-one around to hire them.

Regarding the IDs - Tunicle - 01-19-2012

' Wrote:Perhaps Even with some bonus to research activities, whatever they would be.

Maybe the bonus was actually RPing a "disinterested" pilot only collecting data and researching. It was amazing how many people would talk rather than shoot when they saw a researcher ID.

Not sure what the Researcher abuse was that caused them to be merged, but it couldn't be any worse that the abuse many of the established faction ID's display.

Regarding the IDs - FGDireito - 01-21-2012

To start off I need to say that I really liked the idea of merging the Generic IDs
BUT I think that the way it was made it was too extreme, because some types of RP were killed with this careless merge
well my post here is just to show you how I think this merged should have been made:

Freelancer ID + FL Mercenary ID + FL Trader ID + FL Smuggler ID
Quote:Freelancer ID
Pilot carrying this ID is a Freelancer, who:

Can fulfill bounty contracts.

Can provide services for lawfull or unlawfull if paid to do so.

Can only fire on traders in self-defense or if the trader fires on or is bountied by the Freelancers's employer.

Cannot demand cargo or contraband unless specified in employer's bounty.

Cannot demand credits.

Can smuggle and escort smugglers, but may be engaged by lawful Police or Military when carrying illigal cargo.

Can trade and escort traders, but cannot use any transports with more than 3,500 cargo. (Except the Pirate Train)

Allowed ships: Fighters, Bombers, Freighters, Transports, Pirate Train, Gunboats

Researcher ID
Quote:Researcher ID
Pilot carrying this ID is a Researcher, who:

Is working for his actual IFF signal (having no IFF will be treated as Freelancer)

Can trade. Cannot escort traders.

Can legally trade: Artifacts, Cardamine, Gaian Wildlife, Human Organs, Liquid Cardamine and Synthetic Marijuana

Cannot participate in unlawful actions, this includes smuggle.

Can fire on other ships only in selfdefense.

Cannot use any transports with more than 2,000 cargo

Allowed ships: Fighters, Freighters, Transports, Gunboats, Corvo Cruiser

Slaver ID
Quote:Slaver ID
Pilot carrying this ID is a Slaver, who:

Can trade and escort traders. Can smuggle and escort smugglers.

Can only demand Pilots and Human Organs, from any ship, and attack them if they do not comply.

With the exception of the above this player can only fire on other ships in selfdefense, or in defense of a ship being escorted.

Cannot use any transports with more than 3,500 cargo, except the Pilgrim Liner

May be engaged by lawful factions, if caught smuggling or demanding Pilots and Human Organs from other ships.

Allowed ships: Fighters, Freighters, Transports, Pilgrim Liner

Also the Civilian ID (it is really the only protection of newcomers), and Vigilante ID should came back.
I would like to hear your thoughts about my sugestions, and please discuss.